Program Studi: Profesi Insinyur
Status Prodi | : | Aktif |
Perguruan Tinggi | : | Profesi Insinyur |
Kode Program Studi | : | 23902 |
Nama Program Studi | : | Profesi Insinyur |
Jenjang | : | Profesi |
Tanggal Berdiri | : | 11 Januari 2017 |
SK Penyelenggaraan | : | 14/KPT/I/2017 |
Tanggal SK | : | 2017-01-11 |
Rasio Dosen : Mahasiswa | : | |
Gelar Lulusan | : | |
Deskripsi | : | |
Visi | : | the most prestigious and dynamic professional program of engineer in indonesia by creating global accepted professional. |
Misi | : | the mission of professional program of engineer is to contribute to the global community through the provision of world-class education by:1. offering and inviting all professional practitioners to be certified in profession organization and eager to continuously improve professional competencies.2. ensuring the engineers to comply the criteria of professional development in order to maintain their professional competencies.3. enforcing the laws, regulation, and standard that regulate engineering practice, or the use of engineer profession title, in fair and consistent way. |
Kompetensi | : | the objectives of the program are:1. to prepare students with solid technical skills and conceptual knowledge of engineering.2. to prepare students with engineering knowledge to succeed in an engineering career.3. to equip students with information technology knowledge that is in demand by the engineering practice. |
Capaian Pembelajaran | : | |
Alamat | : | |
Kode Pos | : | |
Telepon | : | 0215345830 |
Faximile | : | |
: | | |
Website | : | |
Dosen Program Studi:
# | Pendidikan | Nama Dosen | Gelar | Ikatan Kerja |
1. | S3 | TOTA PIRDO KASIH | Ph.D M.Eng S.T S.T | |
2. | S3 | DAVE MANGINDAAN | Ph.D M.T S.T | |
3. | S2 | R SIGIT WIJAKSONO | Ir | |
5. | S2 | FAIZAL SAFA | M.M. Ir |