不列顛群島的歐亞鴝(Erithacus rubecula melophilus)與歐洲大陸的歐亞鴝(E. r. rubecula)分別在於,前者胸前羽毛顏色較鮮艷,頂部呈綠色,而不是灰色。棲息於非洲西北部、科西嘉島及薩丁島的歐亞鴝為E. r. witherbyi。棲息在最東北面,體型較大,毛色較淡的為E. r. tataricus。在東南面,克里米亚上的為E. r. valens,高加索和外高加索北部的為E. r. caucasicus,而在外高加索東南部的E. r. hyrcanus則被視為瀕臨絕種。
Dietzen, C.; Witt, H.-H. & Wink, M. (2003): The phylogeographic differentiation of the robin Erithacus rubecula on the Canary Islands revealed by mitochondrial DNA sequence data and morphometrics: evidence for a new robin taxon on Gran Canaria? Avian Science3(2-3): 115-131. PDF fulltext (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
Lack, David (1953): The Life of the Robin. Penguin Books.
Pätzold, (1995): Das Rotkehlchen Erithacus rubecula. Neue Brehm-Bücherei520. Westarp Wissenschaften/Spektrum, Magdeburg/Heidelberg. ISBN 3-89432-423-6
Seki, Shin-Ichi (2006): The origin of the East Asian Erithacus robin, Erithacus komadori, inferred from cytochrome b sequence data. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution39(3): 899–905. DOI:10.1016/j.ympev.2006.01.028
Public Petition Committee of the Scottish Parliament. National Bird (PE783). 10 Nov 2004. Quoted from the Enterprise and Culture Committee Agenda (25th Meeting, session 2) on 31 Oct 2006 of the Scottish Parliament.[1]