Banik leder Oslo SDG Initiative og den interdisiplinære forskningsgruppen Poverty and Development in the 21st Century (PAD) ved Universitetet i Oslo. Han har forsket i India, Kina, Bangladesh, Malawi, Uganda, Etiopia, Tanzania, Sør-Afrika og Mexico.
Banik har tidligere ledet referansegruppen til Fondet for miljømessig– og sosialt bærekraftig utvikling (TFESSD) i Verdensbanken, og sittet i styret til Kronprinsparets humanitære fond.
Banik skriver en fast ukentlig spalte med tittel "In Pursuit of Development" for The Nation i Malawi.
Poverty, Politics and Development: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Bergen: Fagbokforlaget (2006)
Utvalgte artikler
"Bypassing Government: Aid Effectiveness and Malawi's Local Development Fund" (with Michael Chasukwa), Politics and Governance 7(2): 103–116 (2019) (Open access)
"Profits and Morals: The Business Journey from CSR to the SDGs in China" (with Ka Lin), Business and Politics (forthcoming 2019)
"The Politics of Hunger: Food Policy in Malawi" (with Michael Chasukwa), Food Ethics (forthcoming 2019)
"Institutional Bypass and Aid Effectiveness in Africa" (with Michael Chasukwa), WIDER working paper series March 2019, United Nations University, UNU-WIDER (2019). (Open access)
"Coordinating Chinese Aid in a Globalized World", research article, Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy (2019) (Open accessArkivert 20. september 2019 hos Wayback Machine.)
"The 2030 Agenda and the SDGs: Integrating Development and Environment in Practice", The Calcutta Journal of Political Studies (2019)
"Global Goals and the National Interest: Political Enthusiasm for Sustainable Development in China", in Sanjeev Chaddha (ed.), UN's Sustainable Development Goals: Panacea for Inclusive Development, New Delhi: Deep and Deep Publishers (forthcoming 2019).
"Taking Stock of the SDGs", in Deepak Dwivedi and Pooran Pandey (eds.), Leaving No One Behind: SDGs and South-South Cooperation, New Delhi: NITI AYOG/ Crossbill (2018)
"The Legal Empowerment of the Poor", i Christopher May, Adam Winchester & Gill Gardner (reds.), The Edward Elgar Handbook on the Rule of Law (planlagt 2017)
"New Business: The Private Sector as a New Global Development Player" (with Jason Miklian), Global Policy Journal (2017) (Open access)
"The Digital Classroom: Innovation, Dissemination and Democratization of Knowledge", in Susanne Koch (ed.), Norwegian Agency for Digital Learning in Higher Education (forthcoming 2017)
"An Exogenous Path of Development: Explaining the Rise of Corporate Social Responsibility in China" (with Ka Lin and Longfei Yi), International Journal of Social Quality (2016)
"The Hungry Nation: Food Policy and Food Politics in India", Food Ethics, 1-29 (2016)
"The Impact of Emerging Donors on Development and Poverty Reduction" (with Michael Chasukwa), chap. 9 in D. Banik & B. Chinsinga (eds.), Political Transition and Inclusive Development in Malawi: The Democratic Dividend, New York: Routledge (2016)
"The State of Food Security: From Availability, Access and Rights to Food Systems Approaches" (with Ola T. Westengen), Forum for Development Studies (2016).
"Difference or Indifference: China's Development Assistance Unpacked" (with Li Xiaoyun, Tang Lixia and Wu Jin, IDS Bulletin, 45(4): 22-35. (2014)
"Fieldwork amidst Poverty and Deprivation: Ethical Dilemmas and Policy Impact", Indian Anthropologist 44: 53-68. (2014)
"Walking the Talk: Rights, Justice and the Fight Against Poverty" in Patrick Keyzer, Vesselin Popovski and Charles Sampford (ed.), Access to International Justice, London: Routledge (2014).
"The Global Citizen and the Immorality of Poverty" in Aksel Braanen Sterri (ed.), Global Citizen: Challenges and Responsibilities in an Interconnected World, Rotterdam: Sense Publishers (2014).
"The Pursuit of Inclusive Development in China: From Developmental to Rights-Based Social Protection" (with Li Xiaoyun), Indian Journal of Human Development, 7(1): 205-221. (2013)
"China and Poverty Reduction in Africa", in Guanghua Yu (ed.), Rethinking Law and Development: The Chinese Experience, London: Routledge (2013).
"Growth and Hunger in India", in Francis Fukuyama, Larry Diamond and Marc F. Plattner (eds.), Poverty, Inequality and Democracy, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. (2012)
"Human Rights for Human Development: The Rhetoric and the Reality", Nordic Journal of Human Rights, 30(1) (2012).
"Growth and Hunger in India", Journal of Democracy, 22 (3): 90-104. (2011)
"Governing an Asian Giant: Judicial Activism on Hunger in India”, Journal of Asian Public Policy, 3(3), 2010
“Support for Human Rights-Based Development: Reflections on the Malawian Experience”, The International Journal of Human Rights, 14(1), 2010.
“Governing the Asian Giants: Development Policy in China and India” (with B. A. Andreassen), Journal of Asian Public Policy, 3(3), 2010.
“Human Rights and Extreme Poverty: African Perspectives” (with B. A. Andreassen), The International Journal of Human Rights, 14(1), 2010.
“Legal Empowerment as a Conceptual and Operational Tool in Fighting Poverty”, Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, 1 (1): 117-131, 2009.
“The Potential of ‘Legal Empowerment’ in Eradicating Poverty”, Rights and Development Bulletin, 13(1), 2009.