European Union
- Agriculture & Rural Development
- Climate Action
- Competition
- Consumer Protection
- Development
- Digital Agenda
- Economic and Monetary Affairs
- Education, Culture, Multilingualism & Youth
- Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion
- Energy
- Enlargement & European Neighbourhood Policy
- Environment
- Financial Programming & the Budget
- Foreign Affairs & Security Policy
- Health & Consumer Policy
- Home Affairs
- Industry & Entrepreneurship
- Inter-Institutional Relations & Administration
- Internal Market & Services
- International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid & Crisis Response
- Justice, Fundamental Rights & Citizenship
- Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
- Regional Policy
- Research, Innovation & Science
- Taxation, Customs, Statistics, Audit & Anti-Fraud
- Trade
- Transport
UK Government Departments
- Attorney General's Office
- Attorney General
- Solicitor General
- Cabinet Office
- Prime Minister/Civil Service Minister
- Deputy Prime Minister
- Cabinet Office Minister
- Civil Society
- Cities & Constitution
- Government Policy
- Department for Business, Innovation & Skills
- Business Secretary
- Employment Relations & Consumer Affairs
- Intellectual Property
- Skills & Enterprise
- Trade & Investment
- Universities & Science
- Department for Communities & Local Government
- Communities Secretary
- European Regional Development Fund
- Faith & Communities
- Fire
- Housing
- Localism
- Planning
- Department for Culture, Media & Sport
- Culture Secretary
- Culture, Communications & the Creative Industries
- Sport & Tourism
- Women & Equalities
- Department for Education
- Education Secretary
- Children & Families
- Education & Childcare
- the Education Funding Agency
- Schools
- Department of Energy & Climate Change
- Energy Secretary
- Climate Change
- Energy
- Efficiency & Nuclear Energy
- Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs
- Environment Secretary
- Farming, Food & Marine Environment
- Natural Environment & Environmental Science
- Water, Forestry, Rural Affairs & Resource Management
- Department of Health
- Health Secretary
- Care & Support
- Public Health
- Quality
- Department for International Development
- International Development Secretary
- Asia, Middle East & Africa
- World Health Organisation
- Department for Transport
- Transport Secretary
- Aviation & Roads
- Rail Strategy & Maritime
- Regional & Local Transport
- Department for Work & Pensions
- Work & Pensions Secretary
- Disabled People
- Employment
- Pensions
- Welfare Reform
- Foreign & Commonwealth Office
- Foreign Secretary
- Africa
- Asia-Pacific & South America
- Europe
- North America & Middle East
- United Nations
- Home Office
- Home Secretary
- Crime Prevention
- Criminal Information
- Modern Slavery & Organised Crime
- Policing
- Security & Immigration
- Ministry of Defence
- Defence Secretary
- Armed Forces
- Defence Equipment, Support & Technology
- Defence Personnel, Welfare & Veterans
- International Security Strategy
- Ministry of Justice
- Justice Secretary
- Civil Law
- Civil Liberties
- Courts & Legal Aid
- Prisons & Rehabilitation
- Northern Ireland Office
- Northen Ireland Secretary
- Rights & Equalities
- Office of the Leader of the House of Commons
- Commons Leader
- Deputy Leader
- Office of the Leader of the House of Lords
- Lords Leader
- Deputy Leader
- Scotland Office
- Scottish Secretary
- Scottish Stakeholders
- Treasury
- Chancellor
- Chief Secretary
- Commercial Secretary
- Economic Secretary
- Exchequer Secretary
- Financial Secretary/City Minister
- Wales Office
- Welsh Secretary
- Regional Development
- Welsh Stakeholders
UK Devolved Government
Northern Ireland
Agriculture & Rural Development
Culture & External Affairs
Economy & Energy
Culture, Arts & Leisure
Education & Lifelong Learning
Finance, Employment & Sustainable Growth
Environment, Housing & Regeneration
Employment & Learning
Health & Wellbeing
Europe, Local Government, Communities & Transport
Enterprise, Trade & Investment
Infrastructure, Investment & Cities
Finance & Constitution
Finanace & Personnel
Rural Affairs & Environment
Heritage, Welsh language & Sport
Health, Social Services & Public Safety
Sport, Equalities & Pensioners' Rights
Rural Affairs, Fisheries & Food
Training, Youth & Women’s Employment
Social services & Children
Regional Development
Social Development
Esta é uma página de desambiguação que lista os artigos que podem ser associados a um ou vários títulos. Se uma ligação interna o conduziu até aqui, sugerimos que a corrija para apontá-la diretamente ao artigo adequado.
Government (governo, em português) pode ser: