To a Friend, Requesting Me to Write a Poem on a Great Victory – wiersz irlandzkiego poety i dramaturga Aubrey de Vere’a[1] (1788–1846), ojca Aubreya Thomasa de Vere’a[2], opublikowany w 1823 w tomiku The Duke of Mercia: an Historical Drama. The Lamentation of Ireland, and Other Poems. Utwór składa się z strof czterowersowych.
- Another time – not now – not now —
- That task of pride is not for me,
- To wreath around the hero's brow
- The trophies of bright poesy.
- The echoes of the antique lyre
- Have died along my feeble string,
- My lips have lost the poet's fire —
- Alas! I have not heart to sing.