Bless This House is a British comedy series that first aired on British TV on the 2nd February, 1971 and ran for six series or seasons with its final episode airing on 22nd April, 1976. It ended after the death of its main star, Sidney James. A film sequel was made in 1972 with the same title.
The Story
The programme centres on life in Birch Avenue, Putney, London, where stationery salesman Sid Abbott (Sidney James) and his wife Jean (Diana Coupland) live with their teenage children. Mike, the son, played by Robin Stewart, is fresh from art college and is more pre-occupied with protests than finding a job. The daughter, Sally, played by Sally Geeson, who is younger than Mike, is trendy and her parents are continually worried about her relationships with 'boys'. Sid and Jean constantly battle to comprehend the new generation's permissive ways and are usually out-of-touch. Their neighbours and best friends are Trevor (Anthony Jackson) and his wife Betty (Patsy Rowlands).