該著作主要由兩大部分組成,其中第一部分的內容按照每年的時間順序來編寫,第二部分則令人感到遺憾,當中充滿了不精確的年代時間表。似乎狄奧法內斯僅只備妥表格,為適當的日期留下空位,但這些卻是由他人(雨果·馮·霍特(英语:Hurter#Hugo von Hurter))所填寫的。在編年史依時間順序排列的第一部分裡,除了按世界的年數和使用基督纪年來推算時間外,狄奧法內斯還以表格的形式,介紹了羅馬皇帝、波斯君主、阿拉伯哈里发與五位普世牧首的在位年份,此舉導致書中的年代紀錄系統相當混亂[5],使該部分的價值並不高。
J. Classen in Bonn Corpus Scriptorum Hist. Byzantinae (1839–1841);
C. de Boor (1883–85), with an exhaustive treatise on the MS. and an elaborate index, [and an edition of the Latin version by Anastasius Bibliothecarius]
see also the monograph by Jules Pargoire, Saint Theophane le Chronographe et ses rapports avec saint Theodore studite," in VizVrem, ix. (St Petersburg, 1902).
C. Krumbacher, Geschichte der byzantinischen Litleratur (1897);
Ein Dithyrambus auf Theophanes Confessor (a panegyric on Theophanes by a certain proto-asecretis, or chief secretary, under Constantine Porphyrogenitus), Eine neue Vita des Theophanes Confessor (anonymous), both edited by the same writer in Sitzungsbertchte der philos.-philol. und der hist. CI. der k. bayer. Akad. der Wissenschaften (1896, pp. 583– 625; and 1897, pp. 371–399);
Mango, Cyril. Who Wrote the Chronicle of Theophanes?. Zborknik Radova Vizantinoškog Instituta. 1978, 18: 9–18. — republished in id., Byzantium and its Image, London 1984.
Combefis(英语:François Combefis). Venice. 1729. — An editions of the Chronicle with annotations and corrections.
The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor: Byzantine and Near Eastern History AD 284–813. 由Mango, Cyril; Scott, Roger翻译. Oxford. 1997. — a translations of the Chronicle
Chronographia. Bilingual document in Latin and Greek, in Spanish National Library (BN), 2 parts DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34638.20802 and DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36368.35840