Par L2 (o segonda łéngua) se intende, in lenguìstega e in glotodidàtega, na łéngua aprendesta inte on segondo momento rispeto de ła łéngua materna del ła parsona che ła xe drio apréndar.[1]
Voxe corełae
- Billiet, Jaak, Bart Maddens, and Roeland Beerten. "National Identity and Attitude Toward Foreigners in a Multinational State: A Replication". Vol. 24. International Society of Political Psychology, 2003. Ser. 2. 8 Oct. 2011
- Brian A. Jacob. "Defining Culture in a Multicultural Environment: An Ethnography of Heritage High School". American Journal of Education, Vol. 103, No. 4 (Aug., 1995) 339-376. University of Chicago Press
- Camm, Howard. 'Commutazione di codice, la parità e l'equivalenza nelle metodologie di interpretazione.' Roma, Marso 2017.
- Doughty, C. J., & Long, M. H. (Eds.). (2012). The handbook of second language acquisition. Madden, MA: Blackwell.
- Mitchell, R and Myles, F. (2004) Second Language Learning Theories, 2nd edition. London: Arnold; New York, distributed by Oxford University Press (chapter 2)
- Pratt, Mary Louise. "Arts of the Contact Zone." Profession. Modern Language Association, 1991, 33-40. Retrieved 11 Aug. 2018.
- ↑ Diadori et al., Manuale di didattica dell'italiano L2, cit., pp. 12 e 14.