大森和他的同事在舊金山市區內量測毀壞的建築物並拍照。他們還報告多次遭到當地人攻擊[18]。至少有兩人指出大森房吉和他的同事在舊金山米慎街(英语:Mission Street)遭到一群以丟石塊等方式隨機攻擊日本人,被當地媒體稱為反日種族主義者(英语:Anti-Japanese sentiment in the United States)的成年人和青少年攻擊[19][20];然而,同時期的消息來源指出因為美國的日本人組織抗議造成當地一位郵差被解雇時,大森房吉遭到當地一名男童丟石塊攻擊[21]。而寄到當地報紙的一封信中所提到的其他意外並沒有其餘的來源可以佐證[22]。大森房吉本人則選擇原諒,並且寫下:「關於我在舊金山因為一些流氓引發的麻煩。我個人相當高興看到,夏威夷居民不喜歡看到我被這樣對待。但我確實沒有受傷,並且沒有承受到任何惡意。在所有國家都有流氓,加州人對我非常好,而我對我的旅程感到非常快樂」[23]
^Poppe, Barbara B. Historical Survey of U.S. Seimograph Stations: Geological Survey Professional Paper 1096. Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office. 1979.
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Associated with John Milne ,
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^Nott P.A. :Herbert Gustar L. K. John Milne, Father of Modern Seismology : Norbury Publications :Caxton House, Kent 1980. Pg 89
^Milne, John: Omori, F. Trans Seismological Society, Japan. , Vol 13, Pt 1: Effects on Buildings pp 43-83
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Otani, Shunsuke. A Japanese View of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake Disaster. Earthquake Spectra, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute. 2006, 22: S183–S205.
Crane, Charles S. San Francisco Hoodlumism. Hawaiian Gazette. 10 July 1906: 4.
Fradkin, Philip. The Great Earthquake and Firestorms of 1906: How San Francisco nearly destroyed itself. Berkeley, California: University of California Press. April 2006: 448. ISBN 978-0-520-24820-5.
Fisk extends Omori Apology: Summarily dismisses boy who struck savant with a stone 100 (15). San Francisco Call. 15 June 1906.
Japanese visitors meet disgraceful treatment 100 (14). San Francisco Call. 14 June 1906.
^Hawaii is Safe from Earthquakes. Hawaii Gazette. 14 August 1906.
Associated Press. Mistake Scientist for non-union man 33 (280). Los Angeles Herald. 7 July 1906.
Mayor Makes Apology for Attack on Omori: Citizens of Eureka Are Aroused by Assault on Japanese Seismic Expert 100 (38). San Francisco Call. 8 July 1906: 25.
Discovered the Center of quake: Prof. Omori, Japanese Seismologist says he found it on coast between Point Reyes and Point Arena. Daily Humboldt Standard. 26 July 1906.
^Daily News 100 (65). San Francisco Call. 4 August 1906.
^Russell A. Apple. HVO History. United States Geological Survey HVO web site. [2009-07-11]. (原始内容存档于2009-06-14).