Israel's population is around 9.8 million people. This includes around 7 million Jews. Most of Israel's other citizens (1.2 million) are Arabs and include Muslims, Christians, and Druze.[20][21][22]
Israel's history begins thousands of years ago, in ancient times. Two major world religions, Judaism and Christianity, began here. The Jewish nation and religion first grew in this region.
Canaanites and other Semitic peoples first populated the area around four thousand years ago. According to the Bible, the first Jewish patriarch, Abraham, lived at this time.
Around 1400 BCE, another Semitic people called the Hebrews settled in Canaan under the leadership of Moses and Joshua. They were named the “Children of Israel” or “Israelites”, and were divided into 12 tribes.
Solomon died around 928 BCE, and his kingdom broke into two countries. The northern country kept the name Israel. The southern country, called Judah, kept Jerusalem as its capital.
The Assyrians conquered the Kingdom of Israel in 732 BCE. Then, in 586 BCE, the Babylonians conquered the Kingdom of Judah and destroyed Solomon's Temple. In response, many Jews returned from Babylonia to rebuild their country and their temple.
First the Persians, then the Greeks, and then the Romans ruled the Land of Israel.
During the early Common Era (CE)
Early in the first century, Roman soldiers defeated the Jews in modern-day Israel. In 70 CE, they destroyed Jerusalem and the Second Jewish Temple there. Again in 135 CE, the Romans defeated the Jews and killed or took many of them to other places.
The number of Jews living in Israel became much smaller. Many were forced to live in other countries. This spreading of Jewish communities outside of Israel is called the Diaspora.
Many of the Jews who remained moved to the Galilee. Jewish teachers wrote important Jewish books, called the Mishnah and part of the Talmud there, in the 2nd to 4th centuries CE.
The Roman and then the Byzantine Empires ruled until 635 CE, when Arabs conquered the region. Different Arab rulers, and for a while Crusaders, ruled the land. In 1516, the Ottoman Empire conquered the land and ruled the region until the 20th century.
The name "Palestine" is the English version of the Romans' name for the area.
During the modern Common Era
Since the Diaspora, there have been many attempts to make a new homeland for the Jewish people. Starting in 1860, the Zionist movement advocated for the creation of a Jewish nation in Israel.
Jews from all over the world began to come to the area and settled in desert zones. These zones were first governed by the Ottoman Empire, and later by the British Empire.
After a year of fighting, a ceasefire was declared. Temporary borders called the Green Line were established. The UN estimated that more than 700,000 Palestinians had fled (or were expelled by) advancing Israeli forces during the war. This became known in Arabic as the Nakba ("catastrophe").[26]
Since the 1980s, Israel's main military opponents have been Islamist groups, such as Hamas and Hezbollah.[27]
Jerusalem is the biggest city in Israel. It is also Israel's official capital city. However, most countries do not recognize this, because they believe Jerusalem should be split up or be under international control. Tel Aviv, Haifa, Beersheba and Rishon LeZion are also large cities.
To the north, Israel has a mountainous region called the Galilee. On the eastern side of the Galilee, there is a low area called a depression that includes the Hula Valley and the Sea of Galilee.
To the south, there is the Negev Desert: a barren area of flat plains, mountains, and craters. Israel's southern-most city is Eilat, which is located on the Gulf of Aqaba (a part of the Red Sea).
In the center of the country, there is a range of mountains that runs from north to south. The Jordan River also runs north to south, starting in the Sea of Galilee in the north and emptying into the Dead Sea in the south. The land next to the Dead Sea -426 meters below sea level: the lowest in the world.[28]
The climate is hot and rainless in the summers, with high humidity in lower places like the coastal plain. It is cool and rainy in the winters, rarely going below freezing temperatures. Rain falls mostly in the north, and mostly in the winter (between the months of November and April). Snow falls at higher elevations.
To make it possible for crops to grow in the south, Israel built a very big irrigation system to bring water to the area from the north.[28]
The Knesset has 120 members. Each member is elected for no more than four years at a time. The Knesset makes laws, helps decide national policy, and approves budgets and taxes. The current Knesset is the country's 25th, sworn in on November 15, 2022.
Voters do not vote for individual candidates in Knesset elections. Instead, they vote for a party. Before the election, each party prepares a list of its candidates. The list might include a single candidate or over a hundred. Voters can see each party's list and decide which party they want to vote for.
In an election, each party wins a certain percentage of the votes. This percentage decides how many representatives, or seats, the party gets in the Knesset. For example, if a party list gets 33 percent of the vote, it gets 40 Knesset seats.
The head of Israel's government is the Prime Minister. They are usually the leader of the party that has the most seats in the Knesset. The prime minister must keep the support of a majority of Knesset members in order to stay in office.
The prime minister appointsministers to the cabinet, which The Knesset approves. The ministers are responsible for subjects such as education, defense, and social welfare. The Prime Minister is the head of the cabinet; they decide what will be discussed at meetings, and they make the final decisions.
