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This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. (Learn how and when to remove these template messages) This article includes a list of general references, but it lacks sufficient corresponding inline citations. Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations. (July 2017) (Learn how and when to remove this template message)This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by ad...


بطولة العالم لسباقات فورمولا 1 موسم 1951الفائزخوان مانويل فانجيوالشرکةألفا روميوالتسلسل الزمنيالموسم السابقالموسم التاليعنت بطولة العالم لسباقات فورمولا 1 موسم 1951 عقدت في سنة 1951 م، وفاز بها خوان مانويل فانخيو من فريق ألفا روميو بسيارته الألفا روميو. خوان مانويل فانجيو الذ...


Cél articllo est ècrit en arpetan supradialèctâl / ORB lârge. François Hollande (2015) François Hollande, nèssu lo 12 oût 1954 a Rouen, est un homo politico francês. Il ère lo prèsident de la Rèpublica francêsa du 15 mê 2012 au 14 mê 2017.

Sam Farr (2011) Samuel Sharon „Sam“ Farr[1] (* 4. Juli 1941 in San Francisco, Kalifornien) ist ein US-amerikanischer Politiker der Demokratischen Partei. Zwischen 1993 und 2017 vertrat er zuerst den 17. und ab 2013 dann den 19. Distrikt des Bundesstaats Kalifornien im US-Repräsentantenhaus. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben und Werdegang 2 Parlamentsarbeit 3 Politische Ansichten 4 Familie 5 Einzelnachweise 6 Weblinks Leben und Werdegang Farr wuchs in Carmel auf. Sein Vater war der Senat...


Self-governing Palestinian territory next to Egypt and Israel This article is about the Palestinian territory. For the city, see Gaza City. For the governorate in Palestine, see Gaza Governorate. For the 2002 film, see Gaza Strip (film). Gaza Stripقطاع غزة Palestinian flagLocation of the Gaza Strip within the territory of the State of PalestineDetailed map of the Gaza StripStatus Under the Palestinian National Authority according to the Oslo Accords[1] De facto administered by ...


Dieser Artikel behandelt die Stadt in Oberösterreich. Zum US-amerikanischen Bodybuilder siehe Stan Efferding. StadtgemeindeEferding Wappen Österreichkarte Eferding (Österreich) Basisdaten Staat: Österreich Bundesland: Oberösterreich Politischer Bezirk: Eferding Kfz-Kennzeichen: EF Fläche: 2,81 km² Koordinaten: 48° 18′ N, 14° 1′ O48.308314.0204271Koordinaten: 48° 18′ 30″ N, 14° 1′ 13″ O Höhe: 271 m ü....

Berikut ini adalah daftar bendera Hong Kong. Bendera resmi Bendera Jangka Waktu Penggunaan Gambaran 1997–sekarang Bendera Hong Kong Bunga Bauhinia blakeana putih berkelopak lima pada bidang merah.[1] Nama Tionghoa Bauhinia blakeana juga sering disingkat sebagai 紫荊/紫荆 (洋 yáng berarti asing dalam bahasa Tionghoa dan hal ini akan dianggap tidak pantas oleh Pemerintah RRT), meskipun 紫荊/紫荆 mengacu pada marga lain yang disebut Cercis. Sebuah patung tanaman ini telah did...


Anugerah Musik Indonesia 2008Tanggal15 April 2008LokasiIstora Senayan, Jakarta PusatNegaraIndonesiaPembawa acaraDaniel Mananta & Luna MayaIkhtisarPenghargaan terbanyakUngu (3)Karya Produksi Terbaik-TerbaikAndai Ku Tahu – UnguAlbum Terbaik-TerbaikGita Gutawa – Gita GutawaPendatang Baru Terbaik-TerbaikGita GutawaLegend AwardAmien WidjajaSitus webami-awards.comSiaran televisi/radioSaluranRCTIWaktu tayang180 menitProduserYayasan Anugerah Musik Indonesia← 2006 Anugerah Musik Indonesi...


Grainger, c. 1910s Colonial Song is a musical composition written by Australian composer Percy Grainger. Although Grainger created versions for different types of musical ensembles, its most commonly used version today is for concert band. Background Grainger initially wrote Colonial Song in 1911 as a piano piece as a gift to his mother, Rose. Of his piece, Grainger wrote that it was an attempt to write a melody as typical of the Australian countryside as Stephen Foster's exquisite songs are ...

This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. (Learn how and when to remove these template messages) This article includes a list of general references, but it lacks sufficient corresponding inline citations. Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations. (December 2013) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) This article contains wording that promotes the subject in a subjective manner without impa...


1990 studio album by MinaTi conosco mascherinaStudio album by MinaReleased12 October 1990 (1990-10-12)Recorded1990StudioStudi PDU, LuganoGenrePoprock[1]jazz[2]Length86:37LanguageItalianEnglishLabelPDUMina chronology Uiallalla(1989) Ti conosco mascherina(1990) Caterpillar(1991) Ti conosco mascherina is a double studio album by Italian singer Mina, released on 12 October 1990 by PDU and distributed by EMI Italiana.[3] Overview For this album, Mina ...


Ini adalah sebuah nama Indonesia yang tidak menggunakan nama keluarga. Leonardus Benyamin MoerdaniFoto Resmi Benyamin Moerdani, 1985Menteri Pertahanan dan Keamanan ke-17Masa jabatan21 Maret 1988 – 17 Maret 1993PresidenSoehartoPendahuluPonimanPenggantiEdi SudradjatPanglima Komando Operasi Pemulihan Keamanan dan Ketertiban ke-6Masa jabatan29 Maret 1983 – 5 September 1988PendahuluSoedomoPenggantiTidak ada, jabatan dihapuskanPanglima Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Indo...

الدين في نيوزيلندا بحسب تعداد 2018[1][2][3][4][5][6]   لادينية (48.5%)  المسيحية (37.0%)  الهندوسية (2.6%)  الإسلام (1.3%)  البوذية (1.1%)  السيخية (0.8%)  أديان أخرى (1.1%)  لم يعلنوا (6.6%) كاتدرائية القديس باتريك في مدينة أوكلاند. يجمع ال...


Die Übersicht der Listen der Naturdenkmale im Landkreis Südliche Weinstraße nennt die Listen und die Anzahl der Naturdenkmale in den Städten und Gemeinden im rheinland-pfälzischen Landkreis Südliche Weinstraße. Die Listen enthalten 87 im Landschaftsinformationssystem der Naturschutzverwaltung Rheinland-Pfalz verzeichnete Naturdenkmale. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Verbandsgemeinde Annweiler am Trifels 2 Verbandsgemeinde Bad Bergzabern 3 Verbandsgemeinde Edenkoben 4 Verbandsgemeinde Herxheim 5 ...


Esta página cita fontes, mas que não cobrem todo o conteúdo. Ajude a inserir referências. Conteúdo não verificável pode ser removido.—Encontre fontes: ABW  • CAPES  • Google (N • L • A) (Março de 2021) Egipciense Nome Sociedade Egipciense Futebol Clube Alcunhas TricolorTricolor do PajeúGalo do PajeúGalo do EgitoFamoso do Pajeú Torcedor(a)/Adepto(a) egipciense Mascote Galo Principal rival São José do Egito Fundação ...

このページのノートに、このページに関する議論があります。議論の要約:テロ行為を起こした山口二矢を美化・礼賛するような記述が見られることについて おばら くによし小原 國芳 生誕 1887年4月8日 日本 鹿児島県川辺郡久志村死没 (1977-12-13) 1977年12月13日(90歳没)職業 教育学者著名な実績 学校法人玉川学園を創立配偶者 小原信テンプレートを表示 小原 國芳(お...


Partito Repubblicano(EN) Republican Party, “Grand Old Party” LeaderMike Johnson[N 1]Mitch McConnell[N 2]Steve Scalise[N 3] PresidenteRonna McDaniel Stato Stati Uniti Sede310 First St. SE,Washington 20003 AbbreviazioneGOP Fondazione20 marzo 1854 Derivato daPartito Whig Free Soil Party IdeologiaModerna Conservatorismo[5] Conservatorismo fiscale[6][7] Conservatorismo liberale[5] Conservatorismo sociale[8][9 ...


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Телевидение в Финляндии появилось в 1955 году. Цветное телевидение появилось в 1969 году[1][2] и внедрялось постепенно, к концу 1970-х годов большинство программ были цветными. Все наземные аналоговые станции прекратили вещание 1 сентября 2007 года после введения цифровог...


7th century Arab general and Umayyad governor Al-Muhallab ibn Abi Sufra al-AzdiSasanian-style silver dirham minted in Bishapur in the name of al-Muhallab ibn Abi Sufra, 694/5Zubayrid governor of FarsIn office685–686MonarchAbd Allah ibn al-Zubayr (r. 683–692)Zubayrid governor of Mosul[a]In office687–688MonarchAbd Allah ibn al-Zubayr (r. 683–692)Preceded byIbrahim ibn al-AshtarSucceeded byIbrahim ibn al-AshtarUmayyad governor of Khurasan[b]In office698–702M...


Strategi Solo vs Squad di Free Fire: Cara Menang Mudah!