
Developer (s) Planamesa Software
Stable release
2022.3 Edit this on Wikidata / 8 October 2022
Operating system macOS 10.12+
Type Office suite
License GPL[1]

NeoOffice — bu Planamesa Inc tomonidan ishlab chiqilgan macOS operatsion tizimi uchun ofis dasturlari toʻplami. Bu koʻpgina xususiyatlarini, jumladan matn protsessorini, elektron jadvalni, taqdimot dasturini va grafik dasturlarni amalga oshiradigan va LibreOffice -ning macOS versiyalarida mavjud boʻlmagan baʼzi xususiyatlarni qoʻshadigan erkin va ochiq kodli ning tijorat shaklidir. va Apache OpenOffice.[2] Joriy versiyalar LibreOffice 4.4 ga asoslangan.


Mac uchun ning 3.0 dan oldingi versiyalarida mahalliy Mac OS X interfeysi mavjud emas edi; ular yoki XDarwin oʻrnatilishini talab qilishdi.

NeoOffice oson oʻrnatilish, Mac OS X interfeysiga yaxshiroq integratsiyalash (ekranning yuqori qismidagi ochiladigan menyular va tanish klaviatura yorliqlari) bilan mahalliy Mac OS X tajribasini taqdim etgan birinchi fork boʻldi. qoʻshimcha konfiguratsiyasiz Mac OS X shriftlari va bosib chiqarish xizmatlari, Mac OS X almashish buferi va „olib-qoʻyish“ funksiyalari bilan integratsiyalandi. Keyinchalik, LibreOffice ham, Apache OpenOffice ham NeoOfficeyetakchiligiga ergashdilar va xuddi shunday mahalliy Mac OS X interfeyslarini amalga oshirdilar.

NeoOffice Mac OS X-da mahalliy portini yaratish usullarini oʻrganish loyihasi sifatida boshlangan. Hozir NeoOffice deb nomlangan loyiha dastlab „NeoOffice/J“ deb nomlangan boʻlib, u Mac OS X-ning Java integratsiyasidan mahalliy dasturni yoqish uchun foydalanishini aks ettiradi. . Tegishli loyiha NeoOffice/C boʻlib, u bir vaqtning oʻzida Apple kompaniyasining Cocoa API-laridan foydalangan holda versiyani ishlab chiqish boʻyicha harakati edi. Ammo NeoOffice/C yaratishni amalga oshirish juda qiyin boʻlib chiqdi va dastur juda beqaror edi, shuning uchun loyiha yanada istiqbolli NeoOffice/J foydasiga chetga surildi. „/J“ qoʻshimchasi 1.2 versiyasida olib tashlandi, chunki uni ajratib turadigan boshqa NeoOffice turi yoʻq edi. Ushbu relizlarning aksariyati faqat Erta kirish aʼzolari yuklab olishi mumkin boʻlgan versiyadan oldin edi; bu versiyalar rasmiy chiqish sanasidan taxminan bir oy oldin chiqarilgan.

NeoOffice 3.1.1 dan NeoOffice 2015 ga qadar barcha versiyalar 3.1.1 ga asoslangan edi, ammo oxirgi versiyalarda LibreOffice va Apache OpenOffice barqarorlik tuzatishlari kiritilgan[3]. NeoOffice 2017 va keyingi versiyalari toʻliq LibreOffice-ga asoslangan[4].

2013-yilda NeoOffice Mac App Store doʻkoni orqali tijorat tarqatish modeliga oʻtdi. 2016-yil holatiga koʻra, manba kodi hali ham bepul, ammo dasturiy taʼminot toʻplami faqat tijorat litsenziyasini sotib olgan holdamavjud[1].

