Wolfram Media Inc., Wolfram Research Europe Ltd. in the United Kingdom, Wolfram Research Asia Ltd. in Japan and Wolfram Research South America in Peru.
This is a modern technical computing system made by Wolfram Research.[5][6][7][8] It is used in many scientific areas including numerical analysis[9] and their subfields.[10] Anyone who are interested in Wolfram Mathematica demos can check the Wolfram Demonstrations Project.[11][12][13]
Wolfram Alpha
This service is available on web browsers.[14][15][16] Users can use some features of Wolfram Mathematica on the Internet. Wolfram Alpha can also answer to some questions by searching answers on their own databases. It is also used in scientific education.[17][18][19]
This is an online scientific encyclopedia managed by Wolfram Research.
Wolfram Technology Conference
This is an annual conference about the latest technologies from Wolfram Research.[23][24]
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↑Shaw, W. T., & Tigg, J. (1993). Applied Mathematica: getting started, getting it done. Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc..
↑Cotta, R. M., Leonardo, S. D. B., & Mikhailov, M. D. (2001). Applied Numerical Analysis with Mathematica. Editora E-papers.
↑Davis, H. T., & Thomson, K. T. (2000). Linear Algebra and Linear Operators in Engineering: With Applications in Mathematica®. Elsevier.
↑Carducci, O. M. (2009). The Wolfram demonstrations project. MAA Focus, 28(1), 8-9.
↑Maclachlan, F., Bolte, W. J., & Chandler, S. (2009). Interactive Economic Models from the Wolfram Demonstrations Project. The Journal of Economic Education, 40(1), 108-108.
↑Gorgol, I. (2015). Wolfram demonstrations project platform as a support in teaching. Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal, 9(26).
↑Hoy, M. B. (2010). Wolfram| Alpha: a brief introduction. Medical reference services quarterly, 29(1), 67-74.
↑Weisstein, E. (2014). Computable data, Mathematics, and digital libraries in Mathematica and Wolfram| Alpha. In Intelligent Computer Mathematics (pp. 26-29). Springer, Cham.
↑David, C., Lange, C., & Rabe, F. (2010). Interactive Documents as Interfaces to Computer Algebra Systems: JOBAD and Wolfram| Alpha. CALCULEMUS (Emerging Trends), 13-30.
↑Dimiceli, V. E., Lang, A. S., & Locke, L. (2010). Teaching calculus with Wolfram| Alpha. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 41(8), 1061-1071.
↑Necesal, P., & Pospıšil, J. (2012). Experience with teaching mathematics for engineers with the aid of Wolfram Alpha. In Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science (Vol. 1, pp. 271-274).
↑Delgado, F. (2013, June). Meaningful Learning of Math and Sciences Using Wolfram Alpha Widgets. In EdMedia+ Innovate Learning (pp. 1794-1799). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
↑Lynch, S. (2017). An Introduction to Wolfram SystemModeler. In Dynamical Systems with Applications Using Mathematica® (pp. 509-522). Birkhäuser, Cham.
↑Rozhdestvensky, K., Ryzhov, V., Fedorova, T., Safronov, K., Tryaskin, N., Sulaiman, S. A., ... & Hassan, S. (2020). Computer Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems Using Wolfram SystemModeler. Springer Singapore.
↑Russell, D. A. (2013, June). Creating interactive acoustics animations using Mathematica's Computable Document Format. In Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics ICA2013 (Vol. 19, No. 1, p. 025006). Acoustical Society of America.
↑Campbell, J. F., Prasad, N., Flood, M., & Harrison, F. (2010, October). Experiments in Mathematica with spread spectrum SONAR. In Wolfram Technology Conference.
↑Vílchez, E. (2016, October). VilCretas package: educational resource through the use of Mathematica software in the field of discrete mathematics. In Wolfram Technology Conference 2016.