在2001年,美國印度研究學會與國家地理學會贊助一項研究計畫,贊助保羅·塞里諾(Paul Sereno)、傑佛瑞·威爾森(Jeffrey A. Wilson)等美國古動物學家,協同印度地質調查局的蘇雷什·斯里瓦斯塔瓦進行這些化石的重建、研究工作[1]。塞里諾等人根據完成部分顱骨、骨盆、薦骨的重建,並發現牠們的顱骨與額角,類似在馬達加斯加的瑪君龍[8]。除了訥爾默達河谷的化石,中央邦賈巴爾普爾也發現一些類似的化石。整體而言,已經發現一個部分顱骨、脊椎、骨盆、後肢骨頭、尾巴[4]。在2003年,塞里諾、Wilson、Srivastava等人將這些化石正式命名為納巴達勝王龍(R. narmadensis)。
^Rogers, Raymond R.; Krause, David W.; Curry Rogers, Kristina; Rasoamiaramanana, Armand H.; & Rahantarisoa, Lydia. Paleoenvironment and Paleoecology of Majungasaurus crenatissimus (Theropoda: Abelisauridae) from the Late Cretaceous of Madagascar. Sampson, Scott D.; & Krause, David W. (eds.) (编). Majungasaurus crenatissimus (Theropoda: Abelisauridae) from the Late Cretaceous of Madagascar. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Memoir 8. 2007: 21–31.引文使用过时参数coauthors (帮助)
^Lydekker, R. (1877). "Notices of new and other Vertebrata from Indian Tertiary and Secondary rocks." Records of the Geological Survey of India, 10(1): 30-43.
^Mathur,U. B. and Srivastava S.(1987). "Dinosaur teeth from Lameta group (Upper Cretaceous) of Kheda district,Gujarat" Journal of the Geological Society of India, 29: 554-566
^Weishampel, David B.; Paul M. Barrett, Rodolfo Coria, A., Jean Le Loeuff, Zhao Xijin Xu Xing, Ashok Sahni, Elizabeth M.P. Gomani and Christopher R. Noto. Dinosaur Distribution. David B. Weishampel, Peter Dodson and Halszka Osmólska (eds.) (编). The Dinosauria 2nd. Berkeley: University of California Press. 2004: 595. ISBN 0-520-24209-2.引文使用过时参数coauthors (帮助)
^Upchurch, Paul; Barrett, Paul M., and Dodson, Peter. Sauropoda. Weishampel, David B.; Dodson, Peter; and Osmólska, Halszka. (eds.) (编). The Dinosauria 2nd. Berkeley: University of California Press. 2004: 270. ISBN 0-520-24209-2.引文使用过时参数coauthors (帮助)
^Sharma, N., Kar, R.K., Agarwal, A. and Kar, R. (2005). "Fungi in dinosaurian (Isisaurus) coprolites from the Lameta Formation (Maastrichtian) and its reflection on food habit and environment." Micropaleontology, 51(1): 73-82.