Academia militară Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMAS), cunoscută mai simplu ca Sandhurst, este academia militară a Armatei Britanice, centrul de pregătire pentru ofițeri, aflat în orașul Sandhurst, Berkshire, la aproximativ 55 km de Londra.
Mockler-Ferryman, A. F. Annals of Sandhurst: A Chronicle of the Royal Military College From Its Foundation to the Present. Whitefish, Montana: Kessinger Publishing, 2007 (reprint; original 1900). ISBN 1-4326-6558-8.
Thomas, Hugh, 1931- The story of Sandhurst London, Hutchinson 1961
Christchurch the Chapel of The Royal Military College: Enlarged and Beautified to the Glory of God and in memory of The Sandhurst Cadets who have died in the service of their country Gale & Polden Ltd, Aldershot, 1937.