A timeline of major derivatives of StarOffice and with NeoOffice in light purple
OOo version Versiyasi Ishlab chiqarilish sanasi Chiqarish eslatmalari NeoOffice/C 0.0.1 June 22, 2003 Incendiary Goblin build
1.1.2 NeoOffice/J 1.1 Alpha 2 September, 2004
1.1.3 NeoOffice/J 1.1 Beta December, 2004
1.1.4 NeoOffice/J 1.1 RC March, 2005
NeoOffice/J 1.1 June 22, 2005
2.0 NeoOffice 1.2 Alpha November, 2005
2.0.1 NeoOffice 1.2 Beta January 2, 2006
NeoOffice 1.2 February 1, 2006
2.0.2 NeoOffice 1.2.2 March 30, 2006
NeoOffice 2.0 Alpha PowerPC April 25, 2006
NeoOffice 2.0 Alpha 2 PowerPC May 9, 2006
NeoOffice 2.0 Alpha 3 PowerPC May 23, 2006
NeoOffice 2.0 Alpha Intel June 5, 2006
NeoOffice 2.0 Alpha 2 Intel June 19, 2006
2.0.3 NeoOffice 2.0 Alpha 4 July 1, 2006
NeoOffice 2.0 Aqua Beta August 1, 2006
NeoOffice 2.0 Aqua Beta 2 August 15, 2006
NeoOffice 2.0 Aqua Beta 3 August 29, 2006
2.1.0 NeoOffice 2.1 March 26, 2007 Introduced an icon set with designs that more closely resemble typical Mac OS X icons than those of
2.2.1 NeoOffice 2.2.1 August 27, 2007
NeoOffice 2.2.2 October 9, 2007 Bug fixes
NeoOffice 2.2.3 March 17, 2008 QuickTime video support, Menus available when no documents are open, Import images from scanners and cameras
NeoOffice 2.2.4 June 16, 2008 Media browser support, native floating tool windows, support for newer touchpad gestures, support for horizontal scrolling
NeoOffice 2.2.5 September 15, 2008 Bug fixes, speed improvements, apple remote support in Impress.
NeoOffice 2.2.6 October 27, 2009 Last version to support Mac OS X 10.3.
3.0.1 NeoOffice 3.0 March 31, 2009 Introduced access to the Mac OS X spellchecker, grammar checker, address book and media browser; users of languages not supported by the Mac OS X spellchecker can use the Hunspell system originally used. It also improved support for Microsoft Word 2007, Excel 2007 and PowerPoint 2007 documents, and for spreadsheets with Visual Basic for Applications macros that made their debut in version 2.1. Speed improvements, command clicking on window titlebar, Mac OS X 10.5 grammar checker. Requires Mac OS X 10.4 or above.
NeoOffice 3.0.1 October 27, 2009
NeoOffice 3.0.2 February 1, 2010 Added native Mac OS X text highlighting, smoother text kerning and more
3.1.1 NeoOffice 3.1.1 May 10, 2010 Added support for „Look Up in Dictionary“ context menu item in Writer to look up a word's definition, if it exists, in Mac OS X's Dictionary application. Also, users can view 10 versions of each NeoOffice Mobile file, The NeoOffice Mobile window is collapsible, and the NeoOffice Mobile menu uses less space in NeoOfficeʼs menubar.
NeoOffice 3.1.2 September 7, 2010 Temporary files are encrypted when FileVault is enabled. Fix for bugs that cause embedded images to be lost after saving Writer or Impress documents.
NeoOffice 3.2 19 April 2011[5] Mac OS X 10.7 Lion support, more font support, smaller PDFs
NeoOffice 3.3 22 August 2012[6] High resolution text on Retina displays, OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion and Gatekeeper, Cocoa replaces Java[7]
NeoOffice 3.4 22 October 2013[8] OS X 10.9 support, last version to support 10.6 & 10.7.
NeoOffice 2013 9 August 2013[9] First NeoOffice version available in Mac App Store, OS X 10.8 minimum required.
NeoOffice 2014 12 June 2014[10] 64-bit and OS X 10.10 support
NeoOffice 2015 9 September 2015[11] OS X 10.11 support.[12]
LibreOffice version Version Release date Release Notes
4.4 NeoOffice 2017 17 August 2017[13] First version to be based on LibreOffice[13]
NeoOffice 2022.1 25 June 2022[14] Universal installer, runs natively on Apple silicon Mac computers[14]

Qoʻllab-quvvatlanadigan fayl formatlari

NeoOffice 3.1.2 da hujjatlarni saqlash uchun qoʻllab-quvvatlanadigan fayl formatlari Saqlash dialog oynasidagi koʻrinish tartibida keltirilgan. NeoOffice hujjatni dastlab Microsoft formatida tahrirlash uchun ishlatilsa, NeoOffice formatlashni yoʻqotmasdan ushbu formatga saqlashi mumkin.

