Kitchen Nightmares (known as Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA in the UK) is an American television series created by Daniel Kay for Fox and stars chefGordon Ramsay. It is based on Ramsay's British television show Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares. The show ran from September 19, 2007 until September 12, 2014.[1]
In the show, chef Gordon Ramsay travels to different restaurants in the United States. During his trip, he spends his time with the owner and staff of a restaurant that is failing and trys to help the business become successful again.
On May 15, 2023, it was announced by Fox that Kitchen Nightmares would be revived.[2] Ramsay said that the revival would focus more on the food and revival of the restaurants.[3] The first episode of season 8 debuted on September 25, 2023