↑The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions. Ed. John Bowker. Oxford University Press, 2000;
↑The term "Dharma" connotes much more than simply "law". It is not only the doctrine of religious and moral rights, but also the set of religious duties, social order, right conduct and virtuous things and deeds. As such Dharma is the Code of Ethics.[১] The modern use of the term can be traced to late 19th century Hindu reform movements (J. Zavos, Defending Hindu Tradition: Sanatana Dharma as a Symbol of Orthodoxy in Colonial India, Religion (Academic Press), Volume 31, Number 2, April 2001, pp. 109–123; see also R. D. Baird, "Swami Bhaktivedanta and the Encounter with Religions", Modern Indian Responses to Religious Pluralism, edited by Harold Coward, State University of New York Press, 1987); less literally also rendered "eternal way" (so Harvey, Andrew (২০০১)। Teachings of the Hindu Mystics। Boulder: Shambhala। xiii। আইএসবিএন 1-57062-449-6।). See also René Guénon, Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines (1921 ed.), Sophia Perennis, আইএসবিএন০-৯০০৫৮৮-৭৪-৮, part III, chapter 5 "The Law of Manu", p. 146. On the meaning of the word "Dharma", see also René Guénon, Studies in Hinduism, Sophia Perennis, আইএসবিএন০-৯০০৫৮৮-৬৯-৩ ISBN বৈধ নয়, chapter 5, p. 45