Mobiclip的视频压缩技术对任天堂GBA、NDS、WII和3DS等游戏机的电池寿命和视频质量进行了优化。Mobiclip的编解码器以较低的电池消耗提供了高质量的视频效果,并被索尼影业数码、Paramount、Fox和Gaumont Columbia Tristar Films等工作室,以及手机制造商(如诺基亚或索尼爱立信),用在手机存储卡视频上。
^Annual Report 2017 for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2017(PDF). Nintendo. [2020-04-17]. (原始内容存档(PDF)于2021-01-10). NERD Inc., a former consolidated subsidiary, was excluded from the scope of consolidation from the consolidated fiscal year ended March 31, 2017, since said company was dissolved due to the absorption-type merger with Nintendo Technology Development Inc., the surviving entity.