Shafarevich–Weil theorem, Shafarevich's theorem on solvable Galois groups, Grothendieck–Ogg–Shafarevich formula, grupo de Tate–Shafarevich, Néron–Ogg–Shafarevich criterion, Golod–Shafarevich theorem, Социализм как явление мировой истории, From Under the Rubble
Shafarevich, Igor (1975), "Socialism in Our Past and Future.” In From under the Rubble, with Solzhenitsyn, Alexander; Agursky, Mikhail; Barabanov, Evgeny; Borisov, Vadim; Korsakov, F. Collins: Harvill Press [Regnery Pub. 1989].
Shafarevich, Igor (2015), Collected mathematical papers, Reprint of the 1989 edition, Springer Collect. Works Math., Springer, Heidelberg, x+769 pp.
Leitura adicional
Brun‐Zejmis, Julia (1996), "Who are the 'Enemies of Russia'? The Question of Russophobia in the Samizdat Debate before Glasnost’," Nationalities Papers: The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity, Vol. 24, Issue 2.
Dunlop, John B. (1994), "The ‘Sad Case’ of Igor Shafarevich," East European Jewish Affairs, Vol. 24, Issue 1.
Moran, Gordon (1998), Silencing Scientists and Scholars in Other Fields, Greenwood Publishing Group.
De Boer, S. P.; Driessen, Evert; Verhaar, Hendrik (1982). «Šafarevič, Igor' Rostislavoč». Biographical dictionary of dissidents in the Soviet Union: 1956–1975. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. pp. 488–489. ISBN9024725380