- Abanchogastra Perkins, 1902
- Abanchogastra hawaiiensis (Ashmead, 1901)
- Absyrtus Holmgren, 1859
- Abzaria Cameron, 1885
- Acaenitellus Morley, 1913
- Acaenitus Latreille, 1809
- Acanthobenyllus Heinrich, 1938
- Acanthocryptus Thomson, 1873
- Acantholabus Heinrich, 1974
- Acerastes Cushman, 1929
- Aceratapsis
- 方盾姬蜂属 Acerataspis Uchida, 1934
- Achaius Cameron, 1903
- Achaiusoides Tereshkin, 2011
- 屑头姬蜂属 Achorocephalus Kriechbaumer, 1899
- Acidnus Townes, 1969
- Acidnus ensifer Townes, 1970
- 光背姬蜂属 Aclastus Förster, 1869
- Aclosmation Gauld, 1984
- Acoenitus Latreille, 1809
- Acolobus Wesmael, 1845
- Aconias Cameron, 1904
- Acorystus Townes, 1969
- Acourtia Cockerell, 1921
- 锤跗姬蜂属 Acrodactyla Haliday, 1839
- Acrolyta Förster, 1869
- Acromia Townes, 1961
- 顶姬蜂属 Acropimpla Townes, 1960
- 巢姬蜂属 Acroricnus Ratzeburg, 1852
- Acrorinus
- Acrotaphus Townes, 1960
- Acrotomus Holmgren, 1857
- Aculichneumon Heinrich, 1937
- Aculicoxa Gauld, 1984
- Adelognathus Holmgren, 1857
- Adelopimpla Schulz, 1906
- Adelotropis Waterston, 1921
- Adelphion Townes, 1969
- Aderaeon Townes et Townes, 1949
- Aechmeta Townes, 1969
- Aeglocryptus Porter, 1987
- Aeliopotes Porter, 1985
- Aeneonaenaria Heinrich, 1974
- Aethecerus Wesmael, 1845
- Aethiamblys Heinrich, 1967
- Aethianoplis Heinrich, 1969
- Aethiopischnus Heinrich, 1938
- Aethioplites Heinrich, 1938
- Aethioplitops Heinrich, 1969
- Afrectopius Heinrich, 1936
- 非姬蜂属 Afrephialtes Benoit, 1953
- Afretha Seyrig, 1952
- Afroanomalia Varga, 2018
- Afrobystra Heinrich, 1969
- Afrocoelichneumon Heinrich, 1938
- Afrolongichneumon Heinrich, 1969
- Afromelanichneumon Heinrich, 1938
- Afromevesia Roman, 1924
- Afrophion Gauld, 1979
- Afrosphincta Benoit, 1953
- Afrotrogus Heinrich, 1938
- Agapia Kopylov, 2012
- Agapteron Kopylov, 2012
- 权姬蜂属 Agasthenes Förster, 1869
- Agathilla Westwood, 1882
- Agathophiona Westwood, 1882
- Aglaodina Porter, 1987
- Aglaojoppa Cameron, 1901
- Agonocryptus Cushman, 1929
- 潜水蜂属 Agriotypus Curtis, 1832
- 田猎姬蜂属 Agrothereutes Förster, 1850
- 阿格姬蜂属 Agrypon Förster, 1860
- Ahilya Gupta et Gupta, 1983
- Aiura Onody et Penteado-Dias, 2006
- Akymichneumon Gauld, 1984
- Alaothyris Gauld, 1984
- Albertocryptus McKellar, Kopylov et Engel, 2013
- Alcima Förster, 1869
- Alcochera Forster, 1869
- Alegina Förster, 1868
- Alexeter Förster, 1869
- Algathia Cameron, 1902
- Allomacrus Förster, 1869
- Allonotus Cameron, 1907
- 菲姬蜂属 Allophatnus Cameron, 1905
- Allophroides Horstmann, 1971
- Allophrys Förster, 1869
- 副姬蜂属 Alloplasta Förster, 1869
- Allostomus Cameron, 1908
- Allotheca Cameron, 1906
- Alochera Förster, 1869
- Alomya Panzer, 1806
- Alophophion Cushman, 1947
- Alophopimpla Momoi, 1966
- Alophosternum Cushman, 1933
- Alystria Cameron, 1904
- 黑胸姬蜂属 Amauromorpha Ashmead, 1905
- Amazopimpla Sääksjärvi, Palacio, Gauld, Jussila et Salo, 2003
- Ambloplisus Heinrich, 1930
- Amblyaclastus Gauld, 1984
- Amblyaenaeus
- Amblyaeneus Heinrich, 1965
- Amblyclastus Gauld, 1984
- 钝杂姬蜂属 Amblyjoppa Cameron, 1902
- Amblysmenus Heinrich, 1975
- 钝姬蜂属 Amblyteles Wesmael, 1845
- Amphibulus Kriechbaumer, 1893
- Amphirhachis Townes, 1969
- Amphixylonomus Benoit, 1952
- Amplicella Kopylov, 2010,2019
- Amrapalia Gupta et Jonathan, 1969
- Amydraulax Cushman, 1921
- Anacis Porter, 1967
- Anastelgis Townes et Townes, 1960
- Anepomias Seyrig, 1952
- Aneuclis Förster, 1869
- Angitia Holmgren, 1858
- Aniseres Förster, 1871
- Anisobas Wesmael, 1845
- Anisopygus Kriechbaumer, 1888
- Anisotacrus Schmiedeknecht, 1913
- Ankylophion Gauld, 1984
- Ankylophon Gauld, 1984
- Anomaloctenus Cushman, 1934
- 肿跗姬蜂属 Anomalon Panzer, 1804
- Anoncus Townes, 1970
- Anupama Jonathan, 1982
- Anurotropus Cushman, 1924
- Aoplus Tischbein, 1874
- Aotearoazeus Khalaim et Ward, 2018
- Apachia Townes, 1969
- Apaeleticus Wesmael, 1845
- Apanteloctonus Seyrig, 1952
- Apatetor Saussure, 1890
- Apatetorides Heinrich, 1938
- Apechoneura Kriechbaumer, 1890
- Apechthis Förster, 1869
- Aperileptus Förster, 1869
- Aphanistes Förster, 1869
- Aplomerus Provancher, 1887
- Apoclima Förster, 1869
- Apocryptus Uchida, 1932
- Apoglutus Townes, 1969
- Apolophus Townes, 1971
- Apomesus Townes, 1971
- Apophua Morley, 1913
- 多棘姬蜂属 Apophysius Cushman, 1922
- Apotemnus Cushman, 1940
- Aprix Townes, 1961
- Apsilops Förster, 1869
- Aptesis Förster, 1850
- Araeoscelis Schulz, 1911
- Araucacis Porter, 1987
- Aravenator Momoi, 1973
- Arbelus Townes, 1970
- Archboldiella Heinrich, 1934
- Archoprotus Brèthes, 1913
- Arctodeuon Hellen, 1967
- Arearia Seyrig, 1952
- Arenetra Holmgren, 1859
- Areoleta Zhang, 1989
- Areoscelis Schulz, 1911
- Areyonga Gauld, 1984
- Arhytis Townes, 1969
- Aridella Kasparyan, 1970
- Aritranis Förster, 1869
- Armadilleon Spasojevic, Broad et Klopfstein, 2022
- Armanopimpla Kopylov, 2010
- Arotes Gravenhorst, 1829
- Arotrephes Townes, 1970
- Artherola Wahl, 1993
- 双洼姬蜂属 Arthula Cameron, 1900
- Arthyasis
- Aschistus Förster, 1868
- Asmenophylax Gauld, 1984
- Asperpunctatus Wang, 1989
- Aspidon Gupta, 1989
- Asthenara Förster, 1869
- Asthenolabus Heinrich, 1951
- Astigmaton Kasparyan, 2001
- Astiphromma Förster, 1869
- 棘腹姬蜂属 Astomaspis Förster, 1868
- Astrenis Förster, 1869
- Atabulus van Rossem, 1988
- 长腹姬蜂属 Atanyjoppa Cameron, 1901
- Ateleute Förster, 1869
- Atithasus Förster, 1868
- 镰颚姬蜂属 Atopotrophos Cushman, 1940
- Atopotypus Zhao, 1992
- Atracodes
- Atractodes Gravenhorst, 1829
- Atractogaster Kriechbaumer, 1872
- Atrometoides Fahringer, 1922
- Atrometus Förster, 1869
- Atropatopsis Sudheer et Narendran, 2007
- Atropha Kriechbaumer, 1894
- 奥姬蜂属 Auberteterus Diller, 1981
- Aubertiana Viktorov, 1970
- Aubertiella Kuslitzky et Kasparyan, 2011
- Aucklandella Cameron, 1909
- Augerella Gupta, 1962
- Aulojoppa Cameron, 1907
- Auritus Constantineanu, 1969
- Australochus Khalaim, 2004
- Australoglypta Gauld, 1977
- Austranomalon Gauld, 1976
- Austriteles Gauld, 1984
- Austropion Gauld, 1984
- Avnia Gupta, 2002
- Azelus Förster, 1869
- Baeocryptus Porter, 1967
- Baeosemus Förster, 1869
- Balcarcia Brèthes, 1922
- Baltazaria Townes, 1961
- Bambuscopus Heinrich, 1934
- Banchinae Wesmael, 1845
- Banchogastra Ashmead, 1900
- Banchoides Dalla Torre, 1888
- Banchopsis Kriechbaumer, 1886
- Banchopsis Rudow, 1886
- 栉姬蜂属 Banchus Fabricius, 1798
- Baranisobas Heinrich, 1972
- Barichneumon Thomson, 1893
- Barichneumonites Heinrich, 1934
- Barronia Gauld et Wahl, 2002
- Baryceros Gravenhorst, 1829
- Barycnellus Khalaim et Ward, 2018
- Barycnemis Förster, 1869
- Barylypa Förster, 1869
- Barytarbes Förster, 1869
- Barytarbodes Aubert, 1996
- Barytatocephalus Schulz, 1911
- Barythixis Porter, 1998
- Basileucus Townes, 1969
- Batakomacrus Kolarov, 1986
- Bathyplectes Förster, 1869
- 泥甲姬蜂属 Bathythrix Förster, 1869
- Bathyzonus Townes, 1969
- Belesica Waterston, 1929
- Benjaminia Viereck, 1912
- Bentyra Cameron, 1905
- Benyllus Cameron, 1903
- Betsifia Seyrig, 1952
- Biamosa Khalaim, 2008
- Biconus Townes, 1969
- Bicristella Townes, 1966
- Bicryptella Strand, 1917
- 双短姬蜂属 Bicurta Sheng, Broad et Sun, 2012
- Bilira Townes, 1969
- Bimentum Townes, 1971
- Bimetum
- Bioblapsis Förster, 1869
- Blapsidotes Förster, 1869
- Blaptocampus Thomson, 1892
- Blaspidotes Förster, 1869
- Bodedia Seyrig, 1952
- Boethella Bennett, 2003
- Boethus Förster, 1869
- Boleslawia Sawoniewicz, 1996
- Boloderma Morley, 1913
- Bonthainiella Heinrich, 1934
- Bothromus Townes et Townes, 1959
