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Sensus Pertanian Indonesia 2023Lambang Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) IndonesiaInformasi umumNegaraIndonesiaTanggal diambil1 Juni - 31 Juli 2023 Sensus Pertanian 2023 (ST2023) adalah Sensus Pertanian ke-7 (tujuh) yang dilaksanakan oleh Badan Pusat Statistik di Indonesia pada tanggal 1 Juni - 31 Juli 2023. Sensus Pertanian sebelumnya dilaksanakan pada tahun 1963, 1973, 1983, 1993, 2003, dan 2013. Sensus Pertanian 2023 merujuk pada World Programme for The Census of Agriculture 2020 yang dibuat ole...

Olaf HyttenHytten dalam Becky Sharp (1935)Lahir(1888-03-03)3 Maret 1888Glasgow, SkotlandiaMeninggal11 Maret 1955(1955-03-11) (umur 67)Los Angeles, California, Amerika SerikatMakamWoodlawn CemeteryPekerjaanPemeranTahun aktif1921–1955 Olaf Hytten (3 Maret 1888 – 11 Maret 1955) adalah seorang pemeran asal Skotlandia. Ia tampil dalam lebih dari 280 film antara 1921 dan 1955.[1] Ia lahir di Glasgow, Skotlandia, dan meninggal di Los Angeles, California akibat ser...

2008 video game 2008 video gameGuitar Hero World TourCover artDeveloper(s)Neversoft[a]Publisher(s)Activision[b]SeriesGuitar HeroPlatform(s)Wii, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X[2][3]ReleaseWii & Xbox 360NA: October 26, 2008EU: November 7, 2008AU: November 12, 2008PlayStation 3NA: October 26, 2008AU: November 12, 2008EU: November 14, 2008[1]PlayStation 2NA: October 26, 2008AU: November 12, 2008EU: November 21, 2008M...

У Вікіпедії є статті про інших людей із прізвищем Гнатюк. Дмитро Михайлович Гнатюк ЗображенняОсновна інформаціяПовне ім'я Дмитро Михайлович ГнатюкДата народження 28 березня 1925(1925-03-28)[1]Місце народження Мамаївці, Королівство Румунія нині Кіцманський район, Чернівець...

South African politician The HonourableSusan ShabanguMPSusan ShabanguMinister of Social DevelopmentIn office26 February 2018[1] – 29 May 2019PresidentCyril RamaphosaDeputyHendrietta Bogopane-ZuluPreceded byBathabile DlaminiSucceeded byLindiwe ZuluMinister of Women in the PresidencyIn office3 June 2014 – 28 February 2018PresidentJacob ZumaCyril RamaphosaPreceded byoffice establishedSucceeded byBathabile DlaminiMinister of Mineral ResourcesIn office11 May 2009 ...
Waste mound made from broken Roman pottery Monte TestaccioMonte TestaccioShown within RomeClick on the map to see markerLocationRegio XIII AventinusCoordinates41°52′33″N 12°28′32″E / 41.875952°N 12.475694°E / 41.875952; 12.475694TypeWaste moundHistoryFounded1st century BC (?) to3rd century AD Monte Testaccio (Italian pronunciation: [ˈmonte teˈstattʃo])[1] or Monte Testaceo, also known as Monte dei Cocci, is an artificial mound in Rome com...

Events from the 4th century in Lebanon 4th century in Lebanon Key event(s): Diocletianic Persecution, Constantinian shift Colossus of Constantine, whose reign is attributed to numerous changes that have permanently affected the course of Western history.[1] Chronology: ← 3rd century 4th century 5th century → Part of a series on the History of Lebanon Timeline Ancient Prehistory Canaan/Phoenicia (2500–333 BC) Egyptian rule (1550–1077 BC) Hittite rule (1600–1178 BC) Assyrian r...

AwardIndian Meritorious Service MedalObverse and reverse of the medalTypeLong and meritorious service medalPresented byHEIC and the British RajEligibilityEuropeans in the British Indian ArmyStatusReplaced by Meritorious Service MedalEstablished1848Last awarded1873Ribbon of the medal Order of WearNext (higher)Indian Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (for Europeans of Indian Army)[1]Next (lower)Royal Marines Meritorious Service Medal[1] The Indian Meritorious Service...

Questa voce sull'argomento scultori italiani è solo un abbozzo. Contribuisci a migliorarla secondo le convenzioni di Wikipedia. Segui i suggerimenti del progetto di riferimento. Monumento equestre di Carlo Magno, Agostino Cornacchini (1725), basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano, Italia Statua di papa Clemente XII, Ancona, Piazza del Plebiscito, 1738 Agostino Cornacchini (Pescia, 26 agosto 1686 – Roma, 1754) è stato uno scultore e pittore italiano, molto attivo a Roma. Indice 1 Biografi...

