Mickey's Birthday Party is a 1942 American animated short film directed by Riley Thomson, produced by Walt Disney Productions and distributed by RKO Radio Pictures. The 114th short to feature Mickey Mouse, it was released on February 7, 1942. The animated film was directed by Riley Thomson and animated by Les Clark, James Moore, Ken Muse, Armin Shaffair, Riley Thompson, Bernie Wolf, and Marvin Woodward.[2] It was the 116th short in the Mickey Mouse film series to be released, and the first for that year.[3]
This short is an update of the 1931 black and white short The Birthday Party. The 1931 version only had Mickey, Minnie, Clarabelle and Horace, since none of the other characters existed at the time.
It also has some marks of 1932's The Whoopee Party.
Some of the animation of Mickey's wild dance was actually originally done by Ward Kimball for The Reluctant Dragon, not only used in the film.
Voice cast
The short was released on May 18, 2004, on Walt Disney Treasures: Mickey Mouse in Living Color, Volume Two: 1939-Today.[4]
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