- Bovijoppa Heinrich, 1965
- Bozakites Seyrig, 1952
- Brachedra Townes, 1969
- Brachychroa Townes et Townes, 1978
- 草蛉姬蜂属 Brachycyrtus Kriechbaumer, 1880
- 短脉姬蜂属 Brachynervus Uchida, 1955
- 短瘤姬蜂属 Brachypimpla Strobl, 1902
- Brachypterus
- 短胸姬蜂属 Brachyscleroma Cushman, 1940
- Brachyzapus Gauld et Dubois, 2006
- Bremiella Dalla Torre, 1901
- Breviterebra Kusigemati, 1982
- Brevitubulus Wang Shufang, 1987
- Brussinocryptus Pagliano et Scaramozzino, 1989
- Buathra Cameron, 1903
- Buodias Cameron, 1902
- Bureschias Heinrich, 1936
- 隆缘姬蜂属 Buysmania Cheesman, 1941
- Bystra Cameron, 1902
- Cacomisthus Townes, 1969
- Cadarca Kasparyan et Ruiz Cancino, 2004
- Caenocryptoides Uchida, 1936
- Caenocryptus Thomson, 1873
- Caenopelte Porter, 1967
- Caenopimpla Cameron, 1900
- Calaminus Townes, 1965
- Calcaneum Townes, 1971
- 卡姬蜂属 Callajoppa Cameron, 1903
- Calleupalamus Heinrich, 1938
- Callidora Förster, 1869
- Calliephialtes Ashmead, 1900
- Caloichneumon Li, Kopylov, Shih et Ren, 2018
- Calosphyrum Townes, 1969
- Camera Townes et Townes, 1962
- Campocineta Schmiedeknecht, 1900
- Campocraspedon Uchida, 1957
- Campoctonus Viereck, 1912
- Campodorus Förster, 1869
- 齿唇姬蜂属 Campoletis Förster, 1868
- Campopleginae Forster, 1869
- Campoplex Gravenhorst, 1829
- Campopsegidea
- Camposcopus Förster, 1869
- Campsocraspedon Uchida, 1957
- 弯姬蜂属 Camptotypus Kriechbaumer, 1889
- Canidia Holmgren, 1858
- Carinibus Spasojevic et al., 2018
- Carinityla Sheng et Sun, 2010
- Carinodes Hancock, 1926
- Carlsonia Heinrich, 1973
- Carria Schmiedeknecht, 1924
- 凹眼姬蜂属 Casinaria Holmgren, 1859
- Caspipina Cameron, 1903
- Castrosion Gauld et Bradshaw, 1997
- Catachora Townes, 1973
- Catadacus Townes, 1969
- Catadelphops Heinrich, 1962
- Catadelphus Wesmael, 1854
- Cataptygma Townes, 1969
- Catastenus Förster, 1869
- Catochora Townes, 1973
- Catoglyptus Holmgren, 1858
- Catucaba Graf, Kumagai et Dutra, 1991
- Catucuba Graf, 1991
- Cechenodes Townes, 1971
- Cecidopimpla Brèthes, 1920
- Celata Wang, 1998
- Celebarches Heinrich, 1934
- Celebichneumon Heinrich, 1934
- Celebijoppa Heinrich, 1934
- Celor Kokujev, 1901
- Centeterichneumon Heinrich, 1938
- Centeterus Wesmael, 1845
- Cephalobaris Kryger, 1915
- Cephaloglypta Obrtel, 1956
- Ceratella Seyrig, 1952
- Ceratocryptus Cameron, 1903
- Ceratodolius Seyrig, 1952
- Ceratogastra Ashmead, 1900
- Ceratojoppa Cameron, 1905
- Ceratomansa Cushman, 1922
- Ceratophenax Seyrig, 1952
- Ceratophygadeuon Viereck, 1924
- Certonotus Kriechbaumer, 1889
- Cesandria Koçak, 2009
- Cestrus Townes, 1966
- Chablisea Gauld et Dubois, 2006
- Chamula Townes et Townes, 1962
- Charitojoppa Cameron, 1901
- Charitopes Förster, 1869
- Charmedia Wahl et Sime, 2002
- Charmops Gupta, 1989
- 悬茧姬蜂属 Charops Holmgren, 1859
- Chasmias Ashmead, 1900
- Chasmopygium Heinrich, 1967
- Chauvinia Heinrich, 1938
- Cheesmanella Ozdikmen, 2005
- Chiaglas Cameron, 1902
- Chilecryptus Porter, 1987
- Chilelabus Porter, 1998
- Chilhoplites Porter, 1998
- Chilocyrtus Townes, 1971
- Chiloplatys Townes et Townes, 1945
- Chineater Wahl, 1993
- Chirotica Förster, 1869
- 绿姬蜂属 Chlorocryptus Cameron, 1903
- Chlorophion Townes, 1971
- 黄脸姬蜂属 Chorinaeus Holmgren, 1858
- 对眼姬蜂属 Chriodes Förster, 1868
- 损背姬蜂属 Chrionota Uchida, 1957
- Chromocryptus Ashmead, 1900
- Chromoplex Horstmann, 1987
- Chrysocryptus Cameron, 1902
- Cidaphus Förster, 1869
- Cisaris Townes, 1969
- Cladeutes Townes, 1969
- Clasis Townes, 1966
- Clatha Cameron, 1905
- Clistopyga Gravenhorst, 1829
- Clistorapha Cushman, 1947
- Clitiga Cameron, 1905
- Clydonium Townes, 1966
- Clypeites Seyring, 1952
- Clypeocampulum Gauld, 1976
- Clypeocava Heinrich, 1934
- Clypeodromus Tereshkin, 1992
- Clypeolabus Heinrich, 1974
- Clypeoplex Horstmann, 1987
- Clypeoteles Horstmann, 1974
- Cnastis Townes, 1957
- Cnemojoppa Cameron, 1907
- 圆丘姬蜂属 Cobunus Uchida, 1926
- Coccygodes Saussure, 1890
- Coccygodes Seyrig, 1952
- Coelapatetor Heinrich, 1967
- Coelichneumon Thomson, 1893
- Coelichneumonops Heinrich, 1958
- Coelojoppa Cameron, 1904
- Coelojoppa Uchida, 1924
- Coeloleptops Heinrich, 1967
- Coelopimpla Brèthes, 1916
- Coelorhachis Townes, 1966
- Coesula Cameron, 1905
- Colaulus Townes, 1969
- Coleocentrus Gravenhorst, 1829
- 茎姬蜂属 Collyria Schiødte, 1839
- Colocnema Förster, 1869
- Colpognathus Wesmael, 1845
- Colpotrichia
- 圆胸姬蜂属 Colpotrochia Holmgren, 1856
- Combivena Sheng et Sun, 2014
- Compsocryptus Ashmead, 1900
- Compsophorus Saussure, 1890
- Conocalama Hopper, 1939
- Conopyge Kreichbaumer, 1898
- Cophenchus Townes et Townes, 1949
- Coptomystax Townes, 1969
- Cordeleboea Ugalde et Gauld, 2002
- Cormobius Townes, 1969
- Cornuprocerus Diller, 1981
- Cornutiplisus Heinrich, 1957
- Cornutoplisus Heinrich, 1957
- Corsoncus Townes, 1971
- Corymbichneumon Morley, 1919
- Corynobatopsis Zhang, 1989
- Cosmiocryptus Cameron, 1902
- Cosmiojoppa Cameron, 1902
- Cosmoconus Förster, 1869
- Costifrons Townes, 1969
- Cotiheresiarches Telenga, 1929
- Crathiorada Heinrich, 1965
- Cratichneumon Thomson, 1893
- Cratocryptoides Schmiedeknecht, 1908
- Cratocryptus Cameron, 1905
- Cratocryptus Thomson, 1873
- Cratojoppa Cameron, 1901
- Cratolaboides Tereshkin, 2009
- 强柄姬蜂属 Cratolabus Heinrich, 1974
- Creagrura Townes, 1971
- Creagura Townes, 1971
- Cremastus Gravenhorst, 1829
- Cremnocryptus Cushman, 1945
- Cremnodes Förster, 1869
- Cressonia Dasch, 1992
- Crusopimpla Kopylov, Spasojevic et Klopfstein, 2018
- Cryptanura Brullé, 1846
- Crypteffigies Heinrich, 1961
- Cryptohelcostizus Cushman, 1919
- Cryptojoppa Kriechbaumer, 1898
- Cryptophion Viereck, 1913
- Cryptopimpla Taschenberg, 1863
- Cryptoplites Heinrich, 1938
- Cryptopteryx Ashmead, 1900
- Cryptopyge Kriechbaumer, 1898
- Cryptoxenodon Supeleto, Santos et Aguiar, 2020
- Crypturus Lamarck, 1817
- Cryptus Fabricius, 1804
- Crytea Cameron, 1906
- 大凹姬蜂属 Ctenichneumon Thomson, 1894
- Ctenichneumonops Heinrich, 1968
- Cteniscus Haliday, 1832
- Ctenocalops Heinrich, 1967
- Ctenocalus Szépligeti, 1908
- Ctenochares Förster, 1869
- Ctenocharidea Cushman, 1922
- Ctenochira Förster, 1855
- Ctenodontis Townes, 1969
- Ctenonyx Seyrig, 1934
- Ctenopelma Holmgren, 1857
- Ctenophion Horstmann, 2010
- Ctenopimpla Cameron, 1899
- Ctenopimpla Kriechbaumer, 1898
- Cteonyx Kasparyan, 1969
- Cubocephalus Ratzeburg, 1848
- Cubus Townes et Townes, 1959
- Culmina Benoit, 1955
- Cultrarius Davis, 1897
- Cumatocinetus Sheng, 2002
- Cushmaniana Humala, 2007
- Cushmaniella Heinrich, 1934
- Cyanodolius Seyrig, 1952
- Cyanopelor Townes, 1973
- Cycasis Townes, 1965
- Cyclaulatractodes Jussila, 1979
- Cyclaulus Townes, 1969
- Cyclolabellus Heinrich, 1974
- Cyclolabus Heinrich, 1936
- Cyclopocentrus
- Cylloceria Schiødte, 1838
- Cymodusa Holmgren, 1859
- Cymodusopsis Viereck, 1912
- Cyrtorhyssa Baltazar, 1961
- Dagathia Cameron, 1903
- Daggoo Wahl et Sime, 2002
- Dallatorrea Ashmead, 1902
- Dammermaniella Heinrich, 1934
- Dammermaniellops Heinrich, 1974
- Darachosia Cameron, 1903
- Darymna Cameron, 1904
- Daschia Diller, 1970
- Daschiana Koçak et Kemal, 2009
- Debilos Townes, 1966
- Debophanes Gauld, 1984
- Degithina Cameron, 1900
- Deleboea Cameron, 1903
- 德姬蜂属 Delomerista Förster, 1869
- Demopheles Förster, 1869
- Deniya Cameron, 1905
- Denticeria Gauld, 1984
- Dentichasmias Heinrich, 1969
- Dentichasmiops Heinrich, 1969
- Denticrytea Heinrich, 1969
- Dentifemura Sheng et Sun, 2010
- Dentilabus Heinrich, 1974