American pop/rock band The Apples in StereoThe Apples in Stereo performing at the Primavera Festival in Barcelona in June 2007Background informationOriginDenver, Colorado, U.S.GenresIndie popindie rockpsychedelic poppower popneo-psychedeliaYears active1992–presentLabels Elephant 6 SpinART Simian Yep Roc Members Robert Schneider John Hill Eric Allen John Dufilho John Ferguson Ben Phelan Past members Hilarie Sidney Jim McIntyre Jeff Mangum Chris Parfitt Chris McDuffie Bill Doss Websiteapplesi...
The 3 foremost Nayanars with Manickavasagar - collectively called the Nalvars: (from left) Campantar, Appar, Sundarar, Manikkavacakar. Lord Shiva The Vaippu Sthalam[1] also Called Tevara Vaippu Sthalam are places in South India that were mentioned casually in the songs in Tevaram, hymns composed in praise of the god Shiva during 7th-8th century.[2] The Paadal Petra Sthalam by comparison are 275[3] temples that are revered in the verses of Saiva Nayanars in the 6th-9th ...

Czech-German Nazi politician (1888–1947) For other people named Hans Krebs, see Hans Krebs (disambiguation). GauleiterHans KrebsKrebs as an SS-Oberführer c. 1938–1940Regierungspräsident of the Regierungsbezirk Aussig [de]In office15 November 1938 – 8 May 1945Preceded byOffice establishedSucceeded byOffice abolishedHonorary GauleiterIn office26 April 1938 – 8 May 1945Preceded byOffice establishedSucceeded byOffice abolishedPress Chief of the Reich Minis...

1969 mayoral election in Cleveland, Ohio 1969 Cleveland mayoral election ← 1967 November 4, 1969 1971 → Nominee Carl Stokes Ralph Perk Party Democratic Republican Popular vote 120,559 116,806 Percentage 50.48% 48.91% Mayor before election Carl Stokes Democratic Elected Mayor Carl Stokes Democratic Elections in Ohio Federal government U.S. President 1804 1808 1812 1816 1820 1824 1828 1832 1836 1840 1844 1848 1852 1856 1860 1864 1868 1872 1876 1880 1884 1888 18...

Giuseppe La Napola (Napoli) da Trapani junior (Trapani, 1586 – Trapani, 30 novembre 1649) è stato un francescano, filosofo e teologo italiano. Indice 1 Biografia 2 Note 3 Bibliografia 4 Voci correlate Biografia Nato a Trapani, nel 1586, Giuseppe La Napola da Trapani jr. era un frate minore conventuale, da distinguersi da Giuseppe La Napola da Trapani senior, sempre frate minore conventuale ma suo zio. Appartenente alla Provincia di Sicilia, venne inviato a Roma, presso il Collegio San Bona...

Part of a series of articles onPsychoanalysis Concepts Psychosexual development Psychosocial development (Erikson) Unconscious Preconscious Consciousness Psychic apparatus Id, ego and super-ego Ego defenses Projection Introjection Libido Drive Transference Countertransference Resistance Denial Dreamwork Cathexis Important figures Karl Abraham Alfred Adler Michael Balint Wilfred Bion Josef Breuer Nancy Chodorow Max Eitingon Erik Erikson Ronald Fairbairn Paul Federn Otto Fenichel Sándor Ferenc...

Para la plaza de Dallas, Texas, véase American Airlines Center. Victory Plaza LocalizaciónPaís ChinaUbicación Cantón, China ChinaCoordenadas 23°08′15″N 113°18′57″E / 23.13753, 113.31592Información generalEstilo arquitectura modernaFinalización 2007Construcción 2007Detalles técnicosPlantas Tower A:52Tower B:36Diseño y construcciónPromotor Guangzhou City Construction & Development Holdings Ltd.[editar datos en Wikidata] Victory Plaza es un...

フョードル・グリゴリエヴィチ・オルロフ伯爵、カール・ルートヴィヒ・クリスティネック(英語版)作、1768年。 フョードル・グリゴリエヴィチ・オルロフ伯爵(ロシア語: Фёдор Григо́рьевич Орло́в、1741年2月19日 - 1796年5月28日(グレゴリオ暦))は、ロシア帝国の軍人。オルロフ家出身。 生涯 大ノヴゴロド総督グリゴリー・イヴァノヴィチ・オルロフ...

亞飛與亞基The Days of Being Dumb基本资料副标题錯在黑社會的日子导演柯受良监制陳可辛制片鍾珍、林美珊编剧阮世生馬偉豪張志成主演梁朝偉張學友袁詠儀湯鎮業曾志偉配乐魯世傑主題曲〈暗戀妳〉/張學友摄影劉偉強馬楚成繆健輝剪辑陳褀合制片商藝能影業有限公司電影人製作有限公司片长91 分鐘产地 香港语言粵語上映及发行上映日期 英屬香港:1992年7月25日 (1992-07...

CorrèzeCorrèzeDepartament BayroqGerb 45°20′0″N 1°50′0″E / 45.33333°N 1.83333°E / 45.33333; 1.83333Mamlakat FransiyaAholisi 240,073Milliy tarkib fransuzlarVaqt mintaqasi UTC+1Telefon kodi 19 Corrèze (fransuzcha talaffuzi: [kɔʁɛz] ( tinglang); Occitan) Fransiyadagi departament. Oʻz nomini departament orqali oqib oʻtuvchi Correze daryosidan olgan. Uning markazi Tulle boʻlsa-da, eng koʻp aholi joylashgan shahri Brive-la-Gaillarde hisoblanadi...