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Junior Eurovisiesongfestival 2003 Gastland Denemarken Locatie Forum København, Kopenhagen Omroep DR Datum 15 november 2003 Presentatoren Camilla Ottesen en Remee Winnaar Land Kroatië Lied Ti si moja prva ljubav Artiest Dino Jelušić Andere gegevens Stemgegevens Elk land verdeelt 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 en 12 punten via televoting Aantal landen 16 Debuterend Alle deelnemende landen Intervalact Busted en Sugababes Chronologie ● Start – 2004 ► Het Junior Eurovis...

Genus of plant-parasitic oomycetes Albugo Albugo candida, on Capsella bursa-pastoris Scientific classification Domain: Eukaryota Clade: Diaphoretickes Clade: SAR Clade: Stramenopiles Phylum: Oomycota Order: Albuginales Family: Albuginaceae Genus: Albugo Species[1] Albugo candida Albugo capparidis Albugo capparis Albugo caryophyllacearum Albugo chardoni Albugo evolvuli Albugo gomphrenae Albugo hesleri Albugo hohenheimia Albugo ipomoeae-panduratae Albugo laibachii Albugo leimonios Albug...

Филипп Гербертангл. Philip Herbert 5-й граф Пембрук 1660 — 11 декабря 1669 Предшественник Филипп Герберт Преемник Уильям Герберт Рождение 1621(1621)Уилтон-хаус, Уилтшир, Королевство Англия Смерть 11 декабря 1669(1669-12-11) Отец Филипп Герберт, 4-й граф Пембрук Мать Сьюзен де Вер Супруга 1. П...

共產黨 欧洲 挪威红党 挪威共产党 瑞典共产党 (1995年) 瑞典共产党 (2005年) 芬兰共产党 (1994年) 丹麦共产党 爱沙尼亚共产党 (1990年) 拉脱维亚社会党 立陶宛社会主义人民阵线 白俄罗斯共产党 白俄罗斯左翼党“公正世界” 顿涅茨克人民共和国共产党 摩尔多瓦共和国共产党人党 德涅斯特河沿岸的共产党 俄罗斯联邦共产党 德国的共产党 波兰共产党 (2002年) 捷克和摩拉维亚共产...

Libertad Plaza LocalizaciónPaís ArgentinaUbicación Cerrito 1010, Buenos Aires ArgentinaInformación generalEstilo PostmodernoArrendatario actual Zurich Financial ServicesInicio Febrero de 1999Finalización Diciembre de 2000Construcción 2000Propietario Comagasi S.A.Ocupante Zurich Insurance GroupDetalles técnicosSistema estructural Hormigón armadoPlantas 12Superficie 9763 m²Diseño y construcciónArquitecto Carlos Ott y AsociadosIngeniero estructural Ing. Subié, Fernández y Asoc...

3-й Колективний провулок УкраїнаНаселений пункт ЖитомирМісцевість РудняРайон БогунськийІсторичні відомостіКолишні назви Провулок СавицькогоЗагальні відомостіПротяжність 300 мПоштові індекси 10003ТранспортРух двостороннійІнфраструктураЗабудова садибна житловаЗо...

Egyptian actor, singer, composer, director and songwriter Tamer HosnyTamer Hosny in an interview with Middle East News Agency in February 2015BornTamer Hosny Sherif Abbas Farghaly تامر حسني شريف عباس فرغلي (1977-08-16) 16 August 1977 (age 46)Cairo, EgyptOccupation(s)Singer, actor, composer, director, songwriterYears active2002–presentSpouse Bassma Boussel (m. 2012; div. 2023)Children3Musical careerGenresArabi...

1961 filmThe Vengeance of UrsusDirected byLuigi CapuanoScreenplay by Marcello Ciorciolini Luigi Capuano Roberto Gianviti Nino Scolaro[1] Story byMarcello Ciorciolini[1]Produced byFerdinand Felicioni[1]Starring Samson Burke Wandisa Guida Livio Lorenzon Nadia Sanders CinematographyOberdan Troiani[1]Edited byAntonietta Zita[1]ProductioncompanySplendor Film[1]Release date 7 December 1961 (1961-12-07) (Italy) Running time88 minutes...

American less than truckload freight trucking company AAA Cooper TransportationFormerlyP.C. White Truck Lines (before 1955)AAA Motor Lines (1955-1969)TypeSubsidiaryIndustryTransportationFounded1955; 68 years ago (1955)FounderJohn H. Red DoveHeadquartersDothan, Alabama, U.S.Key peopleG. Mack Dove (chairman)Reid Dove (president and CEO)Charlie Prickett (EVP and COO)Steve Roy (CFO)ProductsLess-Than-TruckloadRevenueUS$780 million (2021 est.)Net incomeUS$80 million (202...

Archaeological remains of the ritual burial of materials under the foundations of buildings Foundation deposits are the archaeological remains of the ritual burial of materials under the foundations of buildings.[1] Examples of foundation deposits Foundation nail dedicated by Gudea to Ningirsu. Fenestrated silver axehead, Middle Bronze Age, found near Byblos Ancient Egypt Foundation deposits for Hatshepsut's tomb In the case of Ancient Egypt, foundation deposits took the form of ritua...

