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Янтик Тип ПиріжокПоходження Кримськотатарська кухняНеобхідні компоненти М'ясо, вершкове масло (для начинки), борошно, сільЗазвичай використовувані компоненти сир, помідор, цибуля, прянощі та інші продукти Медіафайли у Вікісховищі Янти́к (крим. yantıq, янтыкъ) — пиріжок...

Capilla Cerasi LocalizaciónPaís ItaliaLocalidad basílica de Santa María del PopoloUbicación RomaCoordenadas 41°54′41″N 12°28′36″E / 41.911502777778, 12.476655555556Información generalEstilo arquitectura barrocaParte de basílica de Santa María del PopoloConstrucción 1606Diseño y construcciónArquitecto Carlo MadernoInformación religiosaCulto catolicismoDiócesis Diócesis de Roma Orden de San Agustín[editar datos en Wikidata] La capilla Cerasi o ...

Bài viết này hiện đang gây tranh cãi về tính trung lập. Có thể có thảo luận liên quan tại trang thảo luận. Xin đừng xóa bảng thông báo này cho đến khi kết thúc hoặc đạt được đồng thuận trong vấn đề này. Chiến dịch Đông Tiến IIMột phần của Chiến dịch Đông TiếnHoàng Cơ Minh và binh lính thuộc MTQGTNGPVN.Thời gianTừ 18 tháng 7 năm 1987 đến 28 tháng 8 năm 1987Địa điểmNam LàoTham chiến M...

Die Franziskanerinnen von der allerseligsten Jungfrau Maria von den Engeln (Ordenskürzel: FBMVA, Sorores Franciscanae Beatae Mariae Virginis Angelorum), auch Waldbreitbacher Franziskanerinnen genannt, sind eine Kongregation des regulierten Dritten Ordens des Heiligen Franziskus, dem eine Vielzahl von im 19. Jahrhundert gegründeten Franziskanerinnen-Ordensgemeinschaften angehört; von ihnen zu unterscheiden sind die nicht regulierten, zum Ordo Franciscanus Saecularis (OFS, früher Franziskan...

У Вікіпедії є статті про інші значення цього терміна: Акі. Море Акі. Мо́ре А́кі (яп. 安芸灘, あきなだ, акі-нада) — відкрите море у західній частині Внутрішнього Японського моря. Розташоване між південним заходом префектури Хіросіма та північним заходом префектури Ехіме. На...

Villardebelle Blason Administration Pays France Région Occitanie Département Aude Arrondissement Limoux Intercommunalité Communauté de communes du Limouxin Maire Mandat Marguerite Falcou 2020-2026 Code postal 11580 Code commune 11412 Démographie Gentilé Villardebellois Populationmunicipale 56 hab. (2020 ) Densité 4,3 hab./km2 Géographie Coordonnées 43° 01′ 19″ nord, 2° 23′ 36″ est Altitude Min. 414 mMax. 857 m Superficie 13,...

Hindu caste in India For the dynasty, see Chero dynasty. CheroA Chero man in 1868.Regions with significant populationsIndiaLanguagesBhojpuri, Magahi, Maithili, NagpuriReligionHinduism The Chero is a caste found in the states of Bihar, Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh in India. History and origin The community claims to have originally been tribal people. The Chero are essentially one of many tribal communities, such as the Bhar, Pasi and Kol, that inhabit the southeastern corner of Uttar Pradesh. ...

Heinrich von Drasche-Wartinberg. Heinrich von Drasche-Wartinberg (19 April 1811 – 24 July 1880) was an Austrian industrialist. Life After the death of his uncle Alois Miesbach in 1857, Drasche inherited a brickyard located in the south of Vienna. During the next decades he built up Austria-Hungary's leading brick producing enterprise which today still exists under the name of Wienerberger. While Drasche had big influence onto the building industry in Austria-Hungary and was ennobled by Fran...

Gary Rhodes 2006 Gary Rhodes OBE (* 22. April 1960 in London; † 26. November 2019 in Dubai) war ein britischer Sterne- und Fernsehkoch, Sachbuch-Autor, Gastwirt und Unternehmer. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Leistungen 3 Restaurants 4 Weblinks 5 Einzelnachweise Leben Nach seiner Geburt in London zog seine Familie nach Gillingham, wo er die Howard School for Boys besuchte. Danach absolvierte Rhodes eine gastronomische Ausbildung an der Berufsschule in Thanet, bei der er auch seine spätere Eh...

West Nile virus Komposisi genom virus ICTVpositive-sense single-stranded RNA virus (en) PenyakitDemam Nil Barat TaksonomiSuperdomainBiotaDomainVirusFamiliFlaviviridaeGenusFlavivirusSpesiesWest Nile virus lbs West Nile virus adalah virus dari keluarga Flaviviridae yang ditemukan di daerah tropis dan temperate. Utamanya dia menginfeksi burung, tetapi juga menyebabkan beberapa kondisi dalam manusia, kuda, dan beberapa mamalia lainnya. Dia ditularkan melalui gigitan nyamuk yang terinfeksi.[1&...

