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Hiller YH-32 Hornet (perusahaan penunjukan HJ-1) adalah sebuah helikopter ultralight Amerika dibangun oleh Hiller Aircraft di awal 1950-an. Itu adalah desain yang kecil dan unik karena didukung oleh dua mesin ramjet Hiller 8RJ2B dipasang pada ujung pisau rotor yang beratnya masing-masing £13 dan memberikan setara dengan 45 hp untuk total 90 h.p. Versi dari HJ-1 Hornet dibangun untuk Angkatan Darat Amerika Serikat dan Angkatan Laut Amerika Serikat pada awal 1950-an. Hiller Museum mengidentifi...

Ivar Jenner Informasi pribadiTanggal lahir 10 Januari 2004 (umur 19)Tempat lahir Utrecht, Belanda[1]Tinggi 1,88 m (6 ft 2 in)[1]Posisi bermain GelandangInformasi klubKlub saat ini Utrecht U-20Karier juniorTahun Tim2008–2014 IJFC2014–2016 Ajax2016–2022 UtrechtTim nasional‡2019 Belanda U-15 1 (0)2022– Indonesia U-20 2[2] (0)2023– Indonesia U-23 2 (1)2023– Indonesia 2 (0) ‡ Penampilan dan gol di tim nasional akurat per 14 Juni 2023 Ivar...

Lambang Provinsi Sulawesi Utara Peta Lokasi Provinsi Sulawesi Utara di Indonesia Peta Lokasi Kabupaten dan kota di Provinsi Sulawesi Utara Artikel utama: Daftar kabupaten di Indonesia menurut waktu pembentukan Berikut adalah artikel mengenai Daftar kabupaten dan/atau kota di Sulawesi Utara berdasarkan waktu pembentukan yang diurutkan berdasarkan abjad. Referensi berdasarkan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia yang pertama dikeluarkan saat pembentukan kabupaten/kota tersebut meskipun terdapat per...

Untuk kegunaan lain, lihat Manggala (disambiguasi). Soto manggala adalah soto khas Kota Pangkalan Bun, Kalimantan Tengah. Soto ini terbuat dari bahan singkong atau ketela. Soto ini dinamakan soto manggala karena rakyat Pangkalan Bun menyebut singkong dengan nama manggala. Cara memakan soto ini juga berbeda; soto ini tidak dimakan dengan nasi, melainkan dengan singkong. Daging yang digunakan dalam soto ini juga berbeda, mereka menggunakan kaki ayam. Karena saking uniknya, makanan ini juga semp...

2022 erotic thriller film 365 Days: This DayOfficial release posterPolish365 dni: Ten dzień Directed by Barbara Białowąs Tomasz Mandes Screenplay by Tomasz Klimala Barbara Białowąs Tomasz Mandes Blanka Lipińska Based onTen Dzieńby Blanka LipińskaProduced byTomasz MandesStarring Anna-Maria Sieklucka Michele Morrone Rebecca Casiraghi Magdalena Lamparska CinematographyBartek CierlicaEdited byMarcin DrewnowskiMusic by Dominic Buczkowski-Wojtaszek Patryk Kumór Productioncompanies Ekipa Op...

Chess notation system 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 ICCF numeric notation is the official chess notation system of the International Correspondence Chess Federation. The system was devised for use in international correspondence chess to avoid the potential confusion of using algebraic notation, as the chess pieces have different abb...

This article is about the region of Quebec. For other uses, see Outaouais (disambiguation). Administrative region in Quebec, CanadaOutaouaisAdministrative regionCoordinates: 45°47′N 75°05′W / 45.783°N 75.083°W / 45.783; -75.083Country CanadaProvince QuebecRegional County Municipalities (RCM) and Equivalent Territories (ET) 4 RCM, 1 ET La Vallée-de-la-GatineauLes Collines-de-l'OutaouaisPapineauPontiacGatineau (ET) Government • Regional conference of...

Place in Sylhet Division This article possibly contains original research. Please improve it by verifying the claims made and adding inline citations. Statements consisting only of original research should be removed. (August 2017) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Place in Sylhet DivisionGolapganj গোলাপগঞ্জGolapganj UpazilaCoordinates: 24°50′49″N 92°01′12″E / 24.8469°N 92.0200°E / 24.8469; 92.0200DivisionSylhet Division...

Ethnic group of India Doms redirects here. For other uses, see Dom (disambiguation). A Dom man in Eastern Bengal, c. 1860. The Dom (Sanskrit: डोम Doma meaning: a man of Dalit caste, living by singing and music), also known as Domra, Domba, Domaka, Dombara and Dombari, are castes, or groups, scattered across India. Dom were a caste of drummer.[1] According to Tantra scriptures, the Dom were engaged in the occupations of singing and playing music.[2] Historically, th...

2015 film by Ben Wheatley For the novel by J. G. Ballard, see High-Rise (novel). High-RiseTheatrical release posterDirected byBen WheatleyScreenplay byAmy JumpBased onHigh-Riseby J. G. BallardProduced byJeremy ThomasStarring Tom Hiddleston Jeremy Irons Sienna Miller Luke Evans Elisabeth Moss CinematographyLaurie RoseEdited by Amy Jump Ben Wheatley Music byClint MansellProductioncompanies Recorded Picture Company HanWay Films Film4 BFI Northern Ireland Screen Ingenious Media Scope Pictures S F...