Metalist Kharkiv 1925Calcio Segni distintivi Uniformi di gara Casa Trasferta Colori sociali Giallo, blu Dati societari Città Charkiv Nazione Ucraina Confederazione UEFA Federazione FFU Campionato Premjer-liha Fondazione 1925 Scioglimento2016Rifondazione2020 Presidente Oleksandr Jaroslavs'kyj Allenatore Andriy Anishchenko Stadio Metalist(43 000 posti) Sito web www.metalist.ua Palmarès Trofei nazionali 1 Coppa dell'URSS Si invita a seguire il modello di voce Il Metalist Charkiv, ufficia...

Spherical Neutral Detector in Budker INP, partially unmounted (2008). Spherical Neutral Detector (SND) is a detector for particle physics experiments, successor of the Neutral Detector (ND),[1] created by the team of physicists in the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (BINP), Novosibirsk, Russia. There are three major periods in evolution of the SND experiment; from 1995 to 2000 - data collection at the e+e− storage ring VEPP-2M in the energy range 2E=0.4-1.4 GeV, from 2001 to 200...

Come leggere il tassoboxSiluriformes Ictalurus furcatus (in alto) e Silurus glanis Classificazione scientifica Dominio Eukaryota Regno Animalia Sottoregno Eumetazoa Superphylum Deuterostomia Phylum Chordata Subphylum Vertebrata Infraphylum Gnathostomata Superclasse Osteichthyes Classe Actinopterygii Sottoclasse Neopterygii Infraclasse Teleostei Superordine Ostariophysi Ordine SiluriformesCuvier, 1816 Famiglie Vedi testo Clarias gariepinus (fam. Clariidae) Ameiurus melas (fam. Ictaluridae) Sor...

هذه المقالة يتيمة إذ تصل إليها مقالات أخرى قليلة جدًا. فضلًا، ساعد بإضافة وصلة إليها في مقالات متعلقة بها. (يوليو 2019) جون سفينسون معلومات شخصية الميلاد 2 أكتوبر 1979 (45 سنة)[1] الجنسية السويد الحياة العملية الفرق مايو سي سي إن برو سايكلنج [لغات أخرى] (2015–) ...

Malta Football Association (MFA) Datos generalesDeporte FútbolFundación 1900Afiliación FIFA (1959) UEFA (1960)Presidente Norman Darmanin DemajoSitio web oficial[editar datos en Wikidata] La Asociación de Fútbol de Malta (MFA) (en inglés: Malta Football Association) es el organismo rector del fútbol en Malta, con sede en La Valeta. Se encarga de la organización de la Liga maltesa, así como los partidos de la Selección de fútbol de Malta en sus distintas categorías. Fundad...

Disambiguazione – The Modern Jazz Quartet rimanda qui. Se stai cercando altri significati, vedi The Modern Jazz Quartet (disambigua). Questa voce o sezione sull'argomento gruppi musicali statunitensi non cita le fonti necessarie o quelle presenti sono insufficienti. Puoi migliorare questa voce aggiungendo citazioni da fonti attendibili secondo le linee guida sull'uso delle fonti. Segui i suggerimenti del progetto di riferimento. Modern Jazz Quartet Paese d'origine Sta...

Large wooden ship from classical Greek Fanciful digital reconstruction of Leontophoros.Leontophoros was a famous ship built in Heraclea for Lysimachos; it was one of the largest wooden ships ever built. There exists a textual fragment by Memnon, the historian of Heraclea, describing the ship:There was one eight (octareme), which was called Leontophoros, remarkable for its size and beauty. In this ship while there were a hundred men rowing each file so that there were eight hundred men from ea...

Paghimo ni bot Lsjbot. Alang sa ubang mga dapit sa mao gihapon nga ngalan, tan-awa ang Foot Lake. 59°36′01″N 108°38′03″W / 59.60018°N 108.63413°W / 59.60018; -108.63413 Foot Lake Lanaw Nasod Kanada Lalawigan Saskatchewan Gitas-on 358 m (1,175 ft) Tiganos 59°36′01″N 108°38′03″W / 59.60018°N 108.63413°W / 59.60018; -108.63413 Timezone CST (UTC-6) GeoNames 5955330 Lanaw ang Foot Lake sa Kanada.[1] Nahimutan...

Ky artikull është i cunguar. Ju mund të ndihmoni Wikipedian duke e zgjeruar atë.vte Kantoni Perpignan-4kantonPopullsia • Gjithsej19.790 Kantoni Perpignan-4 (frëngjisht: Canton de Perpignan-4) është një kanton në departamentin Pyrénées-Orientales, rajonin Languedoc-Roussillon në Francë. Kryeqëndra e kantonit është Perpignan. Ka sipërfaqe km2 dhe popullsi 19790 banorë. Administrimi Përbërja aktuale Kantoni Perpignan-4 aktualisht përbëhet nga 1 komuna. Lista e k...

Map all coordinates using OSMMap up to 200 coordinates using Bing Export all coordinates as KML Export all coordinates as GeoRSS Export all coordinates as GPX Map all microformatted coordinates Place data as RDF Ang Forest Lake ngalan niining mga mosunod: Awstralya 1 Mga dapit nga gitawag Forest Lake sa Awstralya. Forest Lake (bahin nga lungsod), State of Queensland, Brisbane, 27°37′32″S 152°58′08″E / 27.62563°S 152.96883°E / -27.62563; 152.96883 (...