Katalin Vad, known under the screen name of Michelle Wild, was one of the leading pornographic actresses in Hungary between 2001 and 2004. The history of pornography in Hungary mainly dates from the period after the fall of communism in 1989. The production and distribution of pornography was illegal under their Socialist system, but the laws were liberalised with the fall of the Hungarian People's Republic. Permissive government policies soon propelled the country to the forefront of the Eur...

Menteri Perkebunan dan Komoditas MalaysiaMenteri Perladangan dan Komoditi Malaysia منتري ڤرلاداڠن دان كومودتي مليسياPetahanaFadillah Yusofsejak 3 Desember 2022GelarYang Amat Berhormat Menteri(Yang Terhormat Menteri)Ditunjuk olehYang di-Pertuan Agong atas petunjuk Perdana Menteri MalaysiaDibentuk1972; 50 tahun lalu (1972)Pejabat pertamaAbdul Taib Mahmud(sebagai Menteri Industri Primer)Situs webSitus web resmi Berikut adalah daftar orang yang pernah menjab...

This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. (Learn how and when to remove these template messages) This article duplicates the scope of other articles, specifically Phosphorylation. Please discuss this issue and help introduce a summary style to the article. (October 2021) This article provides insufficient context for those unfamiliar with the subject. Please help improve the article by providing more context for the reader. (November 20...

Universitas Western MichiganJenisPublicDidirikan27 Mei 1903 (1903-05-27)Dana abadi$330 juta (2015)[1]PresidenJohn DunnJumlah mahasiswa23,914[2]Sarjana18,889Magister5,025LokasiKalamazoo, Michigan, U.S.42°17′00″N 85°36′50″W / 42.28333°N 85.61389°W / 42.28333; -85.61389Koordinat: 42°17′00″N 85°36′50″W / 42.28333°N 85.61389°W / 42.28333; -85.61389KampusUrbanWarnaBrown and Gold[3] ...

2010 video game This article is about the 2010 mobile game. For the unrelated 1989 Game Boy game, see The Final Fantasy Legend. 2010 video gameFinal Fantasy DimensionsGame artwork by Yoshitaka Amano depicting Vata (left) and The Mask (right)Developer(s)Matrix SoftwareSquare EnixPublisher(s)Square EnixDirector(s)Toshio AkiyamaProducer(s)Takashi TokitaArtist(s)Akira OguroComposer(s)Naoshi MizutaSeriesFinal FantasyPlatform(s)FOMA 903i, iOS, AndroidReleaseFOMA 903iJP: September 6, 2010auJP: Decem...

Curitiba Gemeente in Brazilië Details Details Situering Regio Zuid Staat Paraná Mesoregio Metropolitana de Curitiba Microregio Curitiba Coördinaten 25° 26′ ZB, 49° 16′ WL Algemeen Oppervlakte 434,892 km² Inwoners (2022) 1.773.733 (4.078,56 inw./km²) Hoogte 934 m Gemeente nr. 4106902 Inwonersnaam Curitibano Politiek Burgemeester Rafael Greca (DEM)(2021-2024) Gesticht 1661 Overig HDI (2010) 0,823 Website Detailkaart Locatie van Curitiba in de staat Paraná ...

Constituency of the National Assembly of France Pyrénées-Atlantiques's 2nd constituencyinlineConstituency of the National Assembly of FranceThe different constituencies of the Pyrénées-AtlantiquesPyrénées-Atlantiques in FranceDeputyJean-Paul Mattei[1]MoDemDepartmentPyrénées-Atlantiques Politics of France Political parties Elections Previous Next The 2nd constituency of the Pyrénées-Atlantiques (French: deuxième circonscription des Pyrénées-Atlantiques) is a French legisla...

1973 studio album by LabellePressure Cookin'Studio album by LabelleReleasedAugust 7, 1973Recorded1973StudioRCA Studio D, New York CityGenre R&B[1] jazz-funk[2] fusion[2] Length40:05LabelRCAProducerVicki Wickham; and friend (Stevie Wonder) on Goin' On a HolidayLabelle chronology Moon Shadow(1972) Pressure Cookin'(1973) Nightbirds(1974) Pressure Cookin' is the third album by American singing trio Labelle, released in August 1973. This release was their first ...

Station of the Berlin U-Bahn South-east view of the platform Entrance of the station Freie Universität (Thielplatz) is a Berlin U-Bahn station located in the Dahlem district on the U3. It is one of two main stations to reach the nearby Freie Universität Berlin and the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society. It was opened on 12 October 1913 (designed by H.Straumer) and until 1929 was the southwestern terminus of the line. In 1980, a second entrance was built.[1] In December ...

Christian doctrine about Christ Stained glass window of Christ the King, Tipperary, Ireland The threefold office (Latin: munus triplex) of Jesus Christ is a Christian doctrine based upon the teachings of the Old Testament of which Christians hold different views. It was described by Eusebius and more fully developed by John Calvin. The doctrine states that Jesus Christ performed three functions (or offices) in his earthly ministry – those of prophet,[1] priest,[2] and king.&...