Word protsessor dasturi

  • OpenDocument matni (.odt) *
  • OpenDocument matn shabloni (.ott)
  • NeoOffice 1.0 matnli hujjat (.sxw)
  • NeoOffice 1.0 matnli hujjat shabloni (.stw)
  • Microsoft Word 97/2000/XP (.doc)
  • Microsoft Word 95 (.doc)
  • Microsoft Word 6.0 (.doc)
  • Rich matn formati (.rtf)
  • StarWriter 5.0 (.sdw)
  • StarWriter 5.0 andozasi (.var)
  • StarWriter 4.0 (.sdw)
  • StarWriter 4.0 andozasi (.var)
  • StarWriter 3.0 (.sdw)
  • StarWriter 3.0 andozasi (.var)
  • Matn (.txt)
  • Kodlangan matn (.txt)
  • HTML hujjati (NeoOffice Writer) (.html)
  • AportisDoc (Palm) (.pdb)
  • Docbook (.xml)
  • Microsoft Word 2007 XML (.docx)
  • Microsoft Word 2003 XML (.xml)
  • OpenDocument matni (Flat XML) (.fodt)
  • Pocket Word (.psw)
  • Unified Office Format matni (.uot)

Elektron jadval ilovasi

  • OpenDocument elektron jadvali (.ods) *
  • OpenDocument elektron jadval shabloni (.ots)
  • NeoOffice 1.0 elektron jadvali (.sxc)
  • NeoOffice 1.0 elektron jadval andozasi (.stc)
  • Maʼlumot almashish formati (.dif)
  • dBase (.dbf)
  • Microsoft Excel 97/2000/XP (.xls)
  • Microsoft Excel 97/2000/XP shabloni (.xlt)
  • Microsoft Excel 95 (.xls)
  • Microsoft Excel 95 shabloni (.xlt)
  • Microsoft Excel 5.0 (.xls)
  • Microsoft Excel 5.0 andozasi (.xlt)
  • StarCalc 5.0 (sdc)
  • StarCalc 5.0 andozasi (.v.)
  • StarCalc 4.0 (.sdc)
  • StarCalc 4.0 andozasi (.v.)
  • StarCalc 3.0 (.sdc)
  • StarCalc 3.0 andozasi (.v.)
  • SYLK (.slk)
  • CSV (.csv) matni
  • HTML hujjati (NeoOffice Calc) (.html)
  • Microsoft Excel 2007 XML (.xlsx)
  • Microsoft Excel 2003 XML (.xml)
  • OpenDocument elektron jadvali (Flat XML) (.fods)
  • Pocket Excel (.pxl)
  • Yagona ofis formati elektron jadvali (.uos)

Taqdimot uchun dastur

  • OpenDocument taqdimoti (.odp) *
  • OpenDocument taqdimot shabloni (.otp)
  • NeoOffice 1.0 taqdimoti (.sxi)
  • NeoOffice 1.0 taqdimot shabloni (.sti)
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP (.ppt)
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP shabloni (.pot)
  • NeoOffice 1.0 Chizmachilik (NeoOffice Impress) (.sxd)
  • StarDraw 5.0 (NeoOffice Impress) (.sda)
  • StarDraw 5.0 (NeoOffice Impress) (.sdd)
  • StarImpress 5.0 (.sdd)
  • StarImpress 5.0 andozasi (.var)
  • StarImpress 4.0 (.sdd)
  • StarImpress 4.0 andozasi (.var)
  • Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 XML (.pptx)
  • OpenDocument taqdimoti (Flat XML) (.fodp)
  • Yagona ofis formati taqdimoti (.uop)
  • OpenDocument Drawing (Impress) (.odg)

Grafik dastur

  • OpenDocument Drawing (.odg) *
  • OpenDocument chizma shabloni (.otg)
  • NeoOffice 1.0 Chizma (.sxd)
  • NeoOffice 1.0 Chizma shabloni (.std)
  • StarDraw 5.0 (.sda)
  • StarDraw 5.0 andozasi (.v.)
  • StarDraw 3.0 (.sdd)
  • StarDraw 3.0 andozasi (.v.)
  • OpenDocument Drawing (Flat XML) (.fodg)