- Dentimachus Heinrich, 1949
- Depressopyga Heinrich, 1969
- Desia Seyrig, 1952
- Dessartodontus Diller, 2001
- Deuterolabops Heinrich, 1975
- Deuterotypus Heinrich, 1930
- 副凿姬蜂属 Deuteroxorides Viereck, 1914
- Diaborus Förster, 1868
- Diacantharius Schmiedeknecht, 1902
- Diacritus Förster, 1869
- 弯尾姬蜂属 Diadegma Förster, 1868
- 双缘姬蜂属 Diadromus Wesmael, 1845
- Diaglyptella Seyrig, 1952
- Diaglyptellana Horstmann, 1976
- Diaglyptellodes Aubert, 1993
- Diaglyptelloides Aubert, 1993
- Diaglyptidea Viereck, 1913
- Diaglyptogelis Schwarz, 2011
- Dialipsis Förster, 1869
- Diaparsis Förster, 1869
- Diapetimorpha Viereck, 1913
- Diaschisaspis Förster, 1869
- 刺姬蜂属 Diatora Förster, 1869
- Diblastomorpha Förster, 1869
- Dicaelodontus Diller, 1994
- Dicaelognathus Gokhman, 1990
- Dicaelotus Wesmael, 1845
- Dicamixus Szépligeti, 1916
- 嵌翅姬蜂属 Dicamptus Szépligeti, 1905
- Dicamyxus
- Dicantharius Schmiedeknecht, 1902
- Dichelobosmina Uchida, 1932
- Dichrogaster Doumerc, 1855
- 窄痣姬蜂属 Dictyonotus Kriechbaumer, 1894
- Dictyopheltes Gauld, 1984
- Didiaspis Seyrig, 1952
- Digonocryptus Viereck, 1913
- Dihelus Townes, 1969
- Dilleria Tereshkin, 1994
- Dilleriella Tereschkin, 2012
- Dilleritomus Aubert, 1979
- Dillerotimus Aubert, 1979
- Diloa Cheesman, 1936
- Dilopharius Townes, 1966
- Dimaetha Cameron, 1901
- Dimophora Förster, 1869
- Dimorphonyx Haupt, 1938
- Dimorphonyx Seyrig, 1932
- Dineotropica Aguiar, 2005
- Dinocryptus Cameron, 1905
- Dinocryptus Szépligeti, 1916
- Dioborus Rao, 1953
- Diodontops Seyrig, 1952
- 腹脊姬蜂属 Diphyus Kriechbaumer, 1890
- 蚜蝇姬蜂属 Diplazon Nees, 1818
- Diplazon Viereck, 1914
- Diplohimas Townes, 1969
- Diponeura
- Diracela Townes, 1973
- Diradops Townes, 1946
- Dirophanes Förster, 1869
- Dischizella Séyrig, 1934
- Dischysma Kopylov, 2009
- Dismodix Townes, 1966
- Distathma Townes, 1969
- Distictus Townes, 1966
- Diverdusa Dbar, 1985
- Divinatrix van Rossem, 1987
- Dochmidium Porter, 1967
- Dolichochorus Strobl, 1904
- Dolichomastix Ceballos, 1924
- 兜姬蜂属 Dolichomitus Smith, 1877
- Dolichopselephus Ashmead, 1890
- Dolichotrochanter Sheng, 2006
- Dolophron Förster, 1869
- Doratistes Seyrig, 1932
- Dorothee Herrera-Flórez, 2021
- Dothenia Wahl et Sime, 2002
- Dotocryptus Brèthes
- Dreisbachia Townes, 1962
- Drepanoctonus Pfankuch, 1911
- Dusana
- Dusona Cameron, 1901
- Duwalia
- 切顶姬蜂属 Dyspetes Förster, 1869
- Dyspetus
- Earobia Townes et Townes, 1951
- Ebiicha Seyrig, 1936
- Ecaepomia Wang, 2001
- 遏姬蜂属 Eccoptosage Kriechbaumer, 1898
- 恶姬蜂属 Echthromorpha Holmgren, 1868
- Echthronomas Förster, 1869
- Echthropsis
- Echthrus Gravenhorst, 1829
- Ecknomia Santos et Aguiar, 2012
- Eclytus Holmgren, 1857
- Ecphoropsis Ashmead, 1900
- Ecphysis Townes, 1969
- Ectomocolax Diller, 1982
- Ectopimorpha Viereck, 1912
- Ectopius Wesmael, 1859
- Ectopoides Heinrich, 1951
- Eiphosoma Cresson, 1865
- Elasmognathias Ashmead, 1906
- Elasmognathus Ashmead, 1905
- Elaticarina Sheng, 2012
- Eleebichneumon Gauld, 1984
- Elysioreiga Heinrich, 1965
- Encardia Tosquinet, 1896
- Enclisis Townes, 1970
- Encrateola Strand, 1917
- Endasys Förster, 1869
- Endromopoda Hellén, 1939
- Enicospilus Stephens, 1835
- 坐腹姬蜂属 Enizemum Förster, 1869
- Entypoma Förster, 1869
- Enytus Cameron, 1905
- Eopimpla Cockerell, 1920
- Epachthes Förster, 1868
- Eparces Förster, 1869
- Epelaspis Townes, 1969
- Epelaspis anorus Townes, 1970
- Epelaspis ketiae Graf & Kumagai, 1996
- Epelaspis renatoi Graf & Kumagai, 1996
- Epelaspis wagneri Lima & Fernandes, 2024[2]
- Ephalmator van Rossem, 1980
- 长尾姬蜂属 Ephialtes Gravenhorst, 1829
- Ephonites Cameron, 1905
- Epicharopimpla Zhang, Sun et Zhang, 1994
- Epijoppa Morley, 1915
- Epirhyssa Cresson, 1865
- Episemura Kasparyan et Manukyan, 1987
- Epistathmus Förster, 1869
- Epitheronia Gupta, 1962
- Epitomus Förster, 1869
- Epiurus Förster, 1868
- Eremocinetus Viktorov, 1964
- Eremodolius Kasparyan, 1985
- Eremotylus Förster, 1869
- Eremura Kasparyan, 1995
- 钝唇姬蜂属 Eriborus Förster, 1869
- Eridolius Förster, 1869
- Erigorgus Förster, 1869
- Eriogorgus
- Eriostethus Morley, 1914
- Eriplatys Förster, 1869
- Eristicus Wesmael, 1845
- Erromenus Holmgren, 1857
- Eruga Townes et Townes, 1960
- Erythrodolius Seyrig, 1932
- Esigna Perkins, 1962
- 瘤脸姬蜂属 Etha Cameron, 1903
- Ethelurgus Förster, 1869
- Eubaeus Townes, 1973
- Eucaphila Gauld, 1984
- 优姬蜂属 Euceros Gravenhorst, 1829
- Euchalinus Townes, 1961
- Eucremastoides Kolarov, 1980
- Eucremastus Szépligeti, 1905
- Eudeleboea Blanchard, 1936
- Eudeloboea López Cristóbal, 1935
- Eudelus Förster, 1869
- 曲爪姬蜂属 Eugalta Cameron, 1899
- Eugyrus Townes, 1946
- Euheresiarches Heinrich, 1934
- 宽跗姬蜂属 Eupalamus Wesmael, 1845
- Euporizon Horstmann, 1971
- Euraspidion Sanborne, 1986
- Eurycryptus Cameron, 1901
- Eurydacus Townes, 1966
- Eurygenys Townes, 1971
- Eurylabus Wesmael, 1845
- Euryophion Cameron, 1906
- Euryproctus Holmgren, 1857
- Eurypterna Förster, 1862
- Eurytyloides Nakanishi, 1978
- Eusterinx Förster, 1869
- 大铗姬蜂属 Eutanyacra Cameron, 1903
- Eutanygaster Cameron, 1911
- Evirchomella Heinrich, 1969
- Excavarus Davis, 1897
- Exenterus Hartig, 1837
- Exephanes Wesmael, 1845
- 爱姬蜂属 Exeristes Förster, 1869
- Exestuberis Wang Shufang et Yue Shukui, 1995
- 黑茧姬蜂属 Exetastes Gravenhorst, 1829
- 凸脸姬蜂属 Exochus Gravenhorst, 1829
- Extenuosodalis Diller, 1982
- Exyston Schiødte, 1839
- 锥凸姬蜂属 Facydes Cameron, 1901
- Fafana Rousse, Villemant et Seyrig, 2011
- Fenixia Aguiar, 2005
- Fennomacrus Humala, 2008
- Ferrocryptus
- Fiangniella
- Fianonia Seyrig, 1952
- Fianoniella Horstmann, 1992
- Fileanta Cameron, 1901
- Fitatsia Seyrig, 1952
- Flacompimpla Gauld, 1991
- Flacopimpla Gauld, 1991
- Flavopimpla Betrem, 1932
- 成沟姬蜂属 Formocryptus Uchida, 1931
- Formocrytpus Uchida, 1931
- Formostenus Uchida, 1931
- Forrestopius Gauld et Sithole, 2002
- Fortipalpa Kasparyan et Ruiz-Cancino, 2007
- Fossatyloides Klopfstein, Quicke, Kropf et Frick, 2011
- Fotsiforia Seyrig, 1952
- Foveolia Seyrig, 1952
- Foveosculum Heinrich, 1938
- Fractipons Townes, 1969
- Fredegunda Fitton, Shaw et Gauld, 1988
- 弗姬蜂属 Friona Cameron, 1902
- Fugatrix van Rossem, 1987
- Gabia Seyrig, 1952
- Gabunia Kriechbaumer, 1895
- Gahus Gauld, 1984
- 邻亲姬蜂属 Gambroides Betrem, 1941
- 亲姬蜂属 Gambrus Förster, 1869
- Ganodes Townes, 1957
- Gareila Heinrich, 1980
- Gathetus Cameron, 1901
- Gauldia Zhaurova, 2009
- Gauldiana Khalaim et Ward, 2018
- Gauldianus Lanfranco, 2000
- Gavrana Cameron, 1906
- Gelanes Horstmann, 1981
- 沟姬蜂属 Gelis Thunberg, 1827
- Genaemirum Heinrich, 1936
- Genaemirum doryalidis Heinrich, 1967
- Genaemirum filipazzii Dal Pos & Rousse, 2018
- Genaemirum fumosum Broad, Rousse & van Noortan Noort, 2016[3]
- Genaemirum mesoleucum Heinrich, 1936
- Genaemirum phacochoerus Broad, Rousse & van Noortan Noort, 2016[3]
- Genaemirum phagocossorum Rousse, Broad & van Noort, 2016[3]
- Genaemirum rhinoceros Heinrich, 1967
- Genaemirum varianum (Tosquinet, 1896)
- Genaemirum vulcanicola Heinrich, 1967
- Geniceris Wang, 2001
- Genotropis Townes, 1969
- Geraldus Fitton, 1987
- Gerdius Townes, 1969
- Gessia Townes, 1973
- Ghilaromma Tobias, 1988
- Ghilarovites Kasparyan, 1988
- Gibbobystra Heinrich, 1969
- Gibbosoplites
- Gibbospilites Heinrich, 1969
- Gilen Reshchikov et Achterberg, 2018
- Giraudia Förster, 1869
- Glabridorsum Townes, 1970
- Glodianus Cameron, 1902
- Glyphaclastus Gauld, 1984
- Glyphicnemis Förster, 1869
- Glypta Gravenhorst, 1829
- Glyptogastra Ashmead, 1900
