
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 节肢动物门 Arthropoda
亚门: 甲殼亞門 Crustacea
纲: 软甲纲 Malacostraca
目: 十足目 Decapoda
亚目: 腹胚亚目 Pleocyemata
下目: 短尾下目 Brachyura
科: 濱蟹科 Carcinidae
属: 濱蟹屬 Carcinus
普通濱蟹 C. maenas
Carcinus maenas
(Linnaeus, 1758) [1]
  • Cancer maenas
  • Cancer granarius
  • Cancer viridis
  • Cancer pygmeus
  • Cancer rhomboidalis
  • Megalopa montagui
  • Cancer granulatus

普通濱蟹學名Carcinus maenas),又名美娜斯濱蟹三葉真蟹,是濱海帶很普遍的[2]它們原產於東北大西洋波羅的海,但進佔到相似環境的澳洲南非南美洲北美洲的大西洋和太平洋海岸。它們闊9厘米,吃多種軟體動物蠕蟲及細小的甲殼類,對多種漁業潛藏影響。國際自然保護聯盟物種存續委員會的入侵物種專家小組(ISSG)列為世界百大外來入侵種








普通濱蟹在北美洲最先是於1817年的麻薩諸塞州發現,現已向南擴展至維吉尼亞州南部。2007年,它們的分佈地已擴展至加拿大紐芬蘭-拉布拉多布雷森莎灣(Placentia Bay)。[6]於1989年,它們出沒於舊金山灣。它們於1997年、1998年及1999年分別抵達俄勒岡州華盛頓州英屬哥倫比亞[7][8],10年內擴展達750公里。[9]到了2003年,它們更走到南美洲巴塔哥尼亞[10]

澳洲,普通濱蟹首先於1800年代在維多利亞州菲利普港(Port Phillip)發現。自此它們散佈到東南及西南海岸,並於1971年、1976年及1993年分別到達新南威爾士南澳洲州塔斯曼尼亞。於1965年在西澳州發現一隻普通濱蟹,但卻自此沒有再發現其他。[11]

普通濱蟹首次於1983年在南非開普敦出現。[12]自此它們擴散至北方的沙丹那灣(Saldanha Bay)及南方的坎普斯灣(Camps Bay)。












北美洲東部的藍蟹能夠控制普通濱蟹的群落。這兩個物種的數量是負相關的,切薩皮克灣並沒有普通濱蟹,但藍蟹的數量卻很豐富。[26]在北美洲西岸,普通濱蟹因受到當地Romaleon antennarium紅黃道蟹的掠食及與黃色食草蟹的競爭而受限於上河口[27]蟹奴屬Sacculina carcini的宿主特異性測試發現它們可以是普通濱蟹的生物防治。[28]蟹奴屬會選擇、感染及殺死原產於加利福尼亞州,包括首長黃道蟹紫色食草蟹、黃色食草蟹及粗腿厚紋蟹。故此若使用蟹奴屬對付普通濱蟹,也會對當地的其他生物造成影響。[28]




