忍者龙剑传III 黄泉的方船

忍者龙剑传III 黄泉的方船
  • 忍者龍剣伝III 黄泉の方船
  • Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom
平台红白机雅达利LynxTiger Handheld超级任天堂Virtual Console
  • 日本:1991年6月21日
  • 北美:1991年8月
Virtual Console
  • 北美:2008年2月18日(Wii)
  • 北美:2013年11月28日(3DS)
  • 欧洲:2014年1月23日(3DS)
  • 北美:1993年
  • 欧洲:1993年

忍者龙剑传III 黄泉的方船(日版名:忍者龍剣伝III 黄泉の方船,英文版名:Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom特库摩开发并发行的横向卷轴平台游戏。游戏于1991年6月在日本红白机上发行,两个月后在北美发行。游戏后由雅达利移植到雅达利Lynx,并在美欧发行。游戏还在1995年超级任天堂合辑《忍者龍劍傳 巴》上发行。此后直到2008年,游戏才在北美Wii Virtual Console上再版;游戏于2013年和2014年分别在北美和欧洲的任天堂3DS Virtual Console 发行。加藤正人接替红白机前两作设计师吉泽秀雄,擔任本作的设计。

游戏是忍者龙剑传三部曲的第三作,情节设定于系列前两作《忍者龙剑传》和《忍者龙剑传II 暗黑的邪神剑》之间。玩家操控被陷害謀殺艾琳的隼龙,调查她背后的真相。他最终发现,CIA特工福斯特和另一人克兰西利用次元狭缝,创造并操控注入能量的人工生命體。游戏机制和前两部忍者龙剑传类似,但新增抓吊上方绳索與提升剑威力等操作。




《忍者龙剑传III 黄泉的方船》是横向卷轴平台游戏,玩家在遊戲中控制主人公隼龙。龙可以跳跃、抓吊、攀壁;同時按方向键和跳跃键可让龙跳离抓攀的墙壁。龙还可以在攀壁时按攻击键,使用忍具攻击敌人[1]。本作新增龙抓吊上方绳索和藤蔓的功能,此時龙可以繼續上跳或是跳下,龙此时同样只能使用忍具攻击敌人[2][3]






《忍者龙剑传III 黄泉的方船》的情节设定于《忍者龙剑传》和《忍者龙剑传II 暗黑的邪神剑》之间[11][12]。游戏情节都集中于关卡见的过场动画。首先登场的是前两作的主角之一艾琳·露,她现在是执行“红衣主教”任务的中央情报局(CIA)调查员。艾琳被面似隼龙的男子追杀到悬崖边,此时悬崖边缘崩塌,艾琳落入水中疑似身亡。之后是被控谋杀艾琳的龙的内心独白,他坚信这并非他所谓,而是有人陷害与他[2][13]。他首先调查了艾琳所调查的研究室。在仔细搜查实验室后,一神秘男人出现,让龙前往要塞岩石城堡,称他会在那里告诉龙艾琳的消息[2][14]






如同前两作《忍者龙剑传》和《忍者龙剑传II 暗黑的邪神剑》,《忍者龙剑传III 黄泉的方船》亦由特库摩开发并发行。游戏于1991年6月26日在日本红白机发行,同年8月在北美NES主机发行。雅达利在1993年将游戏移植到雅达利Lynx,特库摩又在1995年将游戏移植收录到超级任天堂合辑《忍者龙剑传 巴[29]。游戏于2008年2月18日在北美通过Wii Virtual Console再版[7],2013年和2014年分别在北美与欧洲的任天堂3DS Virtual Console再版。




《忍者龙剑传III 黄泉的方船》在1991年3月24日-25日东京消费者软件团体展会上展出时,游戏杂志《电子游戏月刊》对其进行了报道。杂志称《忍者龙剑传III》是迄今画面最佳的红白机游戏,“夺得系统之冠易如反掌”[35]。《任天堂力量》1991年7月号也对游戏做了预告。杂志称游戏囊括了之前忍者龙剑传的旧有特色,包括忍术及让初代《忍者龙剑传》走红的类似动画过场。《任天堂力量》还特别称赞龙的新招式和杰出的剧情[36]。《GamePro》杂志也在1991年8月报道了游戏,其中称游戏的视觉效果不错,可与前作比肩,同时卷轴也很出色[37]



