General Synod, fullt navn Evangelical Lutheran General Synod of the United States of North America, var et luthersk kirkesamfunn i USA som ble grunnlagt i 1820 da delstatlige synoder bestemte seg for å danne en nasjonal sammenslutning. Tidlig var det en mistro fra konservative lutherske grupperinger, som mente at General Synod var for liberal og økumenisk innrettet, eller ville bli fort hierarkisk.
I 1867 utbrøt noen synoder fra General Synod og dannet General Council, som sod for en mer konservativ tolkning av lutherdommen. Fremfor alt mente man at General Council var for økumenisk innrettet overfor de reformerte kirker.
I 1918 ble General Council og General Synod gjenforent i United Lutheran Church in America.
- Armentrout, Donald S. «Lutheran Church». I Hill, Samuel S.; Lippy, Charles H.; Wilson, Charles Reagan. Encyclopedia of Religion in the South (2nd utg.). Mercer University Press. s. 472–474. ISBN 9780865547582.
- Balmer, Randall Herbert. «Schmucker, Samuel S(imon) (1799-1873)». Encyclopedia of Evangelicalism (revised and expanded utg.). Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press. s. 605–606. ISBN 9781932792041.
- Bente, Friedrich (1919). The United Lutheran Church (General Synod, General Council, United Synod in the South). American Lutheranism. 2. St. Louis, Missouri: Concordia Publishing House.
- General Synod (1917). Proceedings of the Forty-Eighth Convention of the General Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the United States of America. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Lutheran Publication Society.
- Lueker, Erwin L.; Poellot, Luther; Jackson, Paul (red.). «General Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the United States of America, The». Christian Cyclopedia. Concordia Publishing House.
- Schmucker, Samuel Simon (1855). Definite Platform, Doctrinal and Disciplinarian, for Evangelical Lutheran District Synods: Constructed in Accordance with the Principles of the General Synod. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Miller and Burlock.