Os seus temas de investigação estão relacionados com a área de Biologia teórica, em particular:
Análise de redes de sistemas enzimáticos. Stefan Schuster idealizou, desenvolveu e aplicou o conceito de modos elementares em vários estudos de redes metabólicas [1][2][3].
↑S. Schuster, T. Dandekar, D.A. Fell: Detection of elementary flux modes in biochemical networks: A promising tool for pathway analysis and metabolic engineering, Trends Biotechnol. 17 (1999) 53-60
↑L.F. de Figueiredo, A. Podhorski, A. Rubio, C. Kaleta, J.E. Beasley, S. Schuster, F.J. Planes: Computing the shortest elementary flux modes in genome-scale metabolic networks. Bioinformatics 25 (2009) 3158-3165.
↑L.F. de Figueiredo, T.I. Gossmann, M. Ziegler, S. Schuster: Pathway analysis of NAD+ metabolism. Biochem. J. 439 (2011) 341–348.
↑S. Schuster, J.U. Kreft, N. Brenner, F. Wessely, G. Theißen, E. Ruppin, A. Schroeter: Cooperation and cheating in microbial exoenzyme production - Theoretical analysis for biotechnological applications. Biotechnol. J. 5 (2010) 751-758
↑T. Pfeiffer, S. Schuster, S. Bonhoeffer: Cooperation and competition in the evolution of ATP-producing pathways. Science 292 (2001) 504-507
↑S. Schuster, D. Kahn, H.V. Westerhoff: Modular analysis of the control of complex metabolic pathways. Biophys. Chem. 48 (1993) 1-17
↑S. Schuster: Control analysis in terms of generalized variables characterizing metabolic systems. J. theor. Biol. 182 (1996) 259-268
↑M. Marhl, M. Perc, S. Schuster: A minimal model for decoding of time-limited Ca2+ oscillations. Biophys. Chem. 120 (2006) 161-167
↑B. Knoke, C. Bodenstein, M. Marhl, M. Perc, S. Schuster: Jensen's Inequality as a tool for explaining the effect of oscillations on the average cytosolic calcium concentration. Theory Biosci. 129 (2010) 25–38
↑C. Bodenstein, I. Heiland and S. Schuster: Calculating activation energies for temperature compensation in circadian rhythms. Phys. Biol. 8 (2011) 056007