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De verschillende stromingen in de Noord-Atlantische gyre, waaronder de Antillenstroom De Antillenstroom is een warme oceaanstroom in het noordwesten van de Atlantische Oceaan, ze loopt in noordwestelijke richting langs de eilanden die de scheiding vormen tussen de Caraïbische Zee en de Atlantische Oceaan. De stroom is het gevolg van de Atlantische Noordequatoriale stroom en uiteindelijk gaat ze over in de Floridastroom die verder noordelijk overgaat in de Noord-Atlantische stroom. De stroom ...

خط تشوأو السريع معلومات عامة البلد اليابان نقطة البداية طوكيو نقطة النهاية تاكاو أو أوتسوكي عدد المحطات 32 (إلى تاكاو)، 40 (إلى أوتسوكي) التشغيل تاريخ الافتتاح الرسمي 11 أبريل 1889 المالك شركة شرق اليابان للسكك الحديدية المشغل شركة شرق اليابان للسكك الحديدية معلومات تق

Hotline 19451 The Alaska Native Regional Corporations were established in 1971 when the United States Congress passed the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) which settled land and financial claims made by the Alaska Natives and provided for the establishment of 13 regional corporations to administer those claims.[1][2] Associations, regional and village corporations Under ANCSA the state was originally divided into twelve regions, each represented by a Native associat...

هارمان للصناعات الدوليةالشعارمعلومات عامةالجنسية الولايات المتحدة[2] التأسيس 1980النوع شركة عامة (الرمز في بورصة نيويورك: HAR)الشكل القانوني شركة مساهمة عامة (S.A) المقر الرئيسي كونيتيكتموقع الويب (الإنجليزية) المنظومة الاقتصاديةالشركة الأم إلكترونيات سامسونج (20...

SD Negeri Menteng 01InformasiDidirikan1934JenisNegeriKepala SekolahSlamet S P.dJumlah kelasKelas I sampai kelas VIAlamatLokasiJalan Besuki No. 4, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta, IndonesiaTel./Faks.(021) 31926228(021) 3910893Koordinat6°11′55″S 106°49′44″E / 6.198694°S 106.828984°E / -6.198694; 106.828984Situs webwww.sdnmenteng01.sch.idLain-lainLulusanBarack ObamaBambang TrihatmodjoMoto Sekolah Dasar Negeri Menteng 01 atau dikenal sebagai SDN ...

Dutch astronomer Constantijn Huygens Jr.Constantijn Huygens Jr., self portrait (1685)Born10 March 1628The Hague, Dutch RepublicDiedOctober 1697The HagueNationalityDutchAlma materUniversity of LeidenKnown forAerial telescope, diariesSpouseSusanna RijckaertChildren2Scientific careerFieldsAstronomy Optics Constantijn Huygens Jr., Lord of Zuilichem (10 March 1628 – October 1697), was a Dutch statesman and poet, mostly known for his work on scientific instruments (sometimes together wi...

For other uses, see Coming of Age (disambiguation). British TV series or programme Coming of AgeTitle card (2010)GenreSitcomCreated byTim DawsonWritten byTim DawsonDirected byEd ByeNick WoodDavid Sant/StarringAnabel BarnstonTony BignellHannah JobCeri PhillipsJoe TraciniMinnie CroweEllen ThomasMatthew EarleyTheme music composerKateGoesOpening themeComing of AgeEnding themeComing of AgeCountry of originUnited KingdomOriginal languageEnglishNo. of series3No. of episodes23 (list of episodes)...

H. Muhammad NasirLahirMuhammad Nasir bin Kenan(1928-11-16)16 November 1928Batavia, Hindia BelandaMeninggal12 April 2006(2006-04-12) (umur 77)Jakarta, IndonesiaPekerjaanPelawak, aktor, senimanTahun aktif1941–2006Suami/istri1. Almh ?2. Hj. TonahAnak8 (Dari 2 istri)Orang tua(alm) Kenan (Ayah) (almh) Mak Kemah (Ibu)KerabatAlmh. Mpok Nori (adik) H. M. Nasir bin Kenan (16 November 1928 – 12 April 2006) adalah seorang aktor dan seniman Topeng dan Lenong Betawi berkeb...

الأكياس الهوائية[1] هي مساحات داخل الكائن الحي حيث يوجد وجود مستمر للهواء. من بين الحيوانات الحديثة، تمتلك الطيور معظم الأكياس الهوائية (9-11)، مع أقارب الديناصورات المنقرضة التي تظهر زيادة كبيرة في الالتهاب الرئوي (وجود الهواء) في عظامها. على العديد من الأكياس الهوائية ف...

American musician (1948–2020) Ian Lawrence FinkelIan Finkel playing the xylophoneBackground informationBorn(1948-08-13)August 13, 1948Brooklyn, New York, U.S.DiedNovember 16, 2020(2020-11-16) (aged 72)New York City, U.S.Instrument(s)XylophoneSpouse(s)Cheryl Ann AllenMusical artist Ian Lawrence Finkel (August 13, 1948 – November 16, 2020) was an American musician specializing in the xylophone, author, and entertainer.[1][2] Early life and education Finkel was the son o...

