Dora and Friends: Into the City! (also simply known as Dora and Friends) is an Americaneducational children's flash animated television series. A sequel to the original Dora the Explorer series, this series premiered on Nickelodeon on August 18, 2014, and ended on February 5, 2017, in the United States, followed by its Canadian premiere on September 6, 2014, on Treehouse TV.
The series features Dora as a 10-year-old girl[1] and attends school and lives in the city of Playa Verde, California. She has five friends: Kate (who loves art), Emma (who loves music), Alana (who loves sports and animals), Naiya (who is smart and enjoys reading), and Pablo (who enjoys playing soccer). Together, Dora and her friends work together and go on adventures while discovering the secrets of their city. Dora has a magical charm bracelet that helps her get through objects in the way and a smartphone, complete with an app version of the previous series' map to aid her.
Season 1
Doggie Day
The Magic Ring
Dance Party
We Saved a Pirate Ship
The Search for Mono
Dora Saves Opera Land!
The Royal Ball
Magic Land!
Puppet Theater
Dora in Clock Land
Mystery of the Magic Horses
Magical Mermaid Adventure
Buddy Race
Dragon in the School!
Trick or Treat
S'more Camping
Puppy Princess Rescue
We Saved the Music
Season 2
Kate's Book
Return to the Rainforest
The Ballerina and the Troll Prince
Community Garden
Coconut Cumpleaños
Kite Day
Dora's Rainforest Reunion
The Princess and the Kate
Gymnastics Tournament of Light
Soccer Chef
Emma's Violin
Kate Gives Puppets a Hand
For the Birds
The Lost Necklace
Kate and Quackers
A Sockin' Good Party
Alana's Food Truck
Shivers the Snowman
The Bridge to Caballee
"Dora and Friends: Into the City!" is a spin-off of the popular children's show "Dora the Explorer." The pilot episode, titled "Dora's Explorer Girls: Our First Concert," aired in August 2011. The spin-off features Dora as a 10-year-old who embarks on city adventures with a new group of friends.[2][3][4][5] The series premiered on Nickelodeon in August 2014 and was animated using Toon Boom Harmony.[6] It ran for two seasons, totaling 40 episodes, and was canceled in February 2017. Reruns of the show continue to air on the Nick Jr. Channel.