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...Lu a fost al doilea rege(d) al dinastiei Awan și este menționat în lista de regi sumerieni ca fiind al doilea rege elamit care a exercitat domnia Awanului asupra întregului Sumer. Se presupune că a domnit undeva în prima perioadă paleoelamită (c. 2400 – c. 2015 BC).[sursa nu confirmă] De asemenea, este posibil să fi fost al doilea rege (Tata) din Awan care a exercitat domnia asupra întregului Elam.[sursa nu confirmă] Conform listei: el a fost precedat de un rege fără nume (posibil Peli) și succedat de Kur-Ishshak(d) (menționat doar în lista de regi sumerieni). Totuși, se presupune că al doilea rege, Ta-a-ar, a fost succedat de Ukku-Tanhish(d).
Surse web
- Dahl, J. (). „Rulers of Elam”. cdliwiki: Educational pages of the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative(d) (CDLI).
- Jacobsen, T. (). Zólyomi, G.; Black, J.; Robson, E.; Cunningham, G.; Ebeling, J., ed. „Sumerian King List”. ETCSL. Tradus de Glassner, J.; Römer, W.; Zólyomi, G. (ed. revised). United Kingdom: Oxford.
- Kessler, P. (). „Kingdoms of Iran - Elam / Haltamtu / Susiana”. The History Files. Kessler Associates.
- Langdon, S. (). „W-B 444”. CDLI. Ashmolean Museum.
- Lendering, J. (). „Sumerian King List”. Arhivat din original la .
Lectură suplimentară
- Black, Jeremy Allen; Baines, John Robert; Dahl, Jacob L.; Van De Mieroop, Marc (). Cunningham, Graham; Ebeling, Jarle; Flückiger-Hawker, Esther; Robson, Eleanor; Taylor, Jon; Zólyomi, Gábor, ed. „ETCSL: The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature”. Faculty of Oriental Studies(d) (ed. revised). United Kingdom.
The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature(d) (ETCSL), a project of the University of Oxford, comprises a selection of nearly 400 literary compositions recorded on sources which come from ancient Mesopotamia (modern Iraq) and date to the late third and early second millennia BCE.
- Renn, Jürgen; Dahl, Jacob L.; Lafont, Bertrand; Pagé-Perron, Émilie (). „CDLI: Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative”.
Images presented online by the research project Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative(d) (CDLI) are for the non-commercial use of students, scholars, and the public. Support for the project has been generously provided by the Mellon Foundation(d), the National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Endowment for the Humanities(d) (NEH), the Institute of Museum and Library Services(d) (ILMS), and by the Max Planck Society (MPS), Oxford and University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA); network services are from UCLA's Center for Digital Humanities.
- Sjöberg, Åke Waldemar; Leichty, Erle; Tinney, Steve (). „PSD: The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary”.
The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary Project(d) (PSD) is carried out in the Babylonian Section of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Anthropology and Archaeology(d). It is funded by the NEH and private contributions. [They] work with several other projects in the development of tools and corpora. [Two] of these have useful websites: the CDLI and the ETCSL.
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