Årets spel
Warmachine: Apotheosis
Privateer Press, Inc.
Matt Wilson, Jason Soles, Rob Stoddard
Årets brädspel
Parthenon: Rise of the Aegean
Siren Bridge Publishing, Inc. & Z-Man Games, Inc
Andrew Parks, Jason Hawkins
Årets samlarkortspel eller expansion
Ravnica: City of Guilds expansion for Magic: The Gathering
Wizards of the Coast
Mark Rosewater, Aaron Forsythe, Tyler Bielman, Richard Garfield, Mike Elliott
Årets traditionella kortspel
Atlas Games
Keith Baker
Årets rollspel
Archaia Studios Press
Mark Smylie
Årets rollspelssupplement
GURPS Infinite Worlds 4th Edition
Steve Jackson Games
Kenneth Hite, Steve Jackson, John M. Ford
Årets figurspel eller expansion
ATZ - All Things Zombie
Two Hour Wargames
Ed Teixeira
Årets figurer
Wargods of Aegyptus
Crocodile Games
Chris FitzPatrick
Årets historiska brädspel
Lock ‘N Load: Band of Heroes
Matrix Games
Mark H. Walker
Årets historiska figurspel eller expansion
Mike Mitchell, Mike Murphy
Årets historiska figurer
10mm WWII Personality Set
Game Figures, Inc
David Higgs
Årets facklitteratur
Historical Miniature Gamer Magazine
Legio X, Inc.
Kathy Plamback, Mike Cosentino
Årets speltillbehör
The 13th Hour - Roleplaying Soundtrack
Midnight Syndicate Soundtracks
Edward Douglas, Gavin Goszka
Vanguard Innovative Game Awards
Future Magic Games
Jason Conkey, Dove Byrne
Perplex City
Mind Candy
Michael Smith, Adrian Hon
Temple Games, Inc.
Doug Seaton
XIG: The Four Elements
GT2 Fun & Games Inc.
Greg Scott, Greg Waring,Tor Nawrot, Tim Huesken
Vanguard Unique Game Awards
Battleground: Fantasy Warfare
Your Move Games, Inc.
Robert Dougherty, Chad Ellis
Infinite Armies
Greg Porter
Rocketmen: Axis of Evil
Jordan Weisman, Jon Leitheusser, Shane Small
World at War
Matrix Games
Gary Grigsby
Spelarnas val årets bästa brädspel
Shadows Over Camelot
Days of Wonder
Författare: Bruno Cathala, Serge Lage
Illustrationer och grafisk design: Cyrille Daujean, Julien Delval
Spelarnas val årets bästa samlarkortspel
TriKing Games
Michael Brown
Spelarnas val Årets bästa traditionella kortspelYear
Paranoia: The Mandatory Card Game
Mongoose Publishing
Steve Gilbert
Spelarnas val årets bästa historiska spel
Axis and Allies Collectible Miniatures Game
Avalon Hill / Wizards of the Coast
Richard Baker, Paul Barclay, Aaron Forsythe, Devin Low, Jonathan Tweet
Spelarnas val årets bästa rollspel
Margaret Weis Productions
Jamie Chambers
Spelarnas val årets bästa figurer
Warmachine: Apotheosis
Privateer Press, Inc.
Matt Wilson, Jason Soles, Rob Stoddard