The Little Mermaid was an animated Disney television series. It was based on The Little Mermaid movie. The series was shown from September 11, 1992 to November 26, 1994. It had a total of 31 episodes.
From the 1989 film
- Ariel
- Sebastian
- Flounder
- King Triton
- Scuttle
- Arista, Aquata, Attina, Adella, Andrina and Alana
- Ursula
- Flotsam and Jetsam
- Prince Eric
Original characters
- Urchin
- The Lobster Mobster and Da Shrimp
- Evil Manta
- Pearl
- Spot
- Gabriella and Ollie
- Moray
- The Crabscouts
- Flo and Ebb
- The Magical Wishing Starfish
- Little Evil
- Emperor Sharga
Other websites