I-karaginaza (EC, Iota-carrageenase) je enzim sa sistematskim imenom I-karaginan 4-beta-D-glikanohidrolaza (inverzija konfiguracije).[1][2][3] Ovaj enzim katalizuje sledeću hemijsku reakciju
- Endohidroliza (1->4)-beta-D-veza između D-galaktoza 4-sulfata i 3,6-anhidro-D-galaktoza-2-sulfata u I-karaginanima
Glavni produkti hidrolize su neokaratetraoza sulfat i neokaraheksaoza sulfat.
- ^ Barbeyron, T., Michel, G., Potin, P., Henrissat, B. and Kloareg, B. (2000). „ι-Carrageenases constitute a novel family of glycoside hydrolases, unrelated to that of κ-carrageenases”. J. Biol. Chem. 275: 35499—35505. PMID 10934194.
- ^ Michel, G., Chantalat, L., Fanchon, E., Henrissat, B., Kloareg, B. and Dideberg, O. (2001). „The ι-carrageenase of Alteromonas fortis. A β-helix fold-containing enzyme for the degradation of a highly polyanionic polysaccharide”. J. Biol. Chem. 276: 40202—40209. PMID 11493601.
- ^ Michel, G., Helbert, W., Kahn, R., Dideberg, O. and Kloareg, B. (2003). „The structural bases of the processive degradation of ι-carrageenan, a main cell wall polysaccharide of red algae”. J. Mol. Biol. 334: 421—433. PMID 14623184.
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