- Glyptopimpla Morley, 1913
- Glyptorhaestus Thomson, 1894
- Gnamptopelta Hopper, 1939
- Gnathaulax Townes, 1964
- Gnathochorisis Förster, 1869
- Gnesia Förster, 1868
- Gnotus Förster, 1869
- Gnypetomorpha Förster, 1869
- 长孔姬蜂属 Goedartia Boie, 1841
- Golbachiella Townes, 1969
- Goniocryptus Thomson, 1873
- Gonioglyphus Seyrig, 1932
- Gonotypus Förster, 1869
- Goryphina
- 驼姬蜂属 Goryphus Holmgren, 1868
- 脊额姬蜂属 Gotra Cameron, 1902
- Grasseiteles Aubert, 1965
- Gravenhorstia Boie, 1836
- Gregopimpla Momoi, 1965
- Groenlabus Jussila, 2006
- Grotea Cresson, 1864
- Grypocentrus Ruthe, 1855
- Gunomeria Schmiedeknecht, 1907
- Guptella Wahl et Gauld, 1998
- Gymnacanthus Benoit, 1952
- Gynpetomorpha Förster, 1869
- Gyrodonta Cameron, 1901
- Gyrodontichneumon Heinrich, 1965
- Gyrolaba Townes, 1969
- Gyropyga Townes, 1969
- Habrocampulum Gauld, 1976
- Habrocryptus Thomson, 1873
- Habrojoppa Cameron, 1902
- 软姬蜂属 Habronyx Förster, 1869
- Hackerocryptus Gauld, 1984
- Hadeleboea Ugalde et Gauld, 2002
- Hadratractodes Jussila, 1979
- Hadrocryptus Cameron, 1903
- 曲趾姬蜂属 Hadrodactylus Förster, 1869
- Hadrojoppa Cameron, 1902
- Hadrostethus Townes, 1969
- Hallocinetus Viktorov, 1962
- Hanauella Enderlein, 1921
- Handaoia Seyrig, 1952
- Haplaspis Townes, 1944
- Hapsinotus Townes, 1970
- Harpura Townes, 1969
- 甜沟姬蜂属 Hedycryptus Cameron, 1903
- Hedyjoppa Cameron, 1904
- Hedylus Förster, 1869
- Hegemonites Seyrig, 1952
- Heinrichia Tereshkin, 1996
- Heinrichiella Hedwig, 1949
- Heinrichiella Tereshkin, 2000
- Heinrichiellus Tereshkin, 2009
- Heinrichiola Koçak et Kemal, 2009
- Helcostizus Förster, 1869
- Helenanomalon Broad, 2014
- Helictes Haliday, 1837
- Hellwigia Gravenhorst, 1823
- Hellwigiella Szepligeti, 1905
- Helotorus Townes, 1978
- Hemibystra Heinrich, 1969
- Hemibystrops Heinrich, 1969
- Hemichneumon Wesmael, 1857
- 甲腹姬蜂属 Hemigaster Brullé, 1846
- Hemihoplis Heinrich, 1960
- Hemimetopius Benoit, 1955
- Hemiphaisura Heinrich, 1967
- Hemiphanes Förster, 1869
- Hemipimpla Saussure, 1890
- Hemisphragia Seyrig, 1952
- Hemiteles Gravenhorst, 1829
- Hepialichneumon Dong, Wang, Yang, Yang et Shen, 1993
- Hepiopelmus Wesmael, 1845
- Hercana Townes, 1969
- Hercus Townes, 1969
- Heresiarches Wesmael, 1859
- Heresiarchoides Brèthes, 1909
- 巢蛾姬蜂属 Herpestomus Wesmael, 1845
- Heterischnus Wesmael, 1859
- Heterocola Förster, 1869
- Heterocoloides Horstmann, 1971
- Heteroichneumon Kopylov, Zhang et Zhang, 2021
- 异足姬蜂属 Heteropelma Wesmael, 1849
- Heteropimpla Li, Shih, Kopylov et Ren, 2019
- Hiatensor Brues, 1910
- Hidryta Förster, 1869
- Hieroceryx Tosquinet, 1896
- Himerta Förster, 1869
- Himertosoma Schmiedeknecht, 1900
- Hintelmannia Diller et Schonitzer, 1997
- Hiorada Cameron, 1902
- Hirtolabus Heinrich, 1974
- Hodostates Förster, 1869
- Hoeocryptus Habermehl, 1904
- Holcichneumon Cameron, 1911
- Holcojoppa Cameron, 1902
- Holcomastrus Horstmann, 2012
- Holia Seyrig, 1952
- Holocremnodes Aubert, 1986
- Holocrepsis Förster, 1869
- Holojoppa Szépligeti, 1900
- Homaspis Förster, 1869
- Homotherus Förster, 1869
- Homotropus Förster, 1869
- Hoplismenus Gravenhorst, 1829
- Hoplocryptus Thomson, 1873
- Hoplophaeogenes Heinrich, 1938
- Hoploplatystylus Schmiedeknecht, 1912
- Horstmannolochus Gauld, 1984
- Horstmannoluchus Gauld, 1984
- Humbert Wahl et Sime, 2002
- 驼柄姬蜂属 Hybomischos Baltazar, 1961
- Hybophorellus Schultz, 1911
- Hybrizon Fallén, 1813
- Hyemnura Townes, 1965
- Hylesicida Ugalde et Gauld, 2002
- Hylophasma Townes, 1969
- Hymenoepimecis Viereck, 1912
- Hymenura Townes, 1965
- Hypamblys Förster, 1869
- Hyparcha Townes, 1969
- Hyperacmus Holmgren, 1858
- Hyperallus Förster, 1868
- Hyperbatus Förster, 1869
- Hypomecus Wesmael, 1845
- Hypopheltes Cushman, 1924
- 镶颚姬蜂属 Hyposoter Förster, 1869
- Hypsanacis Porter, 1987
- Hypsantyx Pfankuch, 1906
- 等距姬蜂属 Hypsicera Latreille, 1829
- Hytophatnus Cameron, 1907
- Iana Matsumoto, 2016
- Iania Matsumoto, 2016
- Iaria Cheesman, 1936
- Ibornia Seyrig, 1936
- Icariomimus Seyrig, 1932
- 姬蜂属 Ichneumon Linnaeus, 1758
- Ichneumonine
- Ichneumoninites Steinbach, 1967
- Ichneumonites Heer, 1867
- Ichninsum Spasojevic et al., 2018
- Ichnoceros
- Idiognathus Cushman, 1922
- Idiogramma Förster, 1869
- Idiolispa Förster, 1869
- Ileanta Cameron, 1899
- Ileantella Heinrich, 1968
- Ilobia Seyrig, 1952
- 益姬蜂属 Imeria Cameron, 1903
- Inbioia Gauld et Ugalde, 2002
- Incurvarion Kasparyan, 2008
- Indagrypon Nikam, 1982
- Indostenus Jonathan, 1980
- Indovia Seyrig, 1952
- Insulcus Wang, 2001
- Irabatha Cameron, 1906
- Isadelphus Förster, 1869
- Isandria Heinrich, 1970
- Ischnoceros Gravehorst, 1829
- Ischnocerus
- 瘦杂姬蜂属 Ischnojoppa Kriechbaumer, 1898
- Ischnopus Kriechbaumer, 1898
- Ischnus Gravenhorst, 1829
- Ischyrocnemis Holmgren, 1858
- Isdromas Förster, 1868
- 群瘤姬蜂属 Iseropus Förster, 1869
- 依姬蜂属 Ishigakia Uchida, 1928
- Isomeris Townes, 1969
- 双脊姬蜂属 Isotima Förster, 1868
- Itamuton Porter, 1987
- Ithaechma Porter, 1998
- 埃姬蜂属 Itoplectis Förster, 1868
- Itoplectus
- Ivondrites Seyrig, 1952
- Jacotitypus Heinrich, 1967
- Janzophion Gauld, 1985
- Japanicola Kasparyan, 1990
- Javra Cameron, 1903
- Jethsura Cameron, 1902
- Jezarotes Uchida, 1928
- Jomine Graf et Kumagai, 1998
- Jonathania Gupta, 1987
- Jonicola Kasparyan, 1990
- Joppa Fabricius, 1804
- Joppidium Cresson, 1872
- Joppidium Walsh, 1873
- Joppocryptus Viereck, 1913
- Jorgeus Gauld, 1997
- Junctivena Gauld, 1984
- Kartika Gupta et Gupta, 1976
- Kasparyania Narolsky, 1990
- Kemalia Koçak, 2009
- Kerrichia Mason, 1962
- Khalaimia Kasparyan, 2012
- Khasurtella Kopylov, 2011
- Kibalus Rousse, van Noort et Diller, 2013
- Kiwi Khalaim et Ward, 2019
- Klutiana Betrem, 1932
- Kokujewiella Shestakov, 1926
- Kriegeria Ashmead, 1905
- Kristotomus Mason, 1962
- Kusigematia Watanabe, 2019
- Labena Cresson, 1864
- Labenopimpla Kopylov, 2010
- Labilochus Khalaim, 2017
- Labium Brullé, 1846
- Labrorychus Förster, 1868
- Labrossyta Förster, 1869
- Lachmetha Cameron, 1903
- Laderrica Wahl et Sime, 2002
- Lagarosoma Gupta et Gupta, 1984
- Lagarotis Förster, 1869
- Lagavula Wahl et Sime, 2002
- Lagenesta Cameron, 1901
- Lagoleptus Townes, 1969
- Lamachus Förster, 1869
- Lamnatibia Palacio et Saaksjarvi, 2007
- Lamprocryptidea Viereck, 1913
- Lamprocryptus Cameron, 1909
- Lamprocryptus Schmiedeknecht, 1904
- Lamprojoppa Cameron, 1901
- Lampronota Curtis, 1832
- Lanugo Townes et Townes, 1962
- Lanugoparsis Khalaim, 2002
- Lapton Nees, 1816
- 青腹姬蜂属 Lareiga Cameron, 1903
- Larischia Heinrich, 1969
- Larpelites Cameron, 1904
- Lathiponus Förster, 1869
- Lathrolestes Förster, 1869
- Lathrolestodes Aubert, 1984
- Lathroplex Förster, 1869
- Lathrostizus Förster, 1869
- 隆侧姬蜂属 Latibulus Gistel, 1848
- Laticoleus Townes, 1973
- Latilumbus Townes, 1971
- Latosculum Townes, 1966
- Lavaudenia Seyrig, 1932
- Lavinifia Seyrig, 1952
- Laxiareola Sheng et Sun, 2011
- Ledora Kasparyan, 1983
- Legnatia Cameron, 1903
- Leipula Townes, 1969
- 食泥甲姬蜂属 Lemophagus Townes, 1965
- Lemurella Seyrig, 1952
- Lentocerus Dong et Naito, 1999
- Lepidura Townes, 1971
- Lepiscelus Townes, 1971
- Leptacoenites Strobl, 1902
- Leptarthron Townes, 1969
- Leptixys Townes, 1969
- 细柄姬蜂属 Leptobatopsis Ashmead, 1900
- Leptocampoplex Horstmann, 1970
- Leptocryptoides Horstmann, 1976
- Leptocryptus Thomson, 1873
- Leptojoppa Cameron, 1901
- Leptomalaisia Heinrich, 1965
- Leptoperilissus Schmiedeknecht, 1912
- Leptophatnus Cameron, 1906
