Čarobnjak Gandalf Sivi istražuje zlo koje raste u Dol Gulduru, dok Bilbo Bagins sa družinom hobita nastavlja svoj put ka Usamljenoj planini (Ereboru) odakle će ukrasti dragi kamen koji čuva zlatni zmaj Šmaug.[6]
↑Masters, Kim (October 17, 2012). „'The Hobbit:' Inside Peter Jackson and Warner Bros.' $1 Billion Gamble”. The Hollywood Reporter. Pristupljeno November 25, 2014. »A knowledgeable source says the first two installments cost $315 million each, and that's with Jackson deferring his fee. A studio source insists that number is wildly inflated and, with significant production rebates from New Zealand, the cost is closer to $200 million a movie.«