几个现代游戏网站在2008年Virtual Console《忍者龙剑传III》版发行后评测了游戏,任天堂生活的Damien McFerran给出一般的评分,称其“未入许多电子游戏迷之视线”。他称游戏虽然画面不错,但缺点有“无稽”的剧情、布局不一的关卡设定、令人沮丧的难度,外加五次接关的限制。他称较之于本作,许多玩家更愿意游玩前两部忍者龙剑传游戏[7]IGN的卢卡斯·托马斯称赞了龙新增的攀壁能力、抓吊功能、良好的情节、以及龙剑剑光,以及真空波的等新要素。卢卡斯主要批评了游戏的难度,称其并非“奖励式的困难”、而是“遍地、恼人的困难,想让你用手柄砸向电视屏幕,然后去读书”。托马斯和任天堂生活类似,都提到了设计不一的关卡,并称故事越发离奇,如“仿生和克隆的怪异科幻主题”[9]Eurogamer也在忍者龙剑传系列的回顾中提到难度和剧情。他们称美版限制了接关数、提升了怪物威力、除去了密码系统,让难度远超日版;并认为剧情非常“扯淡”[42]


  1. ^ Instruction Manual (Lynx), p. 3.
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom. Nintendo Power. No. 27 (Redmond, WA: Nintendo). 1991-08: 8–19. ISSN 1041-9551. OCLC 18893582. 
  3. ^ Instruction Manual (Lynx), p. 4.
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Instruction Manual (NES), p. 8.
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Instruction Manual (Lynx), p. 5.
  6. ^ Instruction Manual (NES), p. 7.
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 7.2 McFerran, Damien. Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom (Virtual Console) review. Nintendo Life. 2008-02-19 [2010-11-01]. (原始内容存档于2011-07-23). 
  8. ^ Instruction Manual (NES), pp. 15–16.
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 9.2 Thomas, Lucas M. Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom Review. IGN. 2008-02-28 [2010-11-01]. (原始内容存档于2011-12-07). 
  10. ^ Electronic Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom LCD Video Game. Tiger Electronics. 1991. 785031WTIE-1. 
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 Derboo. Interview with Masato Kato. Hardcore Gaming 101. [2010-05-30]. (原始内容存档于2010-09-18). 
  12. ^ Instruction Manual (NES), p. 6. "After Ryu's victorious duel with Jaquio, Ashtar returned to the bowels of darkness and bided His time. But another evil creature was already on its way as another adventure awaits the unsuspecting Ryu Hayabusa..."
  13. ^ Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom. Ryu Hayabusa: "I killed Irene? No! Someone or something using my name killed Irene."
  14. ^ Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom. Clancy: "Go to the Castle Rock fortress...I don't have time to give you the details now, once you get there you'll learn all about Irene."
  15. ^ Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom. Foster: "No one has ever made it out of here alive. And no one ever will...Hmmm...I don't know what you're talking about. I heard that you killed Irene."
  16. ^ Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom. Ryu: "Just wait Foster, I won't rest until I find out the truth."
  17. ^ Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom. Ryu: "So you're the one who killed Irene and made me a murderer!" / Look-alike: "Sooo...What are you going to do about it?!"
  18. ^ Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom. Look-alike: "Ha ha, I don't just look like you. I've also acquired all of your strengths."
  19. ^ Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom. Look-alike: "Unfortunately, I can't get rid of you just yet, Foster's order."
  20. ^ Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom. Clancy: "I'm Clancy. I've been working on the 'Biohazard' plan with Foster. I can't work with him anymore. He has secretly created a monster called a BIO-NOID!"
  21. ^ Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom. Clancy: "There's an open seam between dimensions that was created when the Demon died. An unlimited supply of LIFE ENERGY is flowing from the seam inside the ruins of the fortress. Foster has rebuilt the fortress and was doing transformation experiments with life energy. Bio-noids are super humans that have been transformed with life energy."
  22. ^ Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom. Foster: "Unfortunately, I'm going to have to get rid of you. Imagine the bio-noid I could make by blasting your tough Dragon Clan body with life energy. Instead I'll extract the secret of Dragon Clan from your corpse, then I'll make a superior bio-noid."
