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Salah satu hipermarket di Jalan Sultan Iskandar Muda, Lotte Mart Gandaria City. Jalan Sultan Iskandar Muda atau biasa disebut Jalan Arteri Pondok Indah adalah nama salah satu jalan besar di Jakarta. Jalan ini terletak di kawasan Arteri Pondok Indah. Nama jalan ini diambil dari nama seorang Pahlawan nasional yaitu Sultan Iskandar Muda. Jalan ini sepanjang 2,9 km dari persimpangan Jalan Metro Pondok Indah dan Jalan Kartika Utama sampai persimpangan Pasar Kebayoran Lama dan Velbak. Jalan in...

العلاقات البنينية الفرنسية بنين فرنسا بنين فرنسا تعديل مصدري - تعديل العلاقات البنينية الفرنسية هي العلاقات الثنائية التي تجمع بين بنين وفرنسا.[1][2][3][4][5] مقارنة بين البلدين هذه مقارنة عامة ومرجعية للدولتين: وجه المقارنة بنين فرنسا المس

Церква Святої Покрови Церква Святої Покрови 50°42′29″ пн. ш. 26°05′57″ сх. д. / 50.70805° пн. ш. 26.09922° сх. д. / 50.70805; 26.09922Координати: 50°42′29″ пн. ш. 26°05′57″ сх. д. / 50.70805° пн. ш. 26.09922° сх. д. / 50.70805; 26.09922Тип споруди христия...

Shannyn SossamonSossamon di Festival Film Milan 2013.LahirShannon Marie Kahololani Sossamon03 Oktober 1978 (umur 45)Honolulu, Hawaii, ASTempat tinggalLos Angeles, California, ASPekerjaanPemeran, sutradaraTahun aktif1997–sekarangAnak2 Shannon Marie Kahololani Sossamon, lebih dikenal sebagai Shannyn Sossamon (lahir 3 Oktober 1978), adalah seorang pemeran, sutradara dan musisi asal Amerika Serikat. Ia tampil dalam film-film A Knight's Tale (2001), 40 Days and 40 Nights, The Rules of ...

Flag of the Bosnian entity of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina There is currently no official flag for the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The federation is part of the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The federation adopted its own flag in 1996, but the flag and associated coat of arms were deemed unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2007 and now it is considered to be a de facto flag. The federation has not yet adopted a new flag, anthem or...

Canadian online video game and software development company Hyper Hippo Entertainment Ltd.TypePrivateIndustryVideo gamesFounded2012FoundersLance PriebePascale AudetteHeadquarters1650 Bertram StreetKelowna, British ColumbiaV1Y 2G4Key peopleLance Priebe(CEO & CCO)ProductsAdVenture CapitalistAdVenture CommunistAdVenture AgesVacation TycoonWild WarfareLeviathans OnlineNumber of Hyper Hippo Entertainment is a Canadian online video game and software development...

Пабло Бенгоечеа Особисті дані Повне ім'я Пабло Хав'єр Бенгоечеа Дутра Народження 27 червня 1965(1965-06-27) (58 років) Ривера, Уругвай Зріст 174 см Вага 75 кг Громадянство Уругвай Позиція півзахисник Професіональні клуби* Роки Клуб І (г) 1985–1987 «Монтевідео Вондерерс» 46 (15) 1...

Lawn bowls at the 1982 Commonwealth GamesVenueBrisbaneDates30 September – 09 October 1982← 19781986 → The lawn bowls competition at the 1982 Commonwealth Games took place in Brisbane, Australia from 30 September until 9 October 1982 at the Moorooka Bowls Club.[1] Willie Wood won the singles and Scotland doubled up in the pairs. Australia won the fours and Zimbabwe won the women's triples.[2] Medal table * Host nation (A...

Operasi Camar MaleoSantoso, kepala kelompok teroris di PosoTanggal2015LokasiKabupaten Poso, IndonesiaHasil Digantikan oleh Operasi TinombalaPihak terlibat Indonesia Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia (Polri) Mujahidin Indonesia TimurTokoh dan pemimpin Joko Widodo Moeldoko Gatot Nurmantyo Badrodin Haiti Santoso Operasi Camar Maleo adalah operasi yang dilancarkan oleh Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) dan Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia (Polri) pada awal t...

Overview of the various four-wheel drive systems Jeep uses on their vehicles This article is about Jeep Four-Wheel drive systems by tradename. For the article on AMC and Jeep transfer cases, see AMC and Jeep transmissions § Transfer cases. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Jeep four-wheel-drive systems – news...

Індіана Джонс і останній хрестовий похід (саундтрек) Саундтрек-альбомКомпозитор Джона ВільямсаВиконавець Джон ВільямсДата випуску 23 травня 1989Жанр саундтрекТривалість 51:15Лейбл Warner Music GroupПродюсер Джон ВільямсПрофесійні огляди * Allmusic [1] Filmtracks [2] Хронологія Джон ...