- 细瘦姬蜂属 Leptophion Cameron, 1901
- 瘦瘤姬蜂属 Leptopimpla Townes, 1961
- Leptops Heinrich, 1969
- Leptotogea Heinrich, 1969
- Lethades Davis, 1897
- Letosha Cameron, 1909
- Leurus Townes, 1946
- Levansa Townes, 1961
- Levibasis Townes, 1969
- Leviculus Townes, 1969
- Liaodontus Diller, 1994
- Liaoichneumon Hong, 2002
- Lichmeres Townes, 1946
- Lienella Cameron, 1905
- Limerodes Wesmael, 1845
- Limerodops Heinrich, 1949
- Limneria Holmgren, 1859
- Limneria Thomson, 1887
- Limnerium
- Limonethe Townes, 1946
- Linycus Cameron, 1903
- Liojoppa Szépligeti, 1908
- Liojoppites Heinrich, 1967
- Liopterna Townes, 1971
- Liotryphon Ashmead, 1900
- Lipoprion Townes, 1969
- Lissaspis Townes, 1970
- Lissocaulus Townes, 1966
- Lissolaboides Heinrich, 1974
- Lissolongichneumon Heinrich, 1969
- 缺沟姬蜂属 Lissonota Gravenhorst, 1829
- Lissonotidea Hellen, 1949
- Lissonotoides Benoit, 1955
- Lissophadnus Cameron, 1907
- Lissopimpla Kriechbaumer, 1889
- 丽姬蜂属 Lissosculpta Heinrich, 1934
- Listognathus
- Listrocryptus Brauns, 1905
- Listrodromus Wesmael, 1845
- 角额姬蜂属 Listrognathus Tschek, 1871
- Lithapechthis Cockerell, 1921
- Lithoserix Brown, 1986
- Lithotorus Scudder, 1890
- 里姬蜂属 Litochila Momoi, 1965
- Livipurpurata Wang, 1994
- Lobaegis Townes, 1946
- Lochetica Kriechbaumer, 1892
- Longichneumon Heinrich, 1934
- Longitibia He et Ye, 1999
- Lophoglutus Gauld, 1984
- Lophojoppa Brèthes, 1927
- Lophyroplectus Thomson, 1883
- Lorio Cheesman, 1936
- Losgna Cameron, 1903
- Loxodocus Townes, 1969
- Loxopus Townes, 1970
- Luchatema Walkley, 1956
- Luia Hong, 1985
- 卢姬蜂属 Lusius Tosquinet, 1903
- Lusiuxta Diller, 2006
- Luteocoelius Heinrich, 1968
- 壕姬蜂属 Lycorina Holmgren, 1859
- Lygurella Kasparyan, 1994
- Lygurus Kasparyan, 1983
- Lymantrichneumon Heinrich, 1968
- Lymeon Förster, 1869
- Lynicus
- Lynteria Cameron, 1904
- 折唇姬蜂属 Lysibia Förster, 1869
- Lytarmes Cameron, 1899
- Macrojoppa Kriechbaumer, 1898
- Macromalon Townes et Townes, 1959
- Macrostemma Shestakov, 1923
- Macrulus Horstmann, 1978
- Macrus Gravenhorst, 1829
- Madagascesa Koçak et Kemal, 2008
- Madagasgavrana Heinrich, 1938
- Madagasichneumon Heinrich, 1938
- Madastenus Seyrig, 1952
- Madma Viertler, Klopfstein, Jouault et Spasojevic, 2022
- Magrettia Cameron, 1901
- Magwengiella Bachmaier et Diller, 1985
- Magwengiella Heinrich, 1938
- Malaisichneumon Heinrich, 1965
- Malaycromia Gupta, 1999
- Mallochia Viereck, 1912
- Mamelia Seyrig, 1952
- 曼姬蜂属 Mansa Tosquinet, 1896
- 马姬蜂属 Maraces Cameron, 1902
- Marakelia Seyrig, 1952
- Marjorietta Kasparyan, 1994
- Marlisia Heinrich, 1975
- Mascarella Seyrig, 1952
- Mastrulus Horstmann, 1978
- Mastrus Förster, 1869
- Matara Holmgren, 1868
- Matinangarches Heinrich, 1934
- Mavandia Seyrig, 1936
- Mavandiella Seyrig, 1936
- Mavia Seyrig, 1952
- Maxodontus Diller, 1994
- Mecetron Townes, 1971
- Mecistum Townes, 1969
- Mecotes Townes, 1971
- Medophron Förster, 1869
- Megacara Townes, 1970
- Megaceria Szépligeti, 1908
- Megachora Kopylov, 2010
- Megacremastus Meyer, 1932
- Megaetaira Gauld et Dubois, 2006
- Megajoppa Szépligeti, 1900
- Megalochus Khalaim et Broad, 2013
- 角突姬蜂属 Megalomya Uchida, 1940
- Megaplectes Förster, 1869
- 马尾姬蜂属 Megarhyssa Ashmead, 1900
- Megastylus Schiødte, 1838
- Megatrema Cameron, 1907
- Megatryphon Cockerell, 1924
- Meggoleus Townes, 1971
- Melalophacharops Uchida, 1928
- Melanichneumon Thomson, 1893
- Melanocryptus Cameron, 1902
- Melanodolius Saussure, 1890
- Melanoplex Horstmann, 1987
- Melcha Cameron, 1902
- Meloboris Holmgren, 1859
- Menaforia Seyrig, 1952
- Menaka Gupta et Gupta, 1971
- Meniscomorpha Schmiedeknecht, 1907
- Menkokia Heinrich, 1934
- Meringops Townes, 1969
- Meringopus Förster, 1869
- Merolides Brèthes, 1909
- Mesochorella Szépligeti, 1911
- Mesochorellus
- Mesochorischnus Heinrich, 1938
- 菱室姬蜂属 Mesochorus Gravenhorst, 1829
- Mesoclistus Förster, 1869
- Mesocryptus Szépligeti, 1916
- Mesoleius Holmgren, 1857
- Mesoleius Kasparyan, 2001
- Mesoleptidea Viereck, 1912
- 厕蝇姬蜂属 Mesoleptus Gravenhorst, 1829
- Mesophadnus Cameron, 1907
- Mesophragis Seyrig, 1952
- Mesopimpla Cockerell, 1919
- Mesornatus Spasojevic, Wedmann et Klopfstein, 2018
- Mesoschorus
- Mesostenus Gravenhorst, 1829
- Messataporus Cushman, 1929
- Messatoporus Cushman, 1929
- Metachorischizus Uchida, 1928
- Metallichneumon Wahl et Sime, 2002
- Metoa Townes, 1971
- Metopheltes Uchida, 1932
- Metopiosa Khalaim, 2008
- 盾脸姬蜂属 Metopius Panzer, 1806
- Mevesia Holmgren, 1890
- Micrandria Heinrich, 1934
- Micraris Townes, 1970
- Microceratops Seyrig, 1952
- Microcharops Roman, 1910
- Microcryptus Thomson, 1873
- Microdiaparsis Horstmann, 1971
- Microleptes Gravenhorst, 1829
- Microlongichneumon Heinrich, 1969
- Micromavia Seyrig, 1952
- Micromonodon Förster, 1869
- Micropimpla Kopylov, 2010
- Microsage Kriechbaumer, 1898
- Microstenus Szépligeti, 1916
- 米蛛姬蜂属 Millironia Baltazar, 1964
- Miolyta Zhang, 1989
- Miramilia Seyrig, 1952
- Misetus Wesmael, 1845
- Mnioes Townes, 1946
- Mokajoppa Wahl et Sime, 2002
- Monganella Gauld, 1984
- Monoblastus Hartig, 1837
- Monodontichneumon Heinrich, 1969
- Monomacrodon Cushman, 1934
- Monontos Uchida, 1926
- Monoplectron Holmgren, 1856
- Monothela Townes, 1969
- Mosia Seyrig, 1952
- Musakia Strand, 1911
- Myermo Cameron, 1901
- Myllenyxis Baltazar, 1961
- Myocious Wahl et Sime, 2002
- Myrmecacis Porter, 1987
- Myrmeleonostenus Uchida, 1936
- Naenaria Cameron, 1903
- Naenarides Heinrich, 1969
- Naenarosculum Heinrich, 1968
- Nanium Townes, 1967
- Nanodiaparsis Horstmann, 1971
- Narolskyia Koçak et Kemal, 2009
- Narthecura Townes, 1946
- Neamblyaeneus Heinrich, 1965
- Neamblyjoppa Heinrich, 1962
- Neamblymorpha Heinrich, 1960
- Neaprix Gauld, 1984
- Nebostenus Gauld, 1984
- Necolio Cheesman, 1936
- Neeurylabia Heinrich, 1967
- Neischnus Heinrich, 1952
- Neleges Förster, 1869
- Neleothymus Förster, 1868
- Neliopisthus Thomson, 1883
- Nelophia Porter, 1967
- Nematocryptus Roman, 1910
- Nematomicrus Wesmael, 1845
- Nematopius
- Nematopodius Gravenhorst, 1829
- Nemeritis Holmgren, 1860
- Neoarthula Rao, 1953
- Neobuodias Rao et Nikam, 1983
- Neocallidora Ozols, 1966
- Neocratojoppa Heinrich, 1969
- Neocremastus Meyer, 1930
- Neocryptopteryx Blanchard, 1947
- Neodelopia Benoit, 1957
- Neodiphyus Heinrich, 1977
- Neodontocryptus Uchida, 1940
- Neoexetastes Graf, 1984
- 天蛾姬蜂属 Neofacydes Heinrich, 1960
- Neohabronyx Dasch, 1984
- Neoheresiarches Uchida, 1937
- Neohybrizon Hisasue et Konishi, 2019
- Neolareiga Heinrich, 1980
- Neolevansa Gauld, 1984
- Neolinycus Heinrich, 1971
- Neolophron Gauld, 1984
- Neonotus Parrott, 1955
- Neoparacryptus
- Neopimpla Ashmead, 1900
- Neoproclitus Dasch, 1992
- Neorhacodes Hedicke, 1922
- Neostilbops Kasparyan, 1999
- Neostrictlandia
- Neostroblia Heinrich, 1953
- Neostrobolia
- Neotheronia Krieger, 1899
- 新模姬蜂属 Neotypus Förster, 1869
- Neoxorides Clément, 1938
- Nepiesta Förster, 1869
- Nesolinoceras Ashmead, 1906
- Nesostenodontus Cushman, 1922
- Netanyacra Heinrich, 1968
- 拟瘦姬蜂属 Netelia Gray, 1860
- Neteliodes Delrio, 1976
- Neuchorus Uchida, 1931
- Neurateles Ratzeburg, 1848
- 畸脉姬蜂属 Neurogenia Roman, 1910
- Nictula Burks, 1952
- Nippocryptus Uchida, 1936
- 角脸姬蜂属 Nipponaetes Uchida, 1933
- Nomosphecia Gupta, 1962
- Nonnus Cresson, 1874
- Nonpropodeum Heinrich, 1934
- Notacma Townes, 1946
- Notaulites Seyrig, 1932
- Nothischnus Porter, 1967
- Nothocremastus Dasch, 1979