  23. ^ Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom. Irene: "Did you think that I would die that easily? I had been working with the army when I discovered all about his plan."
  24. ^ Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom. Clancy: "Good work Ryu, and you too, Irene...Call it what you like. I'm not turning these ruins over to anyone. The subspace connection to the life energy is starting to open and I have to go now. The life energy and the secrets of the ruins will be mine!"
  25. ^ Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom. Look-alike: "Ha...I used all of my strength, but once here I was brought back to life by the energy...I've transmuted into a super being. I'll prove it by killing you."
  26. ^ Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom. Clancy: "These super-dimensional ruins are the foundation upon which a new world will be created. It's the new source of ALL LIFE!"
  27. ^ Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom. Clancy: "Listen carefully, Ryu. I want to protect the earth from humans...You know they should be wiped out, don't you? ... Ryu, join me! I'll even let you bring a perfect human to ride the ship with us. Once the earth is cleansed of humans we can start a new world!"
  28. ^ Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom. Ryu: "Humans are always striving to achieve. All of creatures living on earth, in all worlds, can never be just a part of someone's plans. Fortunately, mankind is never foolish enough to wipe itself out achieve some ambition."
  29. ^ Ninja Gaiden Trilogy Review. Electronic Gaming Monthly. No. 73 (Lombard, IL: Sendai Publications). 1995-08. ISSN 1058-918X. OCLC 23857173. 
  30. ^ McLaughlin, Rus. IGN Presents The History of Ninja Gaiden. IGN. 2008-01-28 [2010-05-14]. (原始内容存档于2010-09-18). 
  31. ^ 31.0 31.1 Slo' Mo. Nintendo ProView – Ninja Gaiden III. GamePro. No. 26 (Belmont, CA: SuperPlay, Inc.). 1991-09: 16. ISSN 1042-8658. OCLC 19231826. 
  32. ^ 32.0 32.1 Bro' Buzz. ProReview Lynx – Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom. GamePro. No. 56 (Belmont, CA: SuperPlay, Inc.). 1994-03: 144. ISSN 1042-8658. OCLC 19231826. 
  33. ^ 33.0 33.1 Semrad, Ed; Carpenter, Danyon; Manuel, Al; Sushi X. Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom (Lynx). Electronic Gaming Monthly. No. 58 (Lombard, IL: Sendai Publications). 1994-05. ISSN 1058-918X. OCLC 23857173. 
  34. ^ 34.0 34.1 Knight, Kyle. Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom. Allgame. [2010-11-01]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-14). 
  35. ^ International Outlook. Electronic Gaming Monthly. No. 23 (Lombard, IL: Sendai Publications). 1991-06: 76. ISSN 1058-918X. OCLC 23857173. 
  36. ^ Pak Watch. Nintendo Power. No. 26 (Redmond, WA: Nintendo). 1991-07: 95. ISSN 1041-9551. OCLC 18893582. 
  37. ^ Slo' Mo. Nintendo Preview – Ninja Gaiden III. GamePro. No. 25 (Belmont, CA: SuperPlay, Inc.). 1991-08: 28. ISSN 1042-8658. OCLC 19231826. 
  38. ^ EGM Exclusive: Ninja Gaiden III. Electronic Gaming Monthly. No. 24 (Lombard, IL: Sendai Publications). 1991-07: 94–95. ISSN 1058-918X. OCLC 23857173. 
  39. ^ Nintendo Power Awards '91. Nintendo Power. No. 34 (Redmond, WA: Nintendo). 1992-03: 98–99. ISSN 1041-9551. OCLC 18893582. 
  40. ^ Nintendo Power Awards '91 – The Nesters. Nintendo Power. No. 36 (Redmond, WA: Nintendo). 1992-05: 58–61. ISSN 1041-9551. OCLC 18893582. 
  41. ^ Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom. VideoGames & Computer Entertainment. No. 65 (Beverly Hills, CA: Larry Flynt Publications). 1994-06. ISSN 1059-2938. OCLC 25300986. 
  42. ^ Whitehead, Dan. History of Ninja Gaiden. Eurogamer. 2008-05-19 [2010-11-01]. (原始内容存档于2011-05-18). 
  • Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom [NES] Instructions. Tecmo. 1991. NES-3N-USA. 
  • Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom [Lynx] Instruction Manual. Sunnyvale, CA: Atari. 1993. PA2092. 
  • Tecmo. Ninja Gaiden III: The Ancient Ship of Doom. Nintendo Entertainment System. 1991-08. 

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