The bala shark, Balantiocheilos melanopterus, also known as the tricolor shark, tricolor sharkminnow, silver shark, or shark minnow, is a fish of the familyCyprinidae, and is one of the two species in the genusBalantiocheilos. This species is not a true shark, but is commonly so called because of its torpedo-shaped body and large fins.
Habitat, distribution & in aquariums
The bala shark is found in the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, and Borneo.[2][3] Some people say they have seen it further north in the Mekong and Chao Phraya River, but this is due to confusion with the recently described and possibly extinct B. ambusticauda (although the presence of any Balantiocheilos in the Mekong is not known).[3] Bala sharks are found in midwater depths in large and medium-sized rivers and lakes. They feed on phytoplankton, but mostly on small crustaceans, rotifers, and insects and their larvae.[2] Bala sharks are misunderstood aquarium fish. They are generally peaceful and good to many other types of tropical fish. Bala sharks are in some pet stores, but may grow too large for an aquarium.[4]
Appearance and anatomy
These fish have a silver body with black ends on their dorsal, caudal, anal, and pelvic fins. They have big eyes to find and catch their prey. The bala shark will grow to a maximum length of 35 cm (14 in).[2]