梯子悖論 (英語:Ladder Paradox ;或稱為竿與穀倉悖論 ,英語:Barn-pole Paradox )是狹義相對論 的思想實驗 。
其內容如下。假設有一個梯子,和一個有前門與後門的穀倉。其中梯子的靜止長度 比穀倉前、後門間的靜止長度 要長。如果梯子不移動的話,其是無法容納進整個穀倉裡的。
這明顯的悖論 是來自於錯誤地假設同時性是絕對的。如果梯子的兩端能夠同時在穀倉裡面,則會認為梯子能夠容納進穀倉裡。因此這個悖論可以由考慮到在相對論中,同時性對每位觀察者是相對的 來解決。換句話說,梯子是否能夠容納進穀倉裡是取決於觀察者的。
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van Lintel, Harald; Gruber, Christian. The rod and hole paradox re-examined. European Journal of Physics. 2005, 26 (1): 19–23. Bibcode:2005EJPh...26...19V . S2CID 121888743 . doi:10.1088/0143-0807/26/1/003 .
Iyer, Chandru; Prabhu, G. M. Reversal in the time order of interactive events: the collision of inclined rods. European Journal of Physics. 2008, 27 (4): 819–824. Bibcode:2006EJPh...27..819I . S2CID 117711286 . arXiv:0809.1721 . doi:10.1088/0143-0807/27/4/013 .
Pierce, Evan. The lock and key paradox and the limits of rigidity in special relativity. American Journal of Physics. 2007, 75 (7): 610–614. Bibcode:2007AmJPh..75..610P . doi:10.1119/1.2711827 .
Iyer, Chandru; Prabhu, G. M. Differing observations on the landing of the rod into the slot. American Journal of Physics. 2008, 74 (11): 998–1001. Bibcode:2006AmJPh..74..998I . S2CID 55801261 . arXiv:0809.1740 . doi:10.1119/1.2346686 .
McGlynn, Enda; van Kampen, Paul. A note on linking electric current, magnetic fields, charges and the pole in a barn paradox in special relativity. European Journal of Physics. 2008, 29 (6): N63–N67. Bibcode:2008EJPh...29...63M . S2CID 121939564 . doi:10.1088/0143-0807/29/6/N03 .
基礎概念 现象 時空 運動學 動力學 歷史背景 科學家 相關理論方法
Edwin F. Taylor and John Archibald Wheeler, Spacetime Physics (2nd ed) (Freeman, NY, 1992)
- discusses various apparent SR paradoxes and their solutions
Special Relativity Animations from John de Pillis. This inter-active animated train-and-tunnel paradox is an analog of the pole (train) and barn (tunnel) paradox.