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Med prvo svetovno vojno so marinci igrali vodilno vlogo pri vstopu ZDA v ta konflikt, saj so bili bojno preizkušeni v številnih vojnah. V bitki za Belleauški gozd so se izkazali s svojo zagrizenostjo in pogumom, tako da so jim Nemci nadeli vzdevekHudičevi psi.
Moto USMC se glasi Semper Fidelis, kar pomeni Večno zvesti.
Himna USMC
Himna USMC nosi naslov »Marines' Hymn« in angleško besedilo se glasi:
From the Halls of Montezuma to the Shores of Tripoli, We fight our country's battles On the land as on the sea. First to fight for right and freedom, And to keep our honor clean, We are proud to claim the title of United States Marine.
Our flag's unfurl'd to every breeze From dawn to setting sun; We have fought in every clime and place Where we could take a gun. In the snow of far-off northern lands And in sunny tropic scenes, You will find us always on the job The United States Marines.
Here's health to you and to our Corps Which we are proud to serve; In many a strife we've fought for life And never lost our nerve. If the Army and the Navy Ever look on Heaven's scenes, They will find the streets are guarded By United States Marines.
↑»Reserve Force Figures«(PDF). The Continental Marine Magazine – Almanac 2010. Marine Forces Reserve. 2010. str. 9. Arhivirano iz prvotnega spletišča(PDF) dne 17. novembra 2010. Pridobljeno 27. decembra 2010. The Selected Marine Corps Reserve has approximately 41,600 Marines; the Individual Ready Reserve has approximately 60,000 Marines.