- Notocampsis Townes, 1969
- Notophasma Porter, 1998
- Notophrudus Porter, 1993
- Notoplatylabus Heinrich, 1936
- Notopygus
- Notosemus Förster, 1869
- Notostilbops Townes, 1969
- Novichneumon Li, Kopylov, Shih et Ren, 2018
- Noxocremastus Narolsky, 1990
- Nyxia Johansson, 2021
- Obba Tosquinet, 1896
- Obisiphaga Morley, 1907
- Obsiphaga Morley, 1907
- Obtusodonta Heinrich, 1962
- Occapes Townes, 1970
- Occia Tosquinet, 1904
- Odinophora Förster, 1869
- Odontocolon Cushman, 1942
- Odontocryptus Saussure, 1890
- Odontocryptus Seyrig, 1952
- Odontocryptus Uchida, 1932
- Odontojoppa Cameron, 1903
- Odontomerus Gravenhorst, 1829
- Odontoneura Förster, 1869
- Odontopimpla Cameron, 1886
- Odontostoma Seyrig, 1952
- Oecetiplex Porter, 1987
- Oecotelma Townes, 1970
- Oecptelma
- 犀唇姬蜂属 Oedemopsis Tschek, 1869
- Oedicephalus Cresson, 1868
- Oetophorus Förster, 1869
- Oezdemirus Özdikmen et Turgut, 2006
- Ogkosoma Haupt, 1913
- Ogulnia Cameron, 1904
- Oiorhinus Wesmael, 1845
- Ojuelos Khalaim, 2012
- Olesicampa
- Olesicampe Förster, 1869
- Olethrodotis Förster, 1869
- Onarion Townes, 1969
- Oncocotta Dasch, 1974
- 欧姬蜂属 Opheltes Holmgren, 1859
- Ophiogastrella Brues, 1912
- 瘦姬蜂属 Ophion Fabricius, 1798
- Ophionellus Westwood, 1874
- Ophionocryptus Schmiedeknecht, 1908
- Ophiopterus Brullé, 1846
- Oreohoplis Townes, 1966
- Oresbius Marshall, 1867
- Orgichneumon Heinrich, 1961
- Orientoglypta Kuslitzkii, 1973
- Orientohemiteles Uchida, 1932
- Orientospilus Morley, 1912
- Oriphatnus Heinrich, 1967
- 哦姬蜂属 Oronotus Wesmael, 1845
- Orotylus Holmgren, 1890
- Ortezia Cresson, 1873
- Orthizema Förster, 1869
- 拱脸姬蜂属 Orthocentrus Gravenhorst, 1829
- Ortholaba Townes, 1969
- Orthomiscus Mason, 1955
- Orthopelma Taschenberg, 1865
- Osprynchotus Spinola, 1841
- Otlophorus Förster, 1869
- Otoblastus Förster, 1869
- Ovipterygium Zhang, 1989
- Owenus Townes, 1969
- Oxyjoppa Cameron, 1906
- 尖裂姬蜂属 Oxyrrhexis Förster, 1869
- Oxytaenia Förster, 1868
- Oxytorus Förster, 1869
- Ozlabium Gauld et Wahl, 2000
- Pachyjoppa Cameron, 1901
- 短姬蜂属 Pachymelos Baltazar, 1961
- Pachysomoides Strand, 1917
- Pagarenes Cameron, 1903
- Palaeoichneumon Kopylov, 2009
- Palaeometopius Menier, Nel, Waller et De Ploëg, 2004
- Palmerella Cameron, 1908
- Palpator Khalaim, 2006
- Palpostilpnus Aubert, 1961
- Pamophion Gauld, 1977
- Paniscus Schrank, 1802
- Panteles Förster, 1869
- Pantisarthrus Förster, 1871
- Pantorhaestes Förster, 1869
- Pappous Viertler, Klopfstein, Jouault et Spasojevic, 2022
- Parabates Förster, 1868
- Parabatus
- Parablastus Constantineanu, 1973
- Paracoelichneumon Heinrich, 1978
- Paracollyria Cameron, 1906
- Paracryptus Szépligeti, 1916
- Paraditremops Heinrich, 1977
- Paraethecerus Perkins, 1953
- Paragambrus Uchida, 1936
- Paraglyptus Seyrig, 1952
- Parallocota Seyrig, 1952
- Paranacis Gauld, 1984
- Parania Morley, 1913
- 派姬蜂属 Paraperithous Haupt, 1954
- Paraphylax Förster, 1869
- Parapimpla Théobald, 1937
- Paraplatylabus Riedel, 2011
- Parastadus Burks, 1952
- Paratanera Rao, 1953
- Paratanychora Zhang et Rasnitsyn, 2003
- Paratilgidopsis Martins-Neto, 1998
- Paraxylophrurus Cameron, 1908
- Parema Gupta, 1962
- Paretha Seyrig, 1952
- Pareubaeus McKellar, Kopylov et Engel, 2013
- Parhemiteles Seyrig, 1952
- Parmortha Townes, 1962
- Parorophis Townes, 1969
- Parvaoplus Heinrich, 1969
- Parvipimpla Gauld, 1984
- Pathorima
- Patrocloides Heinrich, 1961
- Patroclus Cresson, 1873
- Pauroctenus Cameron, 1909
- Paxylobembra Khalaim, 2014
- Paxylommites Kasparyan, 1988
- Peakelestes Gauld, 1997
- Pectinolochus Aubert, 1960
- Pectinorex Graf, 1976
- Pedinojoppa Heinrich, 1960
- Pedinopa Townes, 1969
- Pedinopelte Kriechbaumer, 1898
- Pedunculus Townes, 1969
- Pegaoplex Dbar, 1984
- Pellis
- Peltocarus Thomson, 1887
- Pentelophus Townes, 1966
- Pepsijoppa Heinrich, 1936
- Pergaphaga Gauld, 1984
- Periceros Schulz, 1906
- Perilimicron Aubert, 1989
- Perilissus Förster, 1855
- Perilissus Holmgren, 1857
- Perinetia
- Periope Haliday, 1839
- Periplasma Porter, 1967
- Perisphincter Townes, 1961
- Perispuda Förster, 1869
- Perissocerus Smith, 1877
- Peritasis Townes, 1971
- 白眶姬蜂属 Perithous Holmgren, 1859
- 佩姬蜂属 Perjiva Jonathan et Gupta, 1973
- Petila Tedesco et Aguiar, 2009
- Petilium Townes, 1969
- Petilochus Gauld, 1984
- Peucobius Townes, 1971
- Peumocryptus Porter, 1998
- Pezomachus Gravenhorst, 1829
- Pezomahcus
- Pezomschus
- Phaedroctonus Förster, 1869
- Phaeneumon Gauld, 1984
- Phaenolabrorychus Viereck, 1913
- Phaenolobus Förster, 1869
- 厚唇姬蜂属 Phaeogenes Wesmael, 1845
- Phaestacoenitus Smits van
- Burgst, 1913 Phaestocaenitus
- Phaestus Förster, 1869
- Phairichneumon Gauld, 1984
- Phaisura Cameron, 1906
- Phaisurella Heinrich, 1938
- Phaisurellops Heinrich, 1967
- Phalgea Cameron, 1905
- Pharetrophora
- Pharzites Cameron, 1905
- Pheogenes
- Pherhombus Kasparyan, 1988
- Pherombus Kasparyan, 1988
- Philodrymus Townes, 1971
- Philogalleria Cameron, 1912
- Philositus Townes, 1969
- Phobetes Förster, 1869
- 惊蠋姬蜂属 Phobocampe Förster, 1869
- Phorotrophus Saussure, 1890
- Phosphoriana van Rossem, 1987
- Photocryptus Viereck, 1913
- Phradis Förster, 1869
- Phrudus Förster, 1869
- Phruropimpla Benoit, 1964
- Phthorima Förster, 1869
- Phycitiplex Porter, 1987
- Phygadeuon Gravenhorst, 1829
- Phygaseuon
- Physotarsus Townes, 1966
- 短梳姬蜂属 Phytodietus Gravenhorst, 1829
- Phytodieus
- Piambia Seyrig, 1952
- Piasites Seyrig, 1952
- Picacharops Gauld, 1984
- Picardiella Lichtenstein, 1920
- Picrocryptoides Porter, 1965
- Picrostigeus Förster, 1869
- Piestetron Dasch, 1974
- Pimpla Fabricius, 1804
- Pimpla Porter, 1970
- 筒瘤姬蜂属 Pimplaetus Seyrig, 1932
- Pimplites Steinbach, 1967
- Pimplomorpha Cameron, 1906
- Pimplopterus Ashmead, 1900
- Piogaster Perkins, 1958
- Pion Schiødte, 1839
- Pionpherta Aubert, 1993
- Pithotomus Kriechbaumer, 1888
- Plagiotrypes Ashmead, 1900
- Planochorus Schwenke, 2004
- Platybirmania Heinrich, 1974
- Platyjoppa Uchida, 1932
- Platylabops Heinrich, 1950
- 平姬蜂属 Platylabus Wesmael, 1845
- Platymischos Tischbein, 1868
- Platymystax Townes, 1969
- Platyrhabdus Townes, 1970
- Plectiscidea Viereck, 1914
- Plectiscus Gravenhorst, 1829
- Plectochorus Uchida, 1933
- Plectocryptus Thomson, 1873
- Plectrocryptus Thomson, 1874
- Pleolophus Townes, 1962
- Pleurogyrus Townes, 1970
- Pleuroneurophion Ashmead, 1900
- Podeleboea Ugalde et Gauld, 2002
- Podogaster Brullé, 1846
- Podoschistus Townes, 1957
- Poecilocryptus Cameron, 1901
- Poecilocryptus Kriechbaumer, 1901
- Poecilodromops Heinrich, 1975
- Poecilodromus Heinrich, 1975
- Poecilojoppa Kriechbaumer, 1898
- Poecilojoppoides Heinrich, 1934
- Poecilopimpla Cameron, 1903
- Poecilopimpla Morley, 1914
- Poecilostictus Ratzeburg, 1852
- 牧姬蜂属 Poemenia Holmgren, 1859
- Polyaulon Förster, 1869
- Polyblastus Hartig, 1837
- Polychorella Zhang, 1985
- Polyconus Townes, 1971
- Polycyrtidea Viereck, 1913
- Polycyrtus Spinola, 1840
- Polyhelictes Spasojevic, Wedmann et Klopfstein, 2018
- Polyphrix Townes, 1969
- Polysphincta Gravenhorst, 1829
- Polytribax Förster, 1869
- Porizon Fallén, 1813
- Porizonopteron Meier, 1931
- Potia Seyrig, 1952
- Prethophion Townes, 1971
- Primophion Townes, 1971
- Prionacis Townes, 1970
- Priopoda Holmgren, 1856
- Priotomis Townes, 1970
- Pristiboea Broad, Sääksjärvi et Veijalainen, 2011
- Pristicerops Heinrich, 1961
- Pristiceros Gravenhorst, 1829
- 齿腿姬蜂属 Pristomerus Curtis, 1836
- Probles Förster, 1869
