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Aboriginal Australian language This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Warlpiri language – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (March 2022) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) WarlpiriRegionNorthern Territory, AustraliaEthnicityWarlpiri, NgaliaNative speakers2,624 (2021 ...

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Radio station in Victoria, AustraliaJOY 94.9 (3JOY)Melbourne, VictoriaAustraliaBroadcast areaMelbourne City RA1FrequencyFM: 94.9 MHzDAB+: 9B MelbourneRDSJOY94.9ProgrammingFormatLGBTI Community radioOwnershipOwnerJoy Melbourne IncHistoryFounded1993First air dateDecember 1993 (1993-12)Call sign meaningJoyTechnical informationLicensing authorityACMAERP250 W[1]Transmitter coordinates37°48′37″S 144°57′44″E / 37.810225°S 144.962141°E / -37.81022...

English politician and courtier (1529–1586) For other people named Henry Sidney, see Henry Sidney (disambiguation). The article's lead section may need to be rewritten. The reason given is: The first half is confusingly focused on his father rather than Sidney himself. Please help improve the lead and read the lead layout guide. (March 2019) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) SirHenry SidneyKGPortrait by Arnold Bronckorst, 1573Born20 July 1529Died5 May 1586OfficesLord Depu...

1990–93 summits to end formal segregation and racial discrimination policies F. W. de Klerk and Nelson Mandela in July 1993, near the close of negotiations, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to receive jointly the Liberty Medal.[1] Part of a series onApartheid Events 1948 general election Coloured vote constitutional crisis 1956 Treason Trial Sharpeville massacre Rivonia Trial Soweto uprising Church Street, Pretoria bombing Vaal uprising Trojan Horse Incident Khotso House bombing Cape T...

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Voce principale: Vicenza Calcio. Vicenza CalcioStagione 2015-2016Formazione iniziale nell'amichevole Vicenza-Chievo Sport calcio SquadraVicenza Calcio Allenatore Pasquale Marino (fino al 14/03/2016) Franco Lerda All. in seconda Massimo Mezzini (fino al 14/03/2016) Giacomo Chini Presidente Gian Luigi Polato Serie B13º posto Coppa ItaliaQuarto turno Maggiori presenzeCampionato: Sampirisi (38)Totale: Sampirisi (41) Miglior marcatoreCampionato: Raičević (11)Totale: Raičević (11) StadioRomeo ...
BMW 321Descrizione generaleCostruttore BMW Tipo principaleberlina Altre versionicabriolet Produzionedal 1938 al 1941 Sostituisce laBMW 320 Sostituita daBMW 501 Esemplari prodotti3.814[1][2] Altre caratteristicheDimensioni e massaLunghezza4.500 mm Larghezza1.540 mm Altezza1.580 mm Passo2.750 mm Massa1.100 kg AltroStilePetre Schimanowski Altre erediEMW 340 (solo per la Germania Orientale Stessa famigliaBMW 303BMW 319BMW 329 Auto similiCitroën...

Артикуляцио́нный аппара́т — анатомо-физиологическая система органов, включающая гортань, голосовые складки, язык, мягкое и твёрдое нёбо (ротоглотку), зубы верхней и нижней челюсти (см. прикус), губы, носоглотку и резонаторные полости, участвующие в порождении звуков р...

История ла́кцев (самоназвание — лак), коренного народа Дагестана, принадлежащего к Кавкасионскому антропологическому типу, охватывает период с V века нашей эры до настоящего времени. Исторической столицей лакцев (Лакии) является селение Кумух, расположенное в центре ...

一場於德國斯圖加特舉行的模擬聯合國會議 模擬聯合國(英語:Model United Nations,缩写MUN)是一種學術性質活動,藉由精簡後的聯合國議規舉行模擬會議,使與會者瞭解多邊外交的過程,培養分析公民議題的能力,促進世界各地學生的交流,增進演講和辯論能力,提高组织、策划、管理、研究和写作、解决冲突、求同存异的能力[1],訓練批判性思考、團隊精神和領導才...

Cet article est une ébauche concernant un musée et l’archéologie. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?) selon les recommandations des projets correspondants. Musée d'IsraëlVue aérienne du Musée d’Israël avec la Knesset au second plan.Informations généralesNom local (he) מוזיאון ישראלType Musée d'art, musée national (d)Ouverture 11 mai 1965Visiteurs par an 750 066 (2016)Site web (he) www.imj.org.il/enCollectionsCo...