Muzica gospel sau, mai simplu, gospel (din engleză: gospel = evanghelia, știrea bună; derivat din engleza veche unde gōdspel, gōd = bun, și spel = povestire, știre[1]) este muzicacreștinăafroamericană
din secolele XX și XXI. Mai exact, gospelul este muzica bisericească a comunităților creștine afroamericane, în principal corală, caracterizată prin influențe de jazz și blues.
Precursoarea gospelului a fost muzica de gen Negro spiritual.
Termenul se mai folosește azi și cu semnificația lărgită, mai generală, de muzică creștină din zonele anglo-saxone, sau și de muzică pop creștină.
Theo Lehmann: Mahalia Jackson. Gospels sind mein Leben, Wuppertal 1974, ISBN 3-7615-4810-9
Mahalia Jackson & Evan McLeodWylie: Mein Leben, Ev. Verlagsanstalt Berlin 1975, DDR
Bernhard Hefele: Jazz-Bibliographie. Verzeichnis des internationalen Schrifttums über Jazz, Blues, Spirituals, Gospel und Ragtime. Saur, München u.a. 1981, ISBN 3-598-10205-4
C. H. Dood: Historiy and the Gospel, Oxford 1963, Hooder.
Andrae Crouch, Nina Ball: Die Andrae Crouch Story, Asslar 1977, ISBN 3-921872-00-6 (Hauptquelle dieses Artikels)
Micha Keding: Geschichte und Entwicklung der Gospelmusik (Volltext, Hauptquelle dieses Artikels)
Micha Keding: Musikalische Stilbeschreibung (Volltext, Hauptquelle dieses Artikels)
Axel Christian Schullz: Handbuch der Gospelchorleitung. Ein praktischer Leitfaden. Good-News-Gospel-Projekt, Essen 2004, ISBN 3-9809790-0-8
Martin Carbow, Christoph Schönherr: Chorleitung, Pop Jazz Gospel, Der sichere Weg zum richtigen Groove. Schott Music GmbH, Mainz 2006, ISBN 3-7957-0566-5
Lothar Zenetti: Peitsche und Psalm, Negrospirituals + Gospelsongs, München 1963, Verlag J.Pfeiffer
Wilhelm Otto Deutsch: Spirituals und Gospels sind nicht dasselbe, in: Ev. Kirche im Rheinland, "Thema: Gottesdienst", Nr. 27 / 2007, S. 45-51
Allen, Ray. Singing in the Spirit: African-American Sacred Quartets in New York City, in series, Publication[s] of the American Folklore Society: New Series. Philadelphia, Penn.: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1991. xx,[2], 268 p., ill. with b&w photos. ISBN 0-8122-1331-9 pbk.
Barlow, Sanna Morrison. Mountain Singing: the Story of Gospel Recordings in the Philippines. Hong Kong: Alliance Press, 1952. 352 p.
A selection of gospel music collected by the Library of Congress in 1943
Sung by the Spiritual Four Quartet: Edward Bond, Cleve Parker, James Bond, and Elwood Gaines
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Blackwell, Lois. The Wings of a Dove: The Story of Gospel Music in America. Norfolk: Donning, 1978.
Boyer, Horace Clarence. How Sweet the Sound: The Golden Age of Gospel. Elliott and Clark, 1995. ISBN 0-252-06877-7.
Broughton, Viv. Too Close to Heaven: The Illustrated History of Gospel Music. Midnight Books, 1996. ISBN 1-900516-00-4.
Albert E Brumley & Sons. The Best of Albert E. Brumley. Gospel Songs, 1966, ISBN na-paperback Amazing Grace
Cleall, Charles. Sixty Songs From Sankey. London: Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1960.
Cusic, Don. The Sound of Light: a History of Gospel Music. Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 1990. iv, 267 p. 0-87972-498-6 pbk.
Darden, Robert. People Get Ready: A New History of Black Gospel Music Continuum International Publishing Group, 2005, ISBN 0-8264-1752-3.
Downey, James C. The Gospel Hymn 1875-1930. University of Southern Mississippi, MA, 1963.
Eskew, Harry. “Gospel Music, I” in The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (1980), VII, 549–554.
McNeil, W. K., Ed. Encyclopedia of American Gospel Music. Routledge, 2005. ISBN 0-415-94179-2.
Stevenson, Arthur L. The Story of Southern Hymnology. Roanoke, VA: Stone Printing and Manufacturing, 1931.
Zolten, Jerry. Great God A' Mighty!: The Dixie Hummingbirds—Celebrating The Rise Of Soul Gospel Music. Oxford University Press, 2003. ISBN 0-19-515272-7.