Incheon 인천시仁川市Kota MetropolitanIncheon Metropolitan City인천광역시仁川廣域市Transkripsi Nama Korea • Hangul인천광역시 • Hanja仁川廣域市 • Revised RomanizationIncheon Gwang-yeoksi • McCune-ReischauerInch'ŏn Kwang'yŏkshi Searah jarum jam, dari atas: Distrik Songdo International Business, Distrik Michuhol, Stadion Sepak Bola Incheon, Jembatan Incheon, Pelabuhan Incheon, Incheon International Airport Bende...

Medical conditionDactylitisSyphilitic dactylitis Dactylitis or sausage digit is inflammation of an entire digit (a finger or toe),[1] and can be painful. The word dactyl comes from the Greek word daktylos meaning finger. In its medical term, it refers to both the fingers and the toes. Associated conditions Dactylitis can occur in seronegative arthropathies, such as psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis, and in sickle-cell disease as result of a vasoocclusive crisis with bone ...

German-Israeli philosopher (1878–1965) Not to be confused with Martin Bucer. Martin BuberBornFebruary 8, 1878Vienna, Austria-HungaryDiedJune 13, 1965(1965-06-13) (aged 87)JerusalemEra20th-century philosophyRegionWestern philosophySchoolContinental philosophyExistentialismNeo-HasidismMain interestsOntologyphilosophical anthropologyNotable ideasIch-Du (I–Thou) and Ich-Es (I–It)philosophy of dialogue Martin Buber (Hebrew: מרטין בובר; German: Martin Buber, pronounced [ˈma...

Questa voce sull'argomento nuotatori russi è solo un abbozzo. Contribuisci a migliorarla secondo le convenzioni di Wikipedia. Segui i suggerimenti del progetto di riferimento. Vladimir Pyšnenko Nazionalità Unione Sovietica Russia (dal 1992) Altezza 194 cm Peso 89 kg Nuoto Specialità Stile libero Squadra CSKA, Rostov-on-Don Palmarès Competizione Ori Argenti Bronzi Giochi olimpici 1 3 0 Mondiali 0 2 0 Europei 4 0 0 Per maggiori dettagli vedi qui Statistiche aggiornate al...

Josif Dorfman (2022) Josif Dawidowitsch Dorfman (auch Iossif, Iosif, Josef; * 1. Mai 1952 in Schytomyr) ist ein ukrainisch-französischer Schach-Großmeister und -trainer. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Nationalmannschaft 3 Vereine 4 Werke 5 Weblinks 6 Einzelnachweise Leben Boris Gulko und Josif Dorfman (1977) Dorfman ist mehrfacher Teilnehmer an UdSSR-Meisterschaften, die er einmal – 1977 in Leningrad – zusammen mit Boris Gulko gewinnen konnte; der fällige Stichkampf um den Titel endete u...

Stockholm Stockholm ta e kapital i e suidat mas grandi di Suecia. E siudat tin un populashon ta mas of menos 932.917 (2015) i un area di 188 kilometer kuadrá.

الكوكب الاسم الكامل نادي الكوكب تأسس عام 1967 الملعب ملعب نادي الكوكب البلد السعودية الدوري دوري الأمير محمد بن سلمان 2017-2018 2017-2018 الإدارة المالك الهيئة العامة للرياضة الرئيس دباس الدوسري المدير المنصف بن مشارك الطقم الأساسي الطقم الاحتياطي تعديل مصدري - تعديل نادي ا...

Kenampakan yang menyerupai jalur roda Kereta di Misrah Ghar il-Kbir Persimpangan jalur Misraħ Għar il-Kbir (dijuluki juga sebagai Persimpangan Clapham) adalah situs prasejarah di Siġġiewi, selatan Pulau Malta, dekat dengan Tebing Dingli. Tempat ini terkenal karena keberadaan roda kereta, jaringan trek rumit yang terlihat mengikis batuan membentuk jalur. Usia dan tujuan pembuatan jalur ini tidak pasti. Secara umum, sebagian besar arkeolog menganggap bahwa situs tersebut dibuat sekitar 2000...

Scoreboard reads 0–0 at the match between Italy and Bulgaria on 22 June at the Estádio D. Afonso Henriques, Guimarães: Italy would go on to win 2–1, though neither side qualified for the knockout stages. Group C of UEFA Euro 2004 was one of four groups in the final tournament's initial group stage. It began on 14 June and was completed on 22 June. The group consisted of Italy, Denmark, Sweden and Bulgaria. Sweden won the group and advanced to the quarter-finals, along with Denmark. Ital...

Asbestos is a carcinogen. The roof of this house is made of asbestos. Frozen benzene. Benzene is a carcinogen Aspergillus flavus, a kind of mould, produces Aflatoxin B1, which is a carcinogen. Carcinogens are substances that cause cancer. Sometimes radiation or radionuclide are also considered carcinogens. A common example of a carcinogen is tobacco smoke. Carcinogens come from both natural and man-made substances.[1] Carcinogens in radiation Several radioactive substances are conside...