Oliver E. WilliamsonOliver Eaton Williamson (2009)Kebangsaan Amerika SerikatInstitusiUniversity of California, BerkeleyBidangEkonomi mikroMazhabEkonomiAlma materStanfordMITCarnegie Mellon UniversityDipengaruhiRonald CoaseHerbert SimonRichard CyertIan Roderick MacneilPenghargaanPenghargaan Nobel dalam Ekonomi (2009) Oliver E. Williamson (lahir 27 September 1932) adalah seorang ahli ekonomi dari University of California, Berkeley, Amerika Serikat yang diumumkan sebagai penerima Pengha...

Shiva Kirti SinghHakim Mahkamah Agung IndiaMasa jabatan19-09-2013–11-11-2016 Informasi pribadiKebangsaanIndiaProfesiHakimSunting kotak info • L • B Shiva Kirti Singh adalah hakim Mahkamah Agung India. Ia mulai menjabat sebagai hakim di mahkamah tersebut pada 19-09-2013. Masa baktinya sebagai hakim berakhir pada 11-11-2016.[1] Referensi ^ Daftar Hakim di Mahkamah Agung India. Mahkamah Agung India. Diakses tanggal 10 Juni 2021. Artikel bertopik biografi India ini a...

Jupiter moon Io volcanic activity (12/14/2022/left and 03/01/2023) This is a list of named volcanic surface features on Jupiter's moon Io. These names have been approved for use by the International Astronomical Union. The features listed below represent a subset of the total known volcanic features on Io's surface with the majority currently not having an officially approved name. The names of volcanic features on Io use a combination of a name derived from mythological figures from around t...

Scottish clan Clan MacEwenMacEòghainn (Son of Ewen)MottoReviresco (I grow strong again)ProfileDistrictCowal, Galloway, Lennox and PerthshireClan MacEwen no longer has a chief, and is an armigerous clanLast ChiefSwene MacEwen[1]Died1493 Clan MacEwen or Clan MacEwan is a Scottish clan recorded in the fifteenth century as Clan Ewen of Otter. Historically, there have been several different MacEwen clans and septs, with some distinct, and some interrelated, origins for the modern surname....

Entertainer, producer, author (1903–1988) Ken MurrayMurray in 1952BornKenneth Abner Doncourt(1903-07-14)July 14, 1903New York City, New York, U.S.DiedOctober 12, 1988(1988-10-12) (aged 85)Burbank, California, U.S.Occupation(s)Entertainer, authorYears active1929–1983Spouse(s)Charlotte LaRose (m. 1923; div. 1926) Cleatus Caldwell (m. 1941; div. 1946) Betty Lou Walters (m. 1948)Children4 Ken ...

2014 And 2018 The cause for the canonization of Pope Paul VI, who died in 1978, commenced in 1993 and he was canonized on 14 October 2018. After having been proclaimed a Servant of God and declared Venerable, he was beatified on 19 October 2014, after the recognition of a miracle had been attributed to his intercession, and declared a saint by Pope Francis on 14 October 2018. The postulator for this cause was Antonio Marrazzo while the vice-postulator was Antonio Lanzoni. SaintPaul VIStatue o...

Geological landmarks in New Zealand The Manukau Harbour Heads in 1960. The South Head Viewed from above Burnett Head. The Manukau Heads is the name given to the two promontories that form the entrance to the Manukau Harbour – one of the two harbours of Auckland in New Zealand. The southern head, at the northern tip of Āwhitu Peninsula, is simply termed The South Head, whereas the northern head is named Burnett Head (the term North Head is used to indicate a promontory in the nearby Waitema...

Questa voce o sezione sull'argomento battaglie non cita le fonti necessarie o quelle presenti sono insufficienti. Puoi migliorare questa voce aggiungendo citazioni da fonti attendibili secondo le linee guida sull'uso delle fonti. Segui i suggerimenti del progetto di riferimento. Battaglia di TricameronIl territorio dei Vandali qualche tempo prima della battagliaData15 dicembre 533 LuogoNord Africa EsitoVittoria romana SchieramentiImpero romano d'OrienteVandali ComandantiBelisarioGelimero...

Railway station in Yuasa, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan Yuasa Station湯浅駅JR-West commuter rail stationYuasa Station in 2020General informationLocation1100 Yuasa, Yuasa-cho, Arida-gun, Wakayama-ken 643-0004JapanCoordinates34°01′56″N 135°10′49″E / 34.0321°N 135.1802°E / 34.0321; 135.1802Owned by West Japan Railway CompanyOperated by West Japan Railway CompanyLine(s) W Kisei Main Line (Kinokuni Line)Distance343.9 km (213.7 mi) from Kamey...