Jerash is a Jordanian city. It is the capital and the largest city of Jerash Governorate. It is inhabited by about 50,745 people out of 237,000 people living in the governorate. Jerash is located in the northwestern part of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, rising about 600 m above sea level. It is about 48 km away from the Jordanian capital, Amman. In the middle of the city is the Gold River, over which Roman bridges were built to connect the east and west sides of the city.
Jerash is one of the most well-preserved sites of Roman architecture in the world outside of Italy. To this day, the streets, baths, theatres, plazas and arches are all still in exceptional condition. Within the surviving city walls, archaeologists have found ruins of settlements dating back to the Neolithic period, attesting to human settlement at this site for more than 7,500 years.