  1. ^ Peter K. L. Ng, Danièle Guinot & Peter J. F. Davie. Systema Brachyurorum: Part I. An annotated checklist of extant Brachyuran crabs of the world (PDF). Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. 2008, 17: 1–286. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2011-06-06). 
  2. ^ 100 of the World's Worst Invasive Alien Species. Invasive Species Specialist Group. [2010-06-19]. (原始内容存档于2015-05-22). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 S. B. Yamada & L. Hauck. Field identification of the European green crab species: Carcinus maenas and Carcinus aestuarii (PDF). Journal of Shellfish Research. 2001, 20 (3): 905–9. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2007-09-27). 
  4. ^ J. V. Brian, T. Fernandes, R. J. Ladle & P. A. Todd. Patterns of morphological and genetic variability in UK populations of the shore crab, Carcinus maenas Linnaeus, 1758 (Crustacea : Decapoda : Brachyura). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology. 2005, 329 (1): 47–54. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2005.08.002. 
  5. ^ A. McKnight, L. M. Mathres, R. Avery & K. T. Lee. Distribution is correlated with color phase in green crabs, Carcinus maenas (Linnaeus, 1758) in southern New England. Crustaceana. 2000, 73 (6): 763–8 [2010-06-19]. doi:10.1163/156854000504787. (原始内容存档于2013-10-14). 
  6. ^ Greg Klassen and Andrea Locke. A biological synopsis of the European green crab, Carcinus maenas (PDF). Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences No. 2818. Fisheries and Oceans Canada. 2007. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2010-08-16). 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Prince William Sound Regional Citizens' Advisory Council. Non-indigenous aquatic species of concern for Alaska. Fact Sheet 1 (PDF). 2004 [2006-03-09]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2006-02-16). 
  8. ^ E. D. Grosholz & G. M. Ruiz. Predicting the impact of introduced marine species: Lessons from the multiple invasions of the European green crab Carcinus maenas. Biological Conservation. 1996, 78 (1-2): 59–66. doi:10.1016/0006-3207(94)00018-2. 
  9. ^ Green Crab Control Committee. Management plan for European Green Crab (PDF). United States Federal Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force. 2002-11-13 [2010-06-19]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2021-03-22). 
  10. ^ F. J. Hidalgo; et al. A prediction come true: the green crab invades the Patagonian coast. Biological Invasions. 2005, 7 (3): 547–52. doi:10.1007/s10530-004-5452-3. 
  11. ^ R. Thresher, C. Proctor, G. Ruiz, R. Gurney, C. MacKinnon, W. Walton, L. Rodriguez & N. Bax. Invasion dynamics of the European shore crab, Carcinus maenas, in Australia (PDF). Marine Biology. 2003, 142 (5): 867–76. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2007-06-12). 
  12. ^ P. J. Le Roux, G. M. Branch & M. A. P. Joska. On the distribution, diet, and possible impact of the invasive European shore crab Carcinus maenas (L.) along the South African coast. South African Journal of Marine Science. 1990, 9 (1): 85–93. doi:10.2989/025776190784378835. 
  13. ^ T. J. Carlton & A. N. Cohen. Episodic global dispersal in shallow water marine organisms: the case history of the European shore crabs Carcinus maenas and C. aestuarii (PDF). Journal of Biogeography. 2003, 30 (12): 1809–20. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2699.2003.00962.x. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2008-08-29). 
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  15. ^ A. N. Cohen & T. J. Carlton. Introduction, dispersal and potential impacts of the green crab Carcinus maenas in San Francisco Bay, California. Marine Biology. 1995, 122 (2): 225–37. doi:10.1007/BF00348935. [永久失效連結]
  16. ^ J. Roman & S. R. Palumbi. A global invader at home: population structure of the green crab, Carcinus maenas, in Europe (PDF). Molecular Ecology. 2004, 13 (10): 2891–8 [2010-06-19]. PMID 15367106. doi:10.1111/j.1365-294X.2004.02255.x. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2007-02-05). 
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  18. ^ B. Bedini. Colour change and mimicry from juvenile to adult: Xantho poressa (Olivi, 1792) (Brachyura, Xanthidae) and Carcinus maenas (Linnaeus, 1758) (Brachyura, Portunidae). Crustaceana. 2002, 75 (5): 703–10. doi:10.1163/156854002760202688. 
  19. ^ G. Miron; et al. Predation potential of the invasive green crab (Carcinus maenas) and other common predators on commercial bivalve species found on Prince Edward island (PDF). Journal of Shellfish Research. 2005, 24 (2): 579–86. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2007-09-27). 
  20. ^ European green crab. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. [2010-02-12]. (原始内容存档于2008-06-13). 
  21. ^ M. Novak. Diurnal activity in a group of Maine decapods. Crustaceana (PDF). 2004, 77 (5): 603–20. doi:10.1163/1568540041717975. 
  22. ^ E. D. Grosholz. Recent biological invasion may hasten invasional meltdown by accelerating historical introductions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2005, 102 (4): 1088–91 [2010-06-19]. PMC 545825可免费查阅. PMID 15657121. doi:10.1073/pnas.0308547102. (原始内容存档于2008-05-23). 
  23. ^ D. L. Taylor. Predatory impact of the green crab (Carcinus maenas Linnaeus) on post-settlement winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus Walbaum) as revealed by immunological dietary analysis. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 2005, 324 (2): 112–26. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2005.04.014. 
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  26. ^ C. E. DeRivera, G. M. Ruiz, A. H. Hines & P. Jivoff. Biotic resistance to invasion: Native predator limits abundance and distribution of an introduced crab (PDF). Ecology. 2005, 86 (12): 3367–76. doi:10.1890/05-0479. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2010-06-10). 
  27. ^ S. B. Yamada. Global invader: the European Green Crab. Oregon Sea Grant. 2001: 123. ISBN 1-881826-24-4. 
  28. ^ 28.0 28.1 J. H. R. Goddard, M. E. Torchin, A. M. Kuris & K. D. Lafferty. Host specificity of Sacculina carcini, a potential biological control agent of introduced European green crab Carcinus maenas in California (PDF). Biological Invasions. 2005, 7 (6): 895–912 [2010-06-19]. doi:10.1007/s10530-003-2981-0. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2017-08-08). 
  29. ^ FAO Nominal Catches: Carcinus maenas. FishBase. [2010-06-19]. (原始内容存档于2010-08-08).