Axat – Fransiyaning janubidagi Aude departamentida joylashgan kommuna. Kommunada 497 nafar aholi istiqomat qiladi[1].
Erik Tiuga ko‘ra[2], Baronlik 1776-yilda Markizlikka aylangan va 1788-yilda bekor qilingan[3]. Bu Philippe du Puy de Clinchamps tomonidan qabul qilingan hurmat unvoniga aylandi[4].
↑Éric Thiou, Dictionary of titles and land titles in France under the Ancien Régime, éditions Mémoire et Documents, Versailles, 2003, (p.58) (fransuzcha)
↑Gustave Chaix d'Est-Ange, Dictionary of ancient French families and notables at the end of the 19th century, vol. 13 (fransuzcha)
↑Charondas, What title?, vol. 36, 1970 (fransuzcha)