Maʼlumotlar bazasi ilovasi

  • OpenDocument maʼlumotlar bazasi (.odb) *

Formula ilovasi

  • OpenDocument formulasi (.odf) *
  • NeoOffice 1.0 formulasi (.sxm)
  • StarMath 5.0 (.smf)
  • MathML 1.01 (mml)


Sun birinchi navbatda LGPL va SISSL ostida ni chiqardi, keyinchalik faqat LGPL ostida, asosiy kod bazasiga qoʻshilgan har qanday hissa uchun mualliflik huquqini tayinlash talabi bilan Sunga dasturiy taʼminotning xususiy versiyalarini (xususan StarOffice) yaratishga imkon berdi. NeoOffice oʻz kodini Sunga tayinlamaslikni tanladi, bu esa Sunning rasmiy versiyalarida NeoOffice kodidan foydalanishiga toʻsqinlik qildi.

Litsenziyalashdagi farqlarni hal qilish va NeoOffice va ishlab chiquvchilari oʻrtasida toʻgʻridan-toʻgʻri hamkorlik va kod almashishni rivojlantirish uchun dastlab baʼzi urinishlar boʻlgan. Biroq, NeoOffice ishlab chiquvchilari, ular dan alohida ishlashni afzal koʻrishlarini aytishdi, chunki „muvofiqlashtirish katta vaqtni talab qiladi“[15]. ishlab chiquvchilari „birga ishlash boʻyicha taklif qilingan va NeoOffice ishlab chiquvchilari rad etishganini“ aytishdi[16]. Keyinchalik NeoOffice ishlab chiquvchilari LibreOffice va The Document Foundation dasturini ishga tushirishni qoʻllab-quvvatladilar[17].


  1. 1,0 1,1 „NeoOffice FAQ“. Planamesa Inc.. Qaraldi: 28-yanvar 2016-yil. Manba xatosi: Invalid <ref> tag; name "payments" defined multiple times with different content
  2. „NeoOffice features“. Planasema Inc.. Qaraldi: 28-yanvar 2016-yil.
  3. Pluby. „Mac App Store complaints“. (7-noyabr 2013-yil). Qaraldi: 25-dekabr 2013-yil.
  4. Pluby. „NeoOffice 2017 Beta Professional Edition released“. (2-may 2017-yil). Qaraldi: 10-may 2017-yil.
  5. „NeoOffice® 3.2 for Mac OS X Released“. NeoOffice (19-aprel 2011-yil). Qaraldi: 20-oktabr 2013-yil.
  6. „Template:NeoOfficeWords“. NeoWiki. NeoOffice (2012-yil 22-avgust). Qaraldi: 19-oktabr 2013-yil.
  7. „NeoOffice® 3.3 for Mac OS X Released“. NeoOffice (22-avgust 2012-yil). Qaraldi: 20-oktabr 2013-yil.
  8. pluby. „NeoOffice 3.4 released“. (22-oktabr 2013-yil). Qaraldi: 25-dekabr 2013-yil.
  9. pluby. „NeoOffice 2013 is now in the Mac App Store“. (9-avgust 2013-yil). Qaraldi: 20-iyul 2014-yil.
  10. pluby. „NeoOffice 2014 released in the Mac App Store“. (12-iyun 2014-yil). Qaraldi: 20-iyul 2014-yil.
  11. pluby. „NeoOffice 2015 Classic Edition released“. (9-sentabr 2015-yil). Qaraldi: 9-sentabr 2015-yil.
  12. „NeoOffice Download“. (9-sentabr 2015-yil). Qaraldi: 15-may 2016-yil.
  13. 13,0 13,1 pluby. „NeoOffice 2017 Professional Edition released“. (17-avgust 2017-yil). Qaraldi: 17-avgust 2017-yil.
  14. 14,0 14,1 pluby. „NeoOffice 2022.1 released“. (25-iyun 2022-yil). Qaraldi: 16-may 2022-yil.
  15. NeoOffice FAQ's
  16. FAQ and NeoOffice from the OOo wiki
  17. The Document Foundation. „ Community announces The Document Foundation“. (28-sentabr 2010-yil). 2010-yil 30-sentyabrda asl nusxadan arxivlangan. Qaraldi: 28-sentabr 2010-yil.

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