King of the Monsters is a fighting game developed by SNK, released for arcades in Japan in 1991, and ported to the Neo Geo AES later that same year. The game features playable giant monsters that are reminiscent of characters from kaiju and tokusatsu movies.
In 1992, a sequel titled King of the Monsters 2 was released for arcades. Months later, King of the Monsters was ported to the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. It would then be ported to the Sega Genesis in 1993. It was included in the video game SNK Arcade Classics Vol. 1, which was released for the Wii, PlayStation 2 and PSP in 2008.
Geon: A dinosaur like monster that resembles Godzilla.
Woo: A gorilla like monster that resembles King Kong.
Poison Ghost: A creature composed of toxic waste that resembles Hedorah.
Rocky: A giant Moai-like golem made of boulders.
Beetle Mania: A large beetle-like creature that that resembles Megalon