Street Sharks was an animated television series made by DIC Entertainment. The show started on September 1, 1994 and ended on May 1, 1995. The show was about 4 half-men/half-sharks that fought crime. They became half-shark when a university professor named Dr. Paradigm tested his gene-manipulation techniques on a marlin and a lobster. Dr. Bolton, who was a fellow professor, had attempted to destroy Paradigm's work but he was transformed into an inhuman monstrosity by the evil scientist before he could escape. Paradigm would later kidnap Bolton's four sons — John (who became Ripster), Bobby (who became Streex), Coop (who became Big Slammu), and Clint (who became Jab) and would transform them into sharks. As soon as the boys transformed, they ate a hotdog stand and got away from the police that were chasing them by diving into a lake and burrowing their way into the city by eating the dirt. The brothers were going to capture Paradigm so that they could force him to return them to their original human selves and then expose Paradigm's genetic experiments.
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