Benjamin Netanyahu has been the Israeli Prime Minister since December 29, 2022. The current government is called the Sixth Netanyahu Government because it was the sixth time Netanyahu has been elected.
Most of the president's duties are ceremonial: they can sign laws and treaties approved by the Knesset, appoint judges, and choose members of some public organizations. They also accept the documents from ambassadors and foreign diplomats bring when they are appointed.
Isaac Herzog has been the President of Israel since July 2021.
Usually, a single political party does not win enough seats in the Knesset by itself to have a majority. If this happens, one of the bigger parties asks for support from the other parties (including the religious ones) to form a coalition government. This gives these small parties a lot of power despite their size.
Likud vs. Labor
The Likud supports free marketpolicies and does not think government should be involved much with the economy. It also believes strongly in protecting Israel's security. It wants Israel to make fewer concessions (to give less away) while negotiating with the Palestinians and the Arab states.
The Labor Party supports government control of the economy, but also believes in a limited amount of free enterprise. It is willing to make more concessions (to give more away) in order to reach an agreement in the peace process.
When it gained its independence in 1948, Israel was a poor country that produced very little agriculture or industry. But Israel's economy has grown tremendously since 1948. The nation now enjoys a very high standard of living, despite having few natural resources and a limited fresh water supply.
Many immigrants came to Israel in the years immediately after independence. Many of these immigrants were skilled laborers and professionals who greatly aided the nation's economic development.
Service industries
Many of Israel's service industry workers are employed by the government or by businesses owned by the government. Government workers provide many of the services needed by Israel's large immigrant population, such as housing, education, and job training.
Tourists support many of Israel's service industries, especially trade, restaurants, and hotels. Approximately 4 million tourists visited Israel in 2018.[31]
Israel produces most of the food it needs to feed its people, except for grain. Exporting agricultural products provides enough income to import needed foods. Israel's agricultural products include citrus and other fruits; eggs; grain; poultry; and vegetables.
The government develops, helps finance, and controls agricultural activity, including fishing and forestry.
Most Israeli farmers use modern agricultural methods. Machines now do much of the work that people used to do. Water drawn from the Sea of Galilee irrigates much of the land in Israel.
Most Israeli farms are organized as moshavim or kibbutzim. Israel also has some private farms.
Solar energy – energy from the sun – is used widely to heat water for houses. Israel is developing other ways to use solar energy to power houses and factories.
In 2008, Israel began investing in building electric cars and stations to charge them. There may also be large natural gas fields in the Mediterranean Sea that Israel could develop.
International trade
In 2006, Israeli exports grew by 11% to just over $29 billion. The hi-tech sector accounted for $14 billion of this: a 20% increase from the previous year.
Because it has few natural resources, Israel imports more goods than it exports. The country's main imports include chemicals, computer equipment, grain, iron and steel, military equipment, petroleum products, rough diamonds, and textiles.
Israel has a well-developed transportation system. Most middle-class Israeli families either own a car or have one that an employer provides. Paved roads reach almost all parts of the country. Public transportation, both in cities and between them, is provided primarily by bus.
Ben-Gurion Airport is Israel's main international airport. It is near Tel Aviv. Smaller airports are located at Atarot (near Jerusalem) and at Eilat. El Al, Israel's international airline, flies regularly to the United States, Canada, Europe, and parts of Africa and Asia.
Israel has three major deepwater ports: Haifa, Ashdod, and Eilat.
Israel's communication system is one of the best in the Middle East. Israel has about 30 daily newspapers, about half of which are in Hebrew. The rest are in Arabic, Russian, Yiddish, or one of several foreign languages. The Israel Broadcasting Authority, a public corporation set up by the government, runs the television and nonmilitary radio stations.
↑Arabic previously had been an official language of the State of Israel.[10] In 2018 its classification was changed to a 'special status in the state' with its use by state institutions to be set in law.[11][12][13]
↑"Czech Republic announces it recognizes West Jerusalem as Israel's capital". Jerusalem Post. 6 December 2017. Retrieved 6 December 2017. The Czech Republic currently, before the peace between Israel and Palestine is signed, recognizes Tel Aviv to be the capital of Israel in the borders of the demarcation line from 1967." The Ministry also said that it would only consider relocating its embassy based on "results of negotiations.
↑"Press Releases from the Knesset". Knesset website. 19 July 2018. The Arabic language has a special status in the state; Regulating the use of Arabic in state institutions or by them will be set in law.
↑"Home page". Israel Central Bureau of Statistics. Retrieved 20 February 2017.
↑Population Census 2008(PDF) (Report). Israel Central Bureau of Statistics. 2008. Retrieved 27 December 2016.
↑"הודעות לתקשורת". (in Hebrew). 2014. Archived from the original on December 30, 2013. Retrieved January 31, 2014.
↑An additional 4.7 million people live under Israel's occupation of Palestine (2.9 million in West Bank and 1.8 million in Gaza Strip), but are neither citizens of Israel, nor citizens of any country that Israel recognizes
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