A Man of Destiny: Being the Story of Abraham Lincoln; an Epic Poem
A Man of Destiny: Being the Story of Abraham Lincoln; an Epic Poem – poemat Ernesta Linwooda Staplesa poświęcony szesnastemu amerykańskiemu prezydentowi Abrahamowi Lincolnowi[1]. Utwór został opublikowany nakładem Lincoln Publishing Company w Shelton w stanie Connecticut w 1904. Epos ma charakter biograficzny. Został napisany wierszem białym (blank verse)[2][3].
I sing the worth and fame of him we love, The foremost of Columbia's noble sons ; His lowly birth to penury and toil, His life sublime, the Nation's heritage. His tragic death and solemn destiny.
Forth from Virginia, long ago, there passed One Abraham, a sturdy pioneer. Through forests dark, o'er streams unbridged and deep, To the Kentucky glebe, whereon he built His cabin in the solemn, sombre shade.