Status Prodi |
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Aktif |
Perguruan Tinggi |
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Akuntansi |
Kode Program Studi |
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62101 |
Nama Program Studi |
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Akuntansi |
Jenjang |
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S2 |
Tanggal Berdiri |
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13 September 2016 |
SK Penyelenggaraan |
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358/KPT/I/2016 |
Tanggal SK |
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2016-09-13 |
Rasio Dosen : Mahasiswa |
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Gelar Lulusan |
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Deskripsi |
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Visi |
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to implement a globally recognized and innovative master of accounting program by delivering information technology (it)-based curriculum that meets the requirements of the global accounting profession. |
Misi |
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the mission is to provide a high quality of master of accounting program through learning activities, research and community service by:
1. developing global accounting professions-oriented and it-based curriculum;2. preparing students for career opportunities through focusing on managerial responsibilities in international affiliated accounting firms, industry and government sectors;3. enabling students to develop accounting knowledge and technology and implement it in the accounting profession by conducting internationally recognized research activities;4. encouraging contribution to the local and global communities, accounting professions and accounting education through the provision of graduates with leadership as well as accounting and it skills. |
Kompetensi |
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the objectives of the program are:
1. to fulfil global accounting profession needs by providing innovative and international standard study program through developing accounting professions-oriented and it based curriculum;2. to provide career opportunities for graduates in managerial level at respected and multinational companies;3. to improve research skills of graduates by encouraging them to publish their research results in international journals and/or conferences;4. to contribute to the society by providing graduates with leadership as well as accounting and it skills. |
Capaian Pembelajaran |
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Alamat |
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Kode Pos |
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Telepon |
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0215345830 |
Faximile |
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Email |
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Website |
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