Island in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Saadiyat IslandThe eastern side of Saadiyat Island, showing Hidd Al Saadiyat and Eco Island from the air.GeographyCoordinates24°31′54″N 54°26′35″E / 24.5317°N 54.4431°E / 24.5317; 54.4431AdministrationUnited Arab Emirates Saadiyat Island (Arabic: جزيرة السعديات; jazīrat as-saʿdiyyāt, for Island of Happiness)[1] is a natural island and a tourism-cultural project for nature and Emirati heritage...

Ukrainian folk dance Hopak by Military Ukrainian Dance Ensemble Hopak by Military Ukrainian Dance Ensemble Hopak (Ukrainian: гопа́к, IPA: [ɦoˈpɑk]) is a Ukrainian folk dance originating as a male dance among the Zaporozhian Cossacks, but later danced by couples, male soloists, and mixed groups of dancers. It is performed most often as a solitary concert dance by amateur and professional Ukrainian dance ensembles, as well as other performers of folk dances.[1] It has a...

Ancient Egyptian temple Ancient Luxor TempleEntrance of the temple (first pylon)Shown within EgyptLocationLuxor, Luxor Governorate, EgyptRegionUpper EgyptCoordinates25°42′0″N 32°38′21″E / 25.70000°N 32.63917°E / 25.70000; 32.63917TypeSanctuaryPart ofThebesHistoryFounded1400 BCESite notes UNESCO World Heritage SiteOfficial nameTemple of LuxorPart ofAncient Thebes with its NecropolisCriteriaCultural: (i), (iii), (vi)Reference87-002Inscription19...

Persigowa GowaEjaan Makassar ᨄᨙᨑᨙᨔᨗᨁᨚᨓ ᨁᨚᨓNama lengkapPersatuan Sepak bola Indonesia GowaJulukanSerindit SulawesiLaskar PunggawaNama singkatPersigowaPersigowa GowaStadionStadion KalegowaKecamatan Pallangga, Kabupaten Gowa, Sulawesi Selatan, IndonesiaPemilikPT Persigowa Football KlubDirektur utama M. FaizalManajer Andi Lukman Daeng NabaPelatih Handi HamzahAsisten Pelatih IskandarLigaLiga 3 Zona Sulsel2022–2023Putaran Kedua / 8 Besar Kostum kandang Kostum tandang Musim...

Ini adalah nama Tionghoa; marganya adalah Qian (Tsien). Qian Xuesen (Tsien Hsue-shen)Lahir(1911-12-11)11 Desember 1911Hangzhou, ChinaMeninggal31 Oktober 2009(2009-10-31) (umur 97)Beijing, ChinaAlmamaterUniversitas Chiao Tung NasionalInstitut Teknologi MassachusettsInstitut Teknologi CaliforniaDikenal atasJet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)Suami/istriJiang YingKarier ilmiahBidangAeronauticsInstitusiInstitut Teknologi CaliforniaPembimbing doktoralTheodore von Kármán Qian Xuesen (Hanzi sederh...

Ця стаття не містить посилань на джерела. Ви можете допомогти поліпшити цю статтю, додавши посилання на надійні (авторитетні) джерела. Матеріал без джерел може бути піддано сумніву та вилучено. (липень 2017) Українська народна партія «Собор» — українська політична пар...

Site of Belleperche Castle. Belleperche was a castle,[1][2] now destroyed, located in the current town of Bagneux (Allier). It was the seat of one of the castellany of Bourbonnais. Belleperche was the scene of an important episode of the Hundred Years War, when Louis II, Duke of Bourbon, sieged the fortress to try to deliver his mother, Isabelle de Valois, held captive by a company of Gascon brigands and mercenaries. History The Siege of Belleperche (1369-1370) During the summ...

Historic district in Los Angeles, United States Olvera Street / Calle OlveraAreaEl Pueblo de Los Ángeles Historical MonumentLocationLos Angeles, CaliforniaConstructionConstruction startc. Olvera Street, commonly known by its Spanish name Calle Olvera, is a historic pedestrian street in El Pueblo de Los Ángeles, the historic center of Los Angeles. The street is located off of the Plaza de Los Ángeles, the oldest plaza in California, which served as the center...

Village in Potaro-Siparuni, GuyanaEl PasoVillageEl PasoLocation in GuyanaCoordinates: 5°21′14″N 59°00′34″W / 5.3539°N 59.0095°W / 5.3539; -59.0095Country GuyanaRegionPotaro-SiparuniPopulation (2020)[1] • Total<200 El Paso is a village in the Potaro-Siparuni Region of Guyana. The village is on the Potaro River to the west of Tumatumari Falls,[1] and Tumatumari Landing. There are approximately 40 households in this village....

All I Want for Christmas Is YouSingel oleh Mariah Careydari album Merry ChristmasArti judulYang Kuinginkan di Hari Natal Hanyalah DirimuSisi-BMiss You Most (At Christmas Time)Joy to the WorldDirilis29 Oktober 1994 (1994-10-29)Format 7 inci CD kaset data Streaming DirekamAgustus 1994StudioThe Hit Factory, New York CityGenre Natal pop dansa R&B Durasi4:01LabelColumbiaPencipta Mariah Carey Walter Afanasieff Produser Mariah Carey Walter Afanasieff Kronologi singel Mariah Carey Endle...