乾隆皇帝死后,包括《女史箴图》在内的“四美”一直被收藏于紫禁城建福宫花园,慈禧太后时期被移往颐和园,1899年义和团事件,八国联军进京,驻颐和园的英军第一孟加拉骑兵团的克劳伦斯.K.约翰逊上尉(Captain Clarence A. K. Johnson (1870–1937))趁乱将《女史箴图》盗走,约翰逊上尉的家人后来辩称,《女史箴图》是一个被约翰逊救过的贵妇的赠品,[42]约翰逊1902年回到伦敦后,并没有意识到《女史箴图》的价值,他把《女史箴图》拿到大英国博物馆,想让馆员给画轴上的玉扣估价,大英博物馆绘画部的管理员Sidney Colvin (1845–1927),和他的助手Laurence Binyon (1869–1943)意识到了这幅画的价值,于是以25英镑从约翰逊手中购得。[21][43]1912年,大英博物馆雇佣日本画家杉崎秀明和漆原木虫制作了100份木板复制品,1914到1915期间,《女史箴图》被分割成两长段和一小段保存,第一段包含9幅场景的原作,第二段的包括了其他所有的后来添加部分,第三段是邹一桂的画作,[21]从1914年以来,此画被保管于大英博物馆北区,由于光线原因很少展出。[44]
^Display card for the Admonitions Scroll by the digital reproduction on the North Stairs of the British Museum. Accessed 2012-03-25.
Barnhart, Richard M., Concerning the Date and Authorship of the Admonitions Handscroll, McCausland, Shane (编), Gu Kaizhi and the Admonitions Scroll, British Museum Press: 85–88, 2003, ISBN 978-0-7141-2414-8
Chen, Pao-chen, The Admonitions Scroll in the British Museum: New Light on the Text-Image Relationships, Painting Style and Dating Problem, McCausland, Shane (编), Gu Kaizhi and the Admonitions Scroll, British Museum Press: 126–137, 2003, ISBN 978-0-7141-2414-8
Cura, Nixi, A 'Cultural Biography' of the Admonitions Scroll: The Qianlong Reign (1736–1795), McCausland, Shane (编), Gu Kaizhi and the Admonitions Scroll, British Museum Press: 260–276, 2003, ISBN 978-0-7141-2414-8
Fong, Wen C., Introduction: The Admonitions Scroll and Chinese Art History, McCausland, Shane (编), Gu Kaizhi and the Admonitions Scroll, British Museum Press: 18–40, 2003, ISBN 978-0-7141-2414-8
Mason, Charles, The British Museum Admonitions Scroll: A Cultural Biography, Orientations, June 2001, 32 (6): 30–34, ISSN 0030-5448
Murray, Julia K., Who Was Zhang Hua's 'Instructress'?, McCausland, Shane (编), Gu Kaizhi and the Admonitions Scroll, British Museum Press: 100–107, 2003, ISBN 978-0-7141-2414-8
Spiro, Audrey, Creating Ancestors, McCausland, Shane (编), Gu Kaizhi and the Admonitions Scroll, British Museum Press: 53–84, 2003, ISBN 978-0-7141-2414-8
Wang, Yao-ting, Beyond the Admonitions Scroll: A Study of its Mounting, Seals and Inscriptions, McCausland, Shane (编), Gu Kaizhi and the Admonitions Scroll, British Museum Press: 192–218, 2003, ISBN 978-0-7141-2414-8
Wu, Hung, The Admonitions Scroll Revisited: Iconology, Narratology, Style, Dating, McCausland, Shane (编), Gu Kaizhi and the Admonitions Scroll, British Museum Press: 89–99, 2003, ISBN 978-0-7141-2414-8
Yang, Xin, A Study of the Admonitions Scroll Based on Landscape Portrayal, McCausland, Shane (编), Gu Kaizhi and the Admonitions Scroll, British Museum Press: 42–52, 2003, ISBN 978-0-7141-2414-8
Yu, Hui, The Admonitions Scroll: A Song Version, Orientations, June 2001, 32 (6): 41–51, ISSN 0030-5448