John Robert McRay (17 December 1931 - 24 August 2018) was an archaeologist, and professor emeritus of New Testament at Wheaton College (Illinois).[1][2] He supervised excavating teams in the Holy Land: Caesarea, Sepphoris, and Herodium. He also was an expert in the languages, cultures, geography, and history of Israel-Palestine.[3]
Notable Works
Alfred J. Hoerth; John McRay (2019). The Bible Archaeology: An Exploration of the History and Culture of Early Civilizations. Lion Hudson Plc. ISBN9780857216977.
John McRay (2008). Archaeology and the New Testament. Baker Academic. ISBN9780801036088.
John McRay (2003). Paul: His Life and Teaching. Baker Academic. ISBN9780801024030.
↑David Capes (27 August 2018). "John McRay, RIP". Thoughts on the New Testament... and Other Stuff by David B Capes.