- Probolus Wesmael, 1845
- Procerochasmias Heinrich, 1938
- Procestus Townes, 1970
- Prochas Walkley, 1959
- Procinetus Förster, 1869
- Proclitus Förster, 1869
- Proeliator Rossem, 1981
- Projoppa Townes, 1936
- Promethes Förster, 1869
- Prosacron Townes, 1971
- Prosmoridea Cushman, 1915
- Prosthoporus Porter, 1977
- Protarchus Förster, 1869
- 原姬蜂属 Protichneumon Thomson, 1893
- Protohellwigia Brues, 1910
- Protoleptops Heinrich, 1967
- Protonetelia Konishi, 1986
- Protopelmus Heinrich, 1959
- Provancherides Heinrich, 1968
- Pseudagrypon Lee et Kim, 1984
- Pseudalomya Telenga, 1930
- Pseudamblyteles Ashmead, 1900
- Pseudaneuclis Horstmann, 1971
- Pseudanomalon Szépligeti, 1905
- Pseudarotes Meier, 1930
- Pseudarotes Uchida, 1929
- Pseudatropha Seyrig, 1932
- Pseuderipternus Viereck, 1916
- Pseudeupalamus Heinrich, 1980
- Pseudevirchoma Heinrich, 1969
- Pseudischnojoppa Heinrich, 1967
- Pseudischnus Walkley, 1954
- Pseudoamblyteles Heinrich, 1926
- Pseudochorus Rao, 1953
- Pseudocillimops Heinrich, 1969
- Pseudocillimus Roman, 1920
- Pseudocoelichneumon Heinrich, 1967
- Pseudocremastus Szepligeti, 1905
- Pseudomaraces Heinrich, 1975
- Pseudometopius Davis, 1897
- 伪瘤姬蜂属 Pseudopimpla Habermehl, 1917
- Pseudopimpla Seyrig, 1927
- Pseudoplatylabops Heinrich, 1967
- Pseudoplatylabus Smits van Burgst, 1920
- Pseudopoemenia Kiss, 1924
- Pseudorhyssa Merril, 1915
- Pseudotogea Heinrich, 1969
- Pseudotricapus Jonathan, 1987
- 凹顶姬蜂属 Psilomastax Tischbein, 1868
- Psychostenus Uchida, 1955
- Pterinopus Townes, 1969
- Pterocryptus Szepligeti, 1916
- Ptilobaptus Townes, 1971
- Ptychopsis Sanborne, 1981
- Punctileptops Heinrich, 1967
- Pycnocryptodes Aubert, 1971
- Pycnocryptus Thomson, 1873
- Pycnoflatsor Narolsky et Schonitzer, 2001
- Pycnophion Ashmead, 1900
- Pycnopyge Cushman, 1922
- Pygidites Seyrig, 1952
- Pygmaeoleus Hellén, 1958
- Pygmaeolus Hellén, 1958
- Pygocryptus Roman, 1925
- Pyracmon Holmgren, 1859
- Pyralophagus Seyrig, 1952
- Pyramidamblys Heinrich, 1967
- Pyramidophorus Tischbein, 1882
- Quandrus Wahl et Sime, 2002
- Queequeg Wahl et Sime, 2002
- Quillonota Ugalde et Gauld, 2002
- Rambites Seyrig, 1952
- Ramulimonstrum Kopylov, 2010
- Raninia Diller, 1985
- Rarivia Seyrig, 1952
- Rasnichneumon Kopylov, Zhang et Zhang, 2021
- Rasnitsynites Kasparyan, 1994
- Reclinervellus He et Ye, 1998
- Regius Narolsky, 1990
- Remonzia Seyrig, 1952
- Reptatrix Townes et Townes, 1962
- Resosoa Seryrig, 1952
- Retalia Seyrig, 1952
- Rhabdosis Townes, 1969
- Rhabdotus Townes, 1946
- Rhachioplex Bischoff, 1932
- Rhadinodonta Szépligeti, 1908
- Rhadinodontoplisus Heinrich, 1938
- Rhadinodontops Heinrich, 1969
- Rhadinomastrus Gauld, 1984
- Rhadiurginus Hellen, 1967
- Rhaestus Thomson, 1883
- Rhaibaspis Dasch, 1974
- Rhembobius Förster, 1869
- Rhimphoctona Förster, 1869
- Rhinium Townes, 1966
- Rhinotorus Förster, 1869
- Rhopalophion Seyrig, 1936
- Rhorodes Aubert, 1970
- Rhorus Förster, 1869
- Rhynchocryptus Cameron, 1905
- Rhynchophion Enderlein, 1912
- Rhynchoprobles Horstmann, 1971
- Rhysaspis Tischbein, 1874
- 皱背姬蜂属 Rhyssa Gravenhorst, 1829
- 小皱姬蜂属 Rhyssella Rohwer, 1920
- Rhytidaphora Reshchikov, Quicke et Butcher, 2022
- Rhytura Townes, 1962
- Ribasia Ceballos, 1920
- Richtichneumon Heinrich, 1961
- Ricrena Cameron, 1906
- Rictichneumon Heinrich, 1961
- Rictophion Townes, 1971
- Riekophion Gauld, 1977
- Rimbusia Heinrich, 1980
- Rodrigama Gauld, 1991
- Rogichneumon Kopylov, Zhang et Zhang, 2021
- Romaniella Cushman, 1940
- Rossemia Humala, 1997
- Rothneyia Cameron, 1897
- Rovenosa Khalaim, 2011
- Rubicundiella Heinrich, 1961
- Rudimentifera Kopylov, 2009
- Rugascuta Sheng, 2009
- Rugatractodes Jussila, 1979
- Rugodiaparsis Horstmann, 1971
- Rugopimpla Kopylov, 2010
- Rugosculpta Heinrich, 1968
- Rynchobanchus Kriechbaumer, 1894
- Ryssolabus Berthoumieu, 1894
- Sachtlebenia Townes, 1963
- Sagaritis Holmgren, 1858
- Saltagenes Diller, 1995
- Saotis Förster, 1869
- Saranaca Wahl et Sime, 2002
- Sathropterus Förster, 1869
- Satous Townes, 1969
- 撒姬蜂属 Satrius Tosquinet, 1903
- Savolia Seyrig, 1952
- Scambus Hartig, 1838
- Scapnetes Townes, 1969
- 小室姬蜂属 Scenocharops Uchida, 1932
- Scenopathus Enderlein, 1914
- Schachticraspedon Diller, 1984
- Schelocentrus Kasparyan, 1976
- Schenkia Förster, 1869
- 裂臀姬蜂属 Schizopyga Gravenhorst, 1829
- Schizopygoides Kasparyan, 1976
- Schizospilus Seyrig, 1936
- 蛀姬蜂属 Schreineria Schreiner, 1905
- Sciocryptus Porter, 1987
- Sciron Fitton, 1984
- Scirtetes Hartig, 1838
- Sclerophion Gauld, 1979
- 齿胫姬蜂属 Scolobates Gravenhorst, 1829
- Scolomus Townes et Townes, 1950
- Scopesis Förster, 1869
- Scrobiculus Townes, 1969
- Scudderopsis Bennett, 2006
- Scutellator Kasparyan et Humala, 1995
- Seleucus Holmgren, 1860
- Semimesoleius Ozols, 1963
- Semitogea Heinrich, 1969
- 蓑瘤姬蜂属 Sericopimpla Kriechbaumer, 1895
- Serratosculum Heinrich, 1969
- Sesioplex Viereck, 1912
- Setanta Cameron, 1901
- Setantops Heinrich, 1969
- Seticornuta Morley, 1913
- Seyrighoplites Heinrich, 1938
- Seyrigichneumon Heinrich, 1938
- Seyrigiella Heinrich, 1938
- Shortia Gauld, 1984
- Sialocara Townes, 1969
- Sicophion Gauld, 1979
- Silsila Cameron, 1903
- Simophion Cushman, 1947
- 毁蛛姬蜂属 Sinarachna Townes, 1960
- Singalissaspis Jussila, 1998
- Sinicorussus Linnaeus, 1982
- Sinochora Kopylov et Zhang, 2015
- 棱柄姬蜂属 Sinophorus Förster, 1869
- Siphimedia Cameron, 1902
- Sjoestedtiella Szépligeti, 1908
- Sjostedtiella Szépligeti, 1908
- 邻驼姬蜂属 Skeatia Cameron, 1901
- Skiapus Morley, 1917
- Slenda Gauld, 1984
- Sliochia Gauld, 1976
- Slonopotamus Khalaim, 2011
- Smicrolius Thomson, 1893
- Smicroplectrus Thomson, 1883
- Solitosculum Heinrich, 1968
- Soratsia Seyrig, 1952
- Sozites Seyrig, 1952
- Spanophatnus Cameron, 1905
- Spathacantha Townes, 1969
- Sphaeromanus Aubert, 1979
- Sphecoctonus Seyrig, 1952
- Sphecophaga Westwood, 1840
- Sphelodon Townes, 1966
- 单距姬蜂属 Sphinctus Gravenhorst, 1829
- Sphingozona Townes, 1971
- Spilichneumon Thomson, 1894
- Spilocryptus Thomson, 1873
- Spilopimpla Cameron, 1904
- Spilopteron Townes, 1960
- Spilothyrateles Heinrich, 1967
- Spinallonotus Heinrich, 1967
- Spinamblys Heinrich, 1969
- Spinellamblys Heinrich, 1969
- Spinolochus Horstmann, 1971
- Spolas Townes, 1961
- Spudaeus Gistel, 1848
- Stangepelma Porter, 1977
- 棘转姬蜂属 Stauropoctonus Brauns, 1889
- Stenaoplus Heinrich, 1938
- Stenapatetor Heinrich, 1938
- Stenarches Heinrich, 1934
- Stenarchops Heinrich, 1968
- 窄姬蜂属 Stenarella Szépligeti, 1916
- Stenichneumon Thomson, 1893
- 尖腹姬蜂属 Stenichneumonopsis Heinrich, 1934
- Stenobarichneumon Heinrich, 1961
- Stenobenyllus Heinrich, 1938
- Stenocrotaphon Kasparyan, 1969
- Stenodontus Berthoumieu, 1897
- Stenogynaia Heinrich, 1965
- Stenolonche Kriechbaumer, 1898
- Stenomacrus Förster, 1869
- Stenotes Townes, 1969
- Stethantyx Townes, 1971
- Stetholophus Townes, 1969
- Stethoncus Townes, 1959
- Stibeuon Horstmann, 2012
- Stibeutes Förster, 1869
- Stictolissonota Cameron, 1907
- 横脊姬蜂属 Stictopisthus Thomson, 1886
- Stilbops Förster, 1869
- Stilpnus Gravenhorst, 1829
- Stipomoles Townes, 1969
- Stirexephanes Cameron, 1912
- Stirojoppa Cameron, 1911
- Stiromesostenus Cameron, 1911
- Stomacis Townes, 1969
- Strabotes Townes, 1969
- Stronglyopsis Brauns, 1896
- 实姬蜂属 Strongylopsis Brauns, 1896
- Stylocryptus Thomson, 1873
- Subhemiteles Horstmann, 1976
- Sulcarius Townes, 1970
- Surculus Townes, 1970
- Sussaba Cameron, 1909
- Sustenus Townes, 1971
- Sweaterella Wahl et Gauld, 1998
- Sycaonia Cameron, 1903
- Sychnoleteroides Brèthes, 1909
- Sychnostigma
- Sympherta Förster, 1869
- Symplecis Förster, 1869
- Symplecis Gravenhorst, 1829
- Syndipnus Förster, 1869
- Synechocryptus Schmiedeknecht, 1904
- Synetaeris Förster, 1869
- Synodites Förster, 1869
- Synoecetes Förster, 1869
- Synomelix Förster, 1869
- Synosis Townes et Townes, 1929
- Syntactus Förster, 1869
- Syntrips Gauld, 1984
- Syrphidepulo Diller, 1982
- 杀蚜蝇姬蜂属 Syrphoctonus Förster, 1869
- Syrphophilus Dasch, 1964
- Syspasis Townes, 1965
- 色姬蜂属 Syzeuctus Förster, 1869
- Taiwatheronia Sonan, 1936
- Takastenus Uchida, 1931
- Talorga Cameron, 1911
- Tamaulipeca Bordera et Sääksjärvi, 2012
- Tamaulipeca Kasparyan, 2000
- Tanepomidos Gupta et Jonathan, 1971
- Tanychela Townes, 1971
- Tanychora Townes, 1973
- Tanychorella Rasnitsyn, 1975
- Tanyloncha Townes, 1969
- Tanypelma Townes, 1971
- Tariqia Rousse et Villemant, 2012
- Tashtego Wahl et Sime, 2002
- Tasmabates Gauld, 1984
- Tatogaster Townes, 1971
- Taubatehymen Martins-Neto, 1998
- Teleutaea Förster, 1869
- Teluncus Townes, 1969
- 抱缘姬蜂属 Temelucha Förster, 1869
- Terebraella Heinrich, 1972
- Terminator Humala, 2007
- Terrylee Broad, Sääksjärvi et Veijalainen, 2011
- Tersilochus Holmgren, 1859
- Tersoakus Narolsky, 2002
- Tetractenion Seyrig, 1932
- Tetragonochora Kriechbaumer, 1898
- Tetrambon Townes, 1969
- Thaictenopelma
- Thalessa
- Thaictenopelma splendida Ranjith, Reshchikov & Quicke, 2024[4]
- Thamester Wahl, 1993
- Thascia Cameron, 1904
- Thaumatocephalus Heinrich, 1930
- Thaumatogelis Schmiedeknecht, 1933
- Thaumatogelis Schwarz, 1995
- Thaumatoplites Heinrich, 1969
- Thaumatoplitops Heinrich, 1969
- Thaumatoteles Hopper, 1938
- Thaumatotypus Förster, 1868
- Thelodon Townes, 1961
- 棘领姬蜂属 Therion Curtis, 1829
- 囊爪姬蜂属 Theronia Holmgren, 1859
- Theroscopus Förster, 1869
- Thibetoides Davis, 1879
- Thrybius Townes, 1965
- Thrychosis
- Thymariodes Kasparyan, 1988
- Thymaris Förster, 1869
- Thymebatis Brèthes, 1909
- Thyrateles Perkins, 1953
- Thyreodon Brullé, 1846
- Thyridoplites Heinrich, 1969
- Ticapimpla Gauld, 1991
- Tilgidopsis Cockerell, 1921
- Tmetogaster Hopper, 1939
- Tobiasites Kasparyan, 1988
- Tobiastes Kasparyan, 1988
- Toechorychus Townes, 1946
- Togea Uchida, 1926
- Togeella Heinrich, 1980
- Tolonus Seyrig, 1952
- Tomagotra Gauld, 1984
- Tomagotras Gauld, 1984
- Torbda Cameron, 1902
- Torquaoplus Heinrich, 1969
- Torquinsha Gauld et Wahl, 2000
- Tosquinetia Ashmead, 1900
- Tossinola Viktorov, 1958
- Tossinolodes Aubert, 1984
- 汤姬蜂属 Townesia Ozols, 1962
- Townesion Kasparyan, 1993
- Townesites Kasparyan, 1994
- Townestenus Momoi, 1966
- Townostilpnus Aubert, 1961
- Toxochiloides Tolkanitz, 1974
- Toxochilus Townes, 1938
- Trachaner Townes, 1969
- Trachyarus Thomson, 1891
- Trachyglutus Townes, 1969
- Trachysphyrus Haliday, 1836
- Trafana Seyrig, 1952
- Tranosema Förster, 1869
- Tranosemella Horstmann, 1978
- 离缘姬蜂属 Trathala Cameron, 1899
- Trematopygodes Aubert, 1968
- Trematopygus Holmgren, 1857
- Tretobasis Porter, 1973
- 三钩姬蜂属 Triancyra Baltazar, 1961
- Tricapus Townes, 1969
- Tricentrum Townes, 1969
- Tricholabus Thomson, 1894
- Tricholinum Förster, 1869
- Trichomma Wesmael, 1849
- 弓脊姬蜂属 Triclistus Förster, 1869
- Tricyphus Kriechbaumer, 1898
- Trieces Townes, 1946
- Trigonator Spasojevic, Wedmann et Klopfstein, 2018
- Trihapsis Townes, 1969
- Trimorus Kriechbaumer, 1894
- Triptognathops Heinrich, 1978
- 损齿姬蜂属 Triptognathus Berthoumieu, 1904
- Trogichneumon Heinrich, 1968
- Trogomorpha Ashmead, 1900
- Trogopyga Heinrich, 1969
- 深沟姬蜂属 Trogus Panzer, 1806
- 聚蛛姬蜂属 Tromatobia Förster, 1869
- Trophophion Cushman, 1947
- Tropicolabus Heinrich, 1959
- Tropistes Gravenhorst, 1829
- Trychosis Förster, 1869
- Trymectus Spasojevic et al., 2018
- Tryonocryptus Gauld et Holloway, 1983
- Trypha Townes, 1969
- Tryphon Fallén, 1813
- Tryphoninae Shuckard, 1840
- Tryphopimpla Kopylov, 2010
- Tsangamania Seyng, 1952
- Tsiavikites Seyrig, 1952
- Tsirambia Seyrig, 1952
- Tsirirella Seyrig, 1952
- Tumeclypeus Wang, 2001
- Tycherus Förster, 1869
- Tymmophorus Schmiedeknecht, 1913
- Uchidella Townes, 1957
- 武姬蜂属 Ulesta Cameron, 1903
- Uloola Gauld, 1984
- Umanella Gauld, 1991
- Unicarinata Sheng, Li et Sun, 2022
- Urancyla Gauld, 1984
- Urotryphon Townes, 1973
- Urvashia Gupta et Gupta, 1971
- Vadonina Seyrig, 1952
- Vagenatha Cameron, 1901
- Valdiviglypta Broad, Sääksjärvi et Veijalainen, 2011
- Validentia Heinrich, 1934
- Varnado Wahl, 1993
- 圆柄姬蜂属 Venturia Schrottky, 1902
- Vernamalon Gauld, 1976
- Vestibulum Townes, 1969
- Vildania Koçak et Kemal, 2009
- Virendrania Sudheer et Narendran, 2005
- Virgichneumon Heinrich, 1977
- Virginipes Aubert, 1998
- 俗姬蜂属 Vulgichneumon Heinrich, 1961
- Wahlamia Ugalde et Gauld, 2002
- Wahliodontus Diller et Schonitzer, 1999
- Weisia Schmiedeknecht, 1907
- Westwoodia Brullé, 1846
- Whymperia Cameron, 1903
- Woldstedtius Carlson, 1979
- Wuda Cheesman, 1936
- Xanthephialtes Cameron, 1906
- 黄缝姬蜂属 Xanthocampoplex Morley, 1913
- Xanthocryptus Cameron, 1901
- Xanthophenax Saussure, 1892
- 黑点瘤姬蜂属 Xanthopimpla Saussure, 1892
- Xanthosomnium Wahl et Sime, 2002
- Xenarthron
- Xenojoppa Cameron, 1902
- Xenolytus Förster, 1869
- 跃姬蜂属 Xenoschesis Förster, 1869
- Xenothyris Townes, 1969
- Xestojoppa Cameron, 1901
- Xestopelta Dasch, 1964
- Xiomara Gauld, 1997
- Xiphonychidion Porter, 1963
- Xiphosomella Szépligeti, 1905
- Xiphulcus Townes, 1970
- 凿姬蜂属 Xorides Latreille, 1809
- Xoridesopus Cameron, 1907
- Xylacis Porter, 1987
- Xylonomus Gravenhorst, 1829
- Xylophion Gauld, 1979
- Xylophrurus Förster, 1869
- Xylostenus Gauld, 1984
- Yamatarotes Uchida, 1929
- Yeppoona Gauld, 1984
- 野姬蜂属 Yezoceryx Uchida, 1928
- Zabrachypus Cushman, 1920
- Zaglyptomorpha Viereck, 1913
- 盛雕姬蜂属 Zaglyptus Förster, 1869
- Zagryphus Cushman, 1919
- Zambion Kasparyan, 1993
- Zanthojoppa Cameron, 1901
- Zapedias Förster, 1868
- Zaplethocornia Schmiedeknecht, 1912
- Zastenomorpha Viereck, 1921
- 多印姬蜂属 Zatypota Förster, 1869
- Zealochus Khalaim, 2004
- Zemiophora Förster, 1869
- Zonocryptus Ashmead, 1900
- Zonopimpla Ashmead, 1900
- Zonopius Benoit, 1961
- Zoophthorus Förster, 1869
- Zophoplites Porter, 1998
- Zurquilla Gauld, 1997
- Zygoglypta Momoi, 1965
- ^ Ichneumonidae. GBIF. [2022-12-15]. (原始内容存档于2022-12-15).
- ^ Adriane G. M. Lima, Diego G. Pádua, Rodrigo O. Araujo, Luis A. Mazariegos, Daniell R. R. Fernandes. 2024. Revisiting the Darwin Wasp Genus Epelaspis Townes, 1970 (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Phygadeuontinae): Five New Species, New Records and A Key to Neotropical Species. Zootaxa. 5468(1); 52-74. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5468.1.2
- ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Pascal Rousse, Gavin R. Broad and Simon van Noort. 2016. Review of the Genus Genaemirum Heinrich (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Ichneumoninae) with Interactive Identification Keys to Species. ZooKeys. 636: 77-105. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.636.10216
- ^ Avunjikkattu P. Ranjith, Donald L. J. Quicke, Alexey Reshchikov and Buntika A. Butcher. 2024. A New enigmatic Genus of the ichneumonid subfamily Ctenopelmatinae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) from Thailand. Journal of Hymenoptera Research. 97: 491-504. DOI: